
listen to the pronunciation of rubber
İngilizce - Türkçe

rubber teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>

Araba lastikleri sentetik kauçuktan yapılır. - Tires are made from synthetic rubber.

Lateks, kauçuk ağaçlarından gelen doğal bir maddedir. - Latex is a natural ingredient that comes from rubber trees.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>

Tom lastik eldivenlerini taktı. - Tom put on his rubber gloves.

Tom ve Mary her ikisi de lastik eldiven giyiyorlardı. - Tom and Mary were both wearing rubber gloves.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>

Silgini kısa süreliğine ödünç alabilir miyim? - Can I borrow your rubber for a moment?

Kalemliğimde bir silgim var. - In my pencil case, I have a rubber.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} k.dili. prezervatif
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
(isim) kauçuk, lastik, silgi, prezervatif, ovma bezi, temizlik bezi, masör, tellâk, raspa, perdah taşı, zımpara, sürtünen parça [müh.], hokey diski, beraberlik halinde oynanan el (İsk.), üç elden ikisini kazanma
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
lastikten yapılmış
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
lastik silgi
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
lastik kauçuk
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
üç oyundan ikisini kazanma
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
berabere kalınca kazananı belirlemek için oynanan oyun
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
lastik ayakkabı
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
a <span class="word-self">rubberspan>
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} prezervatif

Üzgünüm, bir prezervatif olmadan onu yapmayacağım. - Sorry, I won't do it without a rubber.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} perdah taşı
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} ovma bezi
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} sürtünen parça [müh.]
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
berabere kalınca kazananı belirlemek için oy
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} temizlik bezi
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>

Senin şekerli çöreklerinin kauçuk kıvamına sahip olduğunu söylediğim için üzgünüm. - I'm sorry to say that your madeleines have the consistency of rubber.

Sentetik kauçuğa allerjim var. - I'm allergic to synthetic rubber.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} tellâk
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} üç elden ikisini kazanma
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} merakla bakınmak
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} beraberlik halinde oynanan el (İsk.)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} masör
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} geziye katılmak
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} İng. silgi
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} tura katılmak
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} raspa
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} (yağmurlu havalarda ayakkabı üzerine giyilen) lastik
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} lastik kaplamak
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} hokey diski
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
bir tarafın üç oyundan ikisini kazandığı parti
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} su geçirmez yapmak
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
berabere kalınca kazananı tayin için oynanılan oyun
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} zımpara
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
beraberlik halinde oynanan el
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
sürtünen parça
{i} jimnastik ayakkabısı [brit.]
{i} spor ayakkabısı [brit.]
{i} galoş
{i} galoğ
{i} lastik ayakkabı
spor ayakkabısı
jimnastik ayakkabısı
İngilizce - İngilizce

rubber teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Synthetic materials with the same properties as natural rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Tires, particularly racing tires

Jones enters the pits to get new rubber.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The rectangular pad on the pitcher's mound from which the pitcher must pitch

Jones toes the rubber and then fires to the plate.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A series of games, contests - in Davis cup tennis, cards
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Not covered by funds on account
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A condom
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Water resistant shoe covers, galoshes, overshoes

Johnny, don't forget your rubbers today.

<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A game or match played to break a tie
plural form of rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{n} one who rubs, a cloth to rub with
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Two games Whichever team makes the rubber first gets an over the line bonus of 700 points if the opposing side has no games, or 500 points if the opposing side has one game
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
An overshoe made of India rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
(00/02/19) rubberneck rubberneck bus (sightseeing bus) rubber check - The check bounced The company got into trouble when they paid their bills with rubber checks Rubber meets the road (rubber = tire) The president cncouraged his employees to go out of the office and sweat where rubber meets the road (job site) (Reference : 00/02/13 Monday Nikkei s47)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
This product was introduced to doll-making from the mid 1800's to the early 1900's The main benefit was their durability although they were subject to deterioration with age
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A coarse file, or the rough part of a file
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
One who, or that which, rubs
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
contraceptive device consisting of a thin rubber or latex sheath worn over the penis during intercourse
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The rectangular rubber plate, 6 by 24 inches, on top of the pitcher's mound, exactly 60 feet 6 inches from home plate (in Major League Baseball) The pitcher must have one foot in contact with the rubber during the delivery of a pitch Also called the pitcher's plate
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A series of an odd number of games or matches of which a majority must be won (thus precluding a tie)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A general term used to describe wire insulation made of thermosetting elastomers such as natural or synthetic rubbers, neoprene, Hypalon, butyl rubber and others S Designated for heavy duty, rubber insulated portable cord Stranded copper conductors with separator and individual rubber insulation Two or more color coded conductors cabled with filler, wrapped with separator and rubber jacketed overall, 600V
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Macromolecular material which has, or can be given, properties of: (a) returning rapidly (at room temperature) to the approximate shape from which it has been substantially distorted by a weak stress, and (b) not being easily remolded to a permanent shape by the application of heat and moderate pressure
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The rectangular pad on the pitchers mound from which the pitcher must pitch
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Something that chafes or annoys; hence, something that grates on the feelings; a sarcasm; a rub
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
An eraser, usually made of caoutchouc
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The racket covering Sometimes refers only to the rubber on top of a sponge base
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Rubber is a strong, waterproof, elastic substance made from the juice of a tropical tree or produced chemically. It is used for making tyres, boots, and other products. the smell of burning rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{s} made from rubber, composed of elastic material, made from caoutchouc
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} caoutchouc, elastic material derived from of some tropical plants; synthetic material resembling caoutchouc; eraser; instrument for rubbing or scraping; series of card games; decisive game in a series of card games; condom (Slang)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
In some games, as whist, the odd game, as the third or the fifth, when there is a tie between the players; as, to play the rubber; also, a contest determined by the winning of two out of three games; as, to play a rubber of whist
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or cleaning
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
India rubber; caoutchouc
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Someone or something which rubs
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
made of rubber and therefore water-repellent; "rubber boots"
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
a polymeric material, which, at room temperature, is capable of recovering substantially in shape and size after removal of force
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
latex from trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) returned for lack of funds; "a rubber check"; "a no-good check" made of rubber and therefore water-repellent; "rubber boots
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{f} coat with rubber, cover with rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
latex from trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
An eraser
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A general term used to describe wire insulations made of thermosetting elastomers, such as natural or synthetic rubbers, neoprene, Hypalon, butyl rubber, and others
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
best two of three games; the traditional unit of play in bridge
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A rubber is a condom. Flexible material that can recover its shape after considerable deformation. The best-known rubber is natural rubber, made from the milky latex of the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Natural rubber is still important industrially, but it now competes with synthetic alternatives (e.g., neoprene, silicone) derived from petroleum, natural gas, and other source materials. Rubber's usefulness is based on the unique elasticity of its constituent polymer molecules (built of thousands of isoprene monomers; see isoprenoid), which are capable of returning to their original coiled shape after being stretched to great extents; it is made more durable by vulcanization with sulfur or another agent that establishes chemical cross-links between the polymers. Fillers and other additives allow tailoring of properties to the desired use (e.g., by foaming, shaping, and curing). More than half of all rubber goes into making tires; the rest is used principally in belts, hoses, gaskets, shoes, clothing, furniture, and toys. rubber plant India rubber plant rubber tree
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree; a hydrocarbon polymer of isoprene
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
a polymeric material which, at room temperature, is capable of recovering substantially in shape and size after removal of a force May be natural or synthetic
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Rubber things are made of rubber. rubber gloves
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
One who performs massage, especially in a Turkish bath
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A general term used to describe wire insulations made of thermosetting elastomers, such as natural or synthetic rubbers, neoprene, hypalon, butyl rubber and others
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
from Uber, a Nietzschean (pejorative)
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The typical sole material for sneakers Provides the best mix of traction and durability Tires use rubber for the same reasons
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A whetstone; a rubstone
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
(aka Spring Rubber): A single rubber disc inserted between the coils of the four springs They can be put in or taken out to adjust the car
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
(wire insulation) A general term used to describe wire insulation's made of thermosetting elastomers, such as natural or synthetic rubbers, neoprene, Hypalon, butyl rubber, & others
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
made of rubber and therefore water-repellent; "rubber boots
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Natural rubber or any synthetic, elastomeric material with physical properties similar to those of natural rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
a rubber overshoe
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
Water resistant shoe covers, galoshes, wellingtons
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
returned for lack of funds; "a rubber check"; "a no-good check"
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
elastic bands
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A rubber is a small piece of rubber or other material that is used to remove mistakes that you have made while writing, drawing, or typing
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
The cushion of an electrical machine
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
latex from trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) returned for lack of funds; "a rubber check"; "a no-good check"
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A term used to describe wire insulation and cable sheath made of thermosetting elastomers
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
A the pitching plate on the mound The pitcher must have one foot connected to the plate while pitching to the batter The rubber is located 60’ 6" (19 5 meters) from home plate
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
two games The partnership that bids and makes the first two games (or whose part scores add up to two games) receives bonus points for winning the rubber
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
<span class="word-self">rubberspan>
{i} caoutchouc
rubber overshoes, galoshes
{i} Wellington boots, gumboots
plural of rubber




    [ 'r&-b&r ] (noun.) 1536. In the sense of an eraser, rub +‎ -er; in the sense of pliable material, derived from the previous sense of eraser; the other senses derived from the pliable material sense.


    ... of tiny, little rubber bands.  So if I had a super-microscope shown here and I could ...
    ... rubber band.  And if I twang it, it turns into a neutrino.  I twang it again, it turns ...