sınırlamalı teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
- restricted
- one of the classifications of the secrecy of an official document
- limited within bounds
- Simple past tense and past participle of restrict
- A classification indicating terrain that hinders movement Little effort is needed to enhance mobility through restricted terrain but units may have difficulty maintaining preferred speeds, moving in combat formations, or transitioning from one formation to another A force can generally use administrative or march formations through restricted terrain with only minimal delay
- A condition within the letter of credit which restricts its negotiation to a named bank
- Placed on a list that dictates that the trader may not maintain positions, solicit business, or provide indications in a stock, but may serve as broker in agency trades after being properly cleared Traders are so restricted due to investment bank involvement with the company on nonpublic activity (i e , mergers and acquisitions defense), affiliate ownership, or underwriting activities; signified on the Quotron by a flashing "R " A restricted list and the stocks on it should never be conveyed to anyone outside of the trading areas, much less outside the firm See: Grey list
- A keyway and corresponding key blank whose sale or distribution is limited by the lock manufacturer in order to reduce unauthorized key duplication
- {s} limited, constrained, confined
- A learning/teaching system whereby the course developer or the instructor controls the pace at which the learner has to work
- the lowest level of official classification for documents restricted in meaning; as e
- subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance"
- Used in the context of general equities Placement on a list which dictates that the trader may not maintain positions, solicit business, or provide indications in a stock, but may serve as broker in agency trades after being properly cleared Placement on a restricted list is due to Investment bank involvement with the company on non-public activity (i e , mergers and acquisitions defense), affiliate ownership, or underwriting activities; signified on the Quotron by a flashing "R " A restricted list and the stocks on it should never be conveyed to anyone outside of the trading areas, much less outside of the firm See: grey list
- available only to certain authorized groups of people
- A restricted area is one that only people with special permission can enter. a highly restricted area close to the old Khodinka airfield
- `man' in `a tall man' subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance
- Areas and trails on which motorized vehicle use is restricted by times or specified in orders issued under the authority of 36 CFR 261 or by law
- Something that is restricted is quite small or limited. the monotony of a heavily restricted diet
- qualified
- sınırla
- restrict
Restrictive practices can be damaging for industries.
- Sınırlayıcı uygulamalar sanayiler için zararlı olabilir.
Please restrict your orders to what is in our catalog.
- Kataloğumuzda bulunanlara göre lütfen siparişlerinizi sınırlayın.
- sınırla
- delimit
- sınırla
- {f} border
Mexico is bordered on the north by the United States.
- Meksika kuzeyde Abd tarafından sınırlanmıştır.
Exporting is a commercial activity which transcends borders.
- İhracaat sınırları aşan ticari bir etkinliktir.
- sınırla
- (Bilgisayar) limit to
- sınırla
- (Bilgisayar) limited to
- sınırla
- localise
- sınırla
- circumscribe
- sınırla
- {f} localized
The firemen localized the fire.
- İtfaiyeciler yangını sınırladılar.
- sınırla
- {f} bordering
- sınırla
- {f} delimited
- girdi sınırlamalı
- input limited
- girdi/çıktı sınırlamalı
- input/output limited
- işlemci sınırlamalı
- processor limited
- sınırla
- circumscribed
- sınırla
- {f} limit
Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits.
- Tom aslında Boston şehri sınırları içinde yaşamıyor.
Tom likes to push the limits.
- Tom sınırları zorlamayı sever.
- sınırla
- limited
Our freedoms are being limited.
- Özgürlüklerimiz sınırlanıyor.
Those children have limited verbal skills.
- Şu çocuklar sözlü becerilerini sınırladı.
- sınırla
- limiting
Renewable energy is essential for limiting the increase of the global temperature.
- Yenilenebilir enerji, küresel sıcaklık artışını sınırlamak için gereklidir.
- sınırla
- restricted
Entrance is restricted to those above 18.
- Giriş 18 yaş üstü olanlara sınırlandırılmıştır.
Freedom of speech was tightly restricted.
- İfade özgürlüğü ciddi şekilde sınırlandı.
- çıktı sınırlamalı
- output limited