the ease with which a liquid, solid, or gas will ignite, either spontaneously (pyrophoric) or as the result of a spark or open flame The more flammable a material, the more readily ignition occurs
The ability of a substance to ignite, having a flash point under 100 degrees F (37 5 degrees C)
The extent to which a material will support combustion using standardized methods
Relative ability of a material to support combustion as expressed by its flash point
This property describes how fast a plastic material will burn when subjected to a particular ASTM test In this test, a flame is applied to one end of a strip of material When the material starts burning the flame is removed and the time to consume a given amount of material is measured Units - inches per minute (in/min ) Higher numbers indicate that the material will burn faster under conditions of this particular test S E means self extinguishing If a material is classified as S E , the specimen stops burning when the flame is taken away
Term used by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc in their UL recognition program to indicate the potential of a component to ignite or burn Gap size - The distance between the inner edges of two mating surfaces (e g , the distance between door's and cabinet's edges)
The relative burnability of the material in a specified situation Meanings vary according to test methods used (ASTM D1692-61; ASTM E84-61; ASTM E162-60T)