Obama-san! President's book of speeches is a huge hit in Japan.
The southern California portion of the coastline is a major transform fault, commonly known as the San Andreas Fault.
That might explain why the last three major earthquakes occurred not at San Andreas faults, where it would seem natural to expect them, but in both adjacent fault groups.
Haven't you heard? said Belinda. Joan's ill! She'd got a high temperature, and she's in bed in the San..
Could you put a period at the end of your sentence, please?
- Sana ait cümlenin sonuna bir nokta ekleyebilir misin, lütfen?
The guy in white kept on looking at you. I think he likes you.
- Beyazlı adam sana bakmaya devam etti. Bence senden hoşlanıyor.
On June 11, 1948, a V-2 Blossom launched into space from White Sands, New Mexico carrying Albert I, a rhesus monkey.
- 11 Haziran 1948 tarihinde, bir al yanaklı maymun, Albert I'i taşıyan bir V-2 Blossom , New Mexico'da White Sands'den uzaya fırlatıldı.
... Here's a post about the San Francisco ...
... stroll through San Francisco. ...