water surface

listen to the pronunciation of water surface
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение water surface в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

surface water
(Çevre,Teknik) yerüstü suyu
surface water
yüzey suyu
float on the surface of water
su yüzeyinde yüzen
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение water surface в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

surface water
Water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, sea or ocean, as opposed to groundwater
surface water
Commonly known as water on the surface of the ground usually created by rain or snow, which is of a casual or vagrant character, following no definite course and having no substantial or permanent existence Some insurance policy may include surface water as a covered peril but exclude "flood" when defined as the overflowing of water from its natural boundaries, such as a lake or river
surface water
Water found at the earth's surface, usually in streams or lakes
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc ); also refers to springs, wells, or other collectors which are directly influenced by surface water
surface water
Water located above ground in lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, oceans, etc Surface water is open to the atmosphere and subject to run-off
surface water
Water that flows in streams, rivers, natural lakes, wetlands, and reservoirs
surface water
All lakes, bays, rivers, streams, springs, ponds, impounding reservoirs, wetlands, swamps, marshes, water sources, drainage systems, and other surface waters, natural or artificial, public or private, within the state or under its jurisdiction that are not a part of a treatment system allowed by state law, regulation, or permit
surface water
Water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff; generally, lakes, streams, rivers, reservoirs
surface water
All water open to the atmosphere (e g , rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries) and all springs, wells, or other collectors that are directly influenced by surface water
surface water
Bodies of water that are above ground, such as rivers, lakes, and streams It could also include wetland areas where water may be present intermittently according to the season It can also mean the snow melt or rain which is flowing on the ground surface
surface water
Water that is found on the land surface in free-flowing rivers and streams or stored in lakes, reservoirs and ponds
surface water
The water that rests on top of the earth in streams, lakes, rivers, oceans and reservoirs
surface water
water located above ground (e g , rivers, lakes)
surface water
Water that flows in streams and rivers and in natural lakes, in wetlands, and in reservoirs constructed by humans
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere, concerning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries and wetlands
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc ) and all springs, wells, or other collectors directly influenced by surface water
surface water
The water in lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and oceans
surface water
The water from sources open to the atmosphere, such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc )
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere, including rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs
surface water
Water on the earth's surface exposed to the atmosphere, e g , rivers, lakes, streams, oceans, ponds, reservoirs, etc
surface water
water found on the surface of the ground (rivers, lakes, streams, ponds)
surface water
All bodies of water on the surface of the earth
surface water
water source located above the surface of the ground
surface water
Water that flows on the surface of the ground in streams, creeks, or springs
water surface

    Расстановка переносов

    wa·ter sur·face

    Турецкое произношение

    wôtır sırfıs


    /ˈwôtər ˈsərfəs/ /ˈwɔːtɜr ˈsɜrfəs/