women's earnings are still low in relation to men's

listen to the pronunciation of women's earnings are still low in relation to men's
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык
Das Einkommen von Frauen ist im Verhältnis zu dem der Männer immer noch niedrig
women's earnings are still low in relation to men's

    Расстановка переносов

    women's earn·ings are still low in re·la·tion to men's

    Турецкое произношение

    wîmınz ırnîngz ır stîl lō în rileyşın tı menz


    /ˈwəmənz ˈərnəɴɢz ər ˈstəl ˈlō ən rēˈlāsʜən tə ˈmenz/ /ˈwɪmənz ˈɜrnɪŋz ɜr ˈstɪl ˈloʊ ɪn riːˈleɪʃən tə ˈmɛnz/