A microphone's capability to reject unwanted sounds coming from off-axis directions Each type of microphone has a particular recording range or pick-up pattern
The directionality of a joint, constraint, or driver is its direction of forward motion
Characteristic of a relationship that specifies whether an inverse link exists that allows the application to find a source object from a destination object The directionality of a relationship can be either unidirectional or bidirectional
A visual skill that we develop to understand directional concepts to organize our visual space Directionality incorporates left, right, up, down, ahead, behind, and any combination thereof, and projecting these directions into space (or our environment around us) Directionality is very important in decoding letters For example, the letters "b," "d," "p," and "q," all look like the same symbol if you do not have any concept of orientation A person must understand these concepts as they relate to themselves before they can apply them to other things SEE: LATERALITY
An awareness of the placement of objects in relation to one's body; i e , above, below, in front of, behind, to the left and to the right
A layman's term to discuss the property of a light source that describes how the light beam spreads as it travels through space