sale contract

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sale contract teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

contract of sale
satış sözleşmesi
preliminary contract for sale
(Ticaret) satış vaadi sözleşmesi
İngilizce - İngilizce

sale contract teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

contract of sale
A contract that involves an exchange of goods, services or property to be exchanged from seller (or vendor) to buyer (or purchaser) for an agreed upon value in money (or money equivalent) paid or the promise to pay same
contract of sale
A contract stating terms and conditions, between buyer and seller of a property, to transfer ownership
contract of sale
Also known as Agreement of Purchase and Sale, Offer to Purchase, Contract of Purchase The written agreement between the Vendor and Purchaser for the sale of property which contains all of the terms, conditions and financial details of the transaction
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions of a sale
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and seller of real property to convey title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made
contract of sale
A written agreement by which a buyer agrees to purchase and a seller agrees to sell according to terms set forth in that agreement
contract of sale
Depending on the area of country, it may be a Land Sale Contract or a Purchase Agreement
contract of sale
An agreement in writing setting out the terms and conditions of the sale of the property
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made See also "Sales Contract"
contract of sale
Written contract signed by both parties in which the seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy under certain specific terms and conditions
contract of sale
An agreement by one person to buy and another person to sell a specified parcel of land at a specified price
contract of sale
- (A/K/A Purchase & Sales Agreement) - a written agreement between buyer and seller to purchase/sell real property, fully signed by all parties
contract of sale
agreement by one person to buy and another to sell a specified parcel of land at a specified price
contract of sale
Same as the Agreement of Sale
contract of sale
A purchase transaction in which the buyer receives possession of the property, but the seller retains title
contract of sale
A contract for the purchase and sale of real property in which the buyer agrees to purchase for a certain price and the seller agrees to convey title by way of a deed or an assignment of lease (for leasehold property) In addition to binding the parties to the purchase and sale of the property during the period of time required to close the transaction, the contract frequently serves as the initial directions to the closing agent or escrow company to process the mechanics of the transaction In essence, the contract of sale is an executory contract to convey property, serving as the vehicle to get to the deed, which finally conveys title; it is the blueprint for the entire transaction Some of the many names for this contract are sales contract, purchase agreement, deposit receipt, offer and acceptance, agreement of sale, offer to lease or purchase and sale agreement
contract of sale
A contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions have been met and payments have been made
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms and conditions of a sale
contract of sale
An agreement entered into for the sale and purchase of real property
contract of sale
The agreement between the buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions necessary to both parties to convey the title to the buyer
contract of sale
The agreement between buyer and seller on the purchase price, terms, and conditions of a sale enabling both parties to transfer the title of ownership from the seller to the buyer
contract of sale
Same as Agreement of Sale
contract of sale
a contract between a purchaser and a seller of real property to convey a title after certain conditions
contract of sale
Depending on area of country it may be a Land Contract or a Purchase Agreement
sale contract


    sale con·tract

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