
listen to the pronunciation of visual
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} görsel

Bu çıplak poster, görsel olarak gençlerin ilgisini çekiyor. - This nude poster appeals visually to the young.

Görsel öğrenenler kendi notlarında genellikle görsel temsillerden yardım görürler. - Visual learners are often helped by visual representations in their own notes.

(Askeri) GÖRÜŞ, GÖRMEYE AİT, GÖRME: Görme ile ilgili
visual education görerek eğitim
visual field görüş sahası
visual aid öğretimde görme yoluyle bilgi vermek için kullanılan sinema gibi araç
visual angle görüş açısı
(Tıp) vizüel
görmeye ait
görüşe ait

Kız kardeşim görme engelli çocuklar için bir okulda çalışıyor. - My sister works at a school for visually impaired children.

{i} görsel araç
{i} taslak
{s} görüş

Maalesef görüş alanım daraldı. - I'm afraid my visual field has narrowed.

(Tıp) Görme duyusuna ait, optik, görülebilir, görülmesi mümkün
{s} optik
{i} kroki
görülmesi mümkün
{s} görülebilir
visual acuity
(Aydınlatma) görme keskinliği
visual aids
(Havacılık) görsel yardımcılar
visual aids
(Bilgisayar) görsel yardımlar
visual analog scale
(Tıp) vizüel analog skala
visual angle
açı uzaklığı
visual clarity
(Bilgisayar) görsel netlik
visual cortex
(Tıp) görme korteksi
visual cues
(Bilgisayar) çalışma alanı
visual defect
(Tıp) görme bozukluğu
visual disorder
(Tıp) görme bozukluğu
visual display unit
görsel teşhir birimi
visual effects
(Bilgisayar) görsel etkiler
visual effects
(Bilgisayar) görsel efektler
visual field
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görüş alanı

Maalesef görüş alanım daraldı. - I'm afraid my visual field has narrowed.

visual fields
(Tıp,Optik) görme alanı
visual fire
(Askeri) görerek ateş
visual fire control
(Askeri) görerek ateş idaresi
visual flight
(Askeri) görerek uçuş
visual image
görsel imaj
visual impairment
görme bozukluğu
visual impairment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görme kusuru
visual inspection
(Tıp) görsel inceleme
visual inspection
(Askeri) gözle denetim
visual inspection
(Askeri,Teknik) gözle muayene
visual memory
görsel hafıza
visual perception
(Dilbilim) görsel algılama
visual perception
görsel algı
visual perception
(Tıp,Optik) görme algısı
visual programming
görsel programlama
visual quality
visual richness
görsel zenginlik
visual theme
(Bilgisayar) görsel tema
visual agnosia
vizüel agnozi
visual axis
görme ekseni
visual cell
görülebilir hücre
visual display unit
görüntü birimi
visual purple
visual approach
görerek yaklaşma
visual art
görsel sanat
visual display
görsel ekran
visual inquiry station
görsel sorgulama istasyonu
visual intelligence
Görsel zekâ
visual interaction
Görsel etkileşim
visual learner
Görsel öğrenici
visual learner
görerek daha kolay öğrenen
visual magnitude
görsel parlaklık
visual media
görsel medya
visual pollution
Görüntü kirliliği
visual range
görsel erim, gözle görülür uzaklık
visual readout
görsel okuma
visual record computer
görsel kaydını bilgisayar
visual reference
görsel referans
visual representation
görsel sunum
visual scanner
görsel tarayıcı
visual selection
görsel seçimi
visual sorting
görsel sıralama
visual storage
görsel depolama
visual talk
görüntülü konuşma
Görsel-uzamsal; görsel-uzaysal
visual acuity
görüş keskinliği
visual adaptation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel uyum
visual agnosia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel tanımazlık
visual agnosia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel agnozi
visual agraphia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel agrafi
visual aid
(Ticaret) görsel malzeme paketi
visual aid
görsel eğitim aracı
visual aids
eğitsel filmler
visual aids
görsel araçlar
visual aids
görsel eğitim araçları
visual amnesia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel amnezi
visual angle
görüş açısı
visual antropology
görsel antropoloji
visual aphasia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel afazi
visual appearance
görsel görünüm
visual arts
görsel sanatlar
visual association
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel ilişki
visual aura
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel aura
visual basic module
(Bilgisayar) visual basic modülü
visual call sign
(Askeri) GÖRÜNÜR ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Öncelikle görerek işaretleşmek için kullanılan görülür çağrı işareti
visual call sign
(Askeri) görerek çağrı işareti
visual capture
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel yakalama
visual classification
görsel sınıflama
visual classification test
(Askeri) ŞEKİLLERLE SINIFLANDIRMA TESTİ: Askerlik şubelerinde, İngilizce ve okuma-yazma bilmeyen kimselere yaptırılan zeka testi
visual cliff
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel uçurum
visual closure
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel kapatma
visual colorimetry
(Aydınlatma) görsel renkölçme
visual communication
(Askeri) görerek muhabere
visual communication
(Askeri) GÖREREK MUHAREBE: Görülebilir işaret vermek suretiyle yapılan herhangi bir muharebe, bayrak (flag), ışık (lıght), işaret bezi (panel), işaret ve aydınlatma mühimmatı (fire works), kol ve el hareketleri, bir uçağın kanat hareketleri vs. ile haberleşme
visual control
(Bilgisayar) görüntüsel denetim
visual discrimination
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel ayırt etme
visual display unit
(Askeri) görsel görüntü birimi
visual display unit controller
(Askeri) görsel görüntü birimi kontrolörü
visual distress signaling device
(Askeri) göresl imdat muhaberat aracı
visual effects
görüntü efektleri
visual element
(Bilgisayar) görsel öğe
visual elevation
(Askeri) GÖRÜŞ YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Mermi yoluna yeterli düşüş verebilmek için bir makinalı tüfekten atılan beyaz izli mermi çizgisinin, hedef üzerinde görülmesi icap eden mesafe
visual elevation
görüş yüksekliği
visual evaluation
görsel değerlendirme
visual examination
(Gıda) görsel analiz
visual examination
görsel muayene
visual examination
görsel test
visual field defect
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görüş alanı kusuru
visual fire control
(Askeri) GÖREREK ATEŞ İDARESİ: Bir topçu atışının, optik takip aletleri kullanmak suretiyle teknik idaresi
visual fixation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel sabitleme
visual flight
(Askeri) GÖREREK UÇUŞ: Bir uçağın uçuş yolu ve irtifaını yere, suya ve bulutlara bakarak kontrolu suretiyle yapılan uçuşu
visual flight rules
(Askeri) görerek uçuş kuralları
visual hallucination
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görme varsanısı
visual hallucination
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel halusinasyon
visual hedonism
görsel hedonizm
visual holding
(Havacılık) görerek bekleme
visual horizon
(Sanat) göz ufku
visual identification
(Askeri) GÖREREK TEŞHİS VE TANIMA: Bir uçuş kontrol sisteminde uçağın bir radar hedefini takip ettiği ve otomatik olarak görerek teşhisi mümkün kılacak duruma getirdiği bir kontrol şekli
visual identification
(Askeri) görerek teşhis ve tanıma
visual identification information display
(Askeri) görerek teşhis bilgi ekranı
visual illusion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel yanılsama
visual imagery
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel canlandırma
visual imaging system
(Askeri) görsel görüntüleme sistemi
visual induction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel indükleme
visual information
(Askeri) görsel bilgi
visual information documentation
(Askeri) görsel bilgi dokümanı
visual inspection
(Askeri) GÖZ MUAYENESİ, GÖZLE MUAYENE: Bak "inspection". VISUAL INSPECTION SYSTEM FOR AIR PLANES: UÇAKLARIN GÖZLE MUAYENE SİSTEMİ: Uçakların dıştan ve gözle yapılan muayene usulü
visual instruction
görsel eğitim
visual interceptor
(Askeri) görerek önleme yapan uçak
visual interceptor
(Askeri) GÖREREK ÖNLEME YAPAN UÇAK: Görerek yapılan önleme dışında, gece veya gündüz, hedefi önlemek için herhangi özel bir teçhizatlı olmayan önleme uçağı
visual level flight
(Havacılık) görsel seviye uçuşu
visual meteorological conditions
(Askeri) görerek uçuş meteorolojik şartları
visual mine firing indicator
(Askeri) GÖREREK MAYIN ATEŞLEME GÖSTERGESİ: Eğitim mayınlarında, eğer mayın faaliyete hazır olduğu taktirde patlayacağını gösteren tertibat
visual models
(Politika, Siyaset) görsel modeller
visual nerve
göz siniri
visual nerve
görme siniri
visual observer
(Askeri) optik gözlemci
visual organization
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel örgütlenme
visual performance
(Aydınlatma) görsel performans
visual phosphene
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel fosfen
visual photometry
(Aydınlatma) görsel ışıkölçme
visual pollution
(Çevre) görsel kirlilik
visual projection
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel yansıtma
visual range
(Fizik) gözle görülür uzaklık
visual range
(Fizik) görsel erim
visual reconnaissance
(Askeri) GÖZ KEŞFİ, GÖZLE KEŞİF: Askeri maksatlar için direkt gözleme ile yapılan keşif. Göz keşfi karadan veya havadan yapılabilir
visual reconnaissance
(Askeri) göz keşfi
visual reconnaissance
(Askeri) gözle keşif
visual report
(Askeri) GÖZLE TEMAS RAPORU: Bu terim kullanılmamalıdır. Bak "in. -flight report"
visual report
(Askeri) gözetleme raporu
visual settings
(Bilgisayar) görsel ayarlar
visual signal
(Askeri) görerek muhabere işareti
visual signal
optik sinyal
visual signal
(Askeri) GÖREREK MUHAREBE İŞARETİ: Görebilmek maksadıyla yapılan herhangi bir işaret, bayrak, ışık, işaret bezi, aydınlatma mühimmatı, kol ve el hareketleri, bir uçağın kanat hareketleri vs. vasıtasıyla verilen işaretler
visual spectrum
(Meteoroloji) görülür tayf
visual test
(Nükleer Bilimler) gözle muayene
visual warning
Görsel Uyarı
visual work
görsel çalışma
audio visual
audio visual
görsel / işitsel
audio visual
written and visual
yazılı ve görsel
audio visual
işitsel görsel
gözle görülür biçimde
audio-visual system
ses görüntü sistemi
normal visual range
normal görüş alanı
Joint Visual Integrated Display System
(Askeri) Müşterek Görsel Birleştirilmiş Görüntüleme Sistemi
audiovisual/visual information
(Askeri) görsel-işitsel/görsel bilgi
beyond visual range
(Askeri) görüş mesafesi dışında
combat visual information support center
(Askeri) muharebe görsel bilgi destek merkezi
empty visual field
(Havacılık) görünebilen boş saha
microsoft visual basic
microsoft visual basic
microsoft visual c++
microsoft visual c++
microsoft visual interdev
microsoft visual ınterdev
microsoft visual j++
microsoft visual j++
microsoft visual studio
microsoft visual studio
runway visual range
(Askeri) PİST GÖRSEL MENZİLİ: Kalkış ve iniş istikametinde, pistin veya onu belirten ışıkların veya işaretlerin, inişteki pilotların ortalama göz düzeyine tekabül eden bir yükseklikte kendi merkez hattındaki özel noktanın üzerindeki bir yerden görülebilen azami uzaklık
slant visual range
(Havacılık) eğik görsel menzil
vertical line array; visual landing aid
(Askeri) dikey hat dizisi; görerek iniş yardımı
very important person; visual information processor
(Askeri) çok önemli kişi; görsel bilgi işlemcisi
görsel olarak

Bu çıplak poster, görsel olarak gençlerin ilgisini çekiyor. - This nude poster appeals visually to the young.

görsel efekt
written and visual media
(Basın) yazılı ve görsel basın
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Any element of something that depends on sight
A preliminary sketch
All the visual elements of a multi-media presentation or entertainment, usually in contrast with normal text or audio
related to or affecting the vision
An image; a picture; a graphic
perceptible by sight
{s} relating to or used in vision; seen; optic
{a} belonging to the sight, exercising sight
Relating to the sense of sight
Pertaining to the sense of sight
{i} tools that help to make an issue clearer or easier to understand (pictures, charts, slides, etc.)
A visual type represents a way of interpreting the pixel values of a colormap
Pertaining to vision, neurological signs or symptoms associated with "vision
can be seen (e g Painting and the cinema are visual arts )
Learners need visual aids They respond to blackboard, overhead, filmen presentations Analogies help
That can be seen; visible
To do with the sense of sight
Pertains to seeing
Visual refers to the sense of vision, the sense that enables perception of objects in the environment by means of the eyes
Visual means relating to sight, or to things that you can see. the graphic visual depiction of violence. music, film, dance, and the visual arts. + visually visu·al·ly visually handicapped boys and girls
A visual is something such as a picture, diagram, or piece of film that is used to show or explain something. Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying. relating to seeing (visualis, from visus; VISION). something such as a picture or the part of a film, video etc that you can see, as opposed to the parts that you hear. visual art visual purple visual field defect
A construct that the X Window System uses to identify framebuffer configurations
relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"
The impressions and feelings that are picked up from the sense of sight
Visual Learners are the budding Picassos, the doodlers, and the people who have a flair for color Visual Learners seem to have an artistic sense that makes everything they create look beautiful They relate best to the world through pictures and images Activities Visual Learners may enjoy include painting, sculpting, and creating graphs When learning new information or developing academic skills, Visual Learners benefit most from drawing diagrams, reading flowcharts, creating maps, or performing demonstrations Some examples of Visual Learners applying their learning style to their work are architects, pilots, sailors, painters, and sculptors
A stage in the preparation of a LAYOUT
capable of being directly imaged as two separate stars
The sense of seeing
Of or pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the instrument of seeing; as, the visual nerve
able to be seen; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"- Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image"
If a child is a visual learner, he learns by seeing how something is done
Visual Basic
A programming language developed by Microsoft, broadly descended from BASIC and Pascal and later superseded by VB.NET, in which all programs have a graphical user interface
visual art
An art form intended to be appreciated or perceived primarily by sight, such as painting, photography, printmaking, and filmmaking
visual artist
An artist who works in the visual arts
visual arts
plural form of visual art
visual arts
Art forms that are primarily visual in nature, such as painting, photography, printmaking, and filmmaking
visual binaries
plural form of visual binary
visual binary
A binary star whose components can be visually resolved
visual call sign
A call sign provided primarily for visual signaling
visual call signs
plural form of visual call sign
visual connectedness
a form of research analysis used to determine how well the images in a commercial flow in the mind of the viewer

The Flow of Attention graph’s choppy curves showed weak visual connectedness which means viewers had trouble following the story and explained why they could not playback the ad’s key message.

visual display unit
A computer display, consisting of a screen (or monitor) and keyboard connected to a computer
visual display units
plural form of visual display unit
visual kei
A Japanese music movement which emerged in the 1980s, characterized by eccentric, flamboyant looks and sometimes an androgynous appearance
visual poem
A poem written in such a way that the lines form a pattern, usually related to the subject-matter of the poem
visual proximity
The spatial relationship between design elements (objects, images or text) in a visual medium
visual purple
The pigment rhodopsin
visual snow
A condition in which a person sees television-like static or noise in their field of vision, especially when against a dark background
visual merchandising
Visual merchandising is creating visual displays and arranging merchandise assortments within a store to improve the layout and presentation and to increase traffic and sales. As an example, mannequins are commonly used as a way to promote products relating to appearance, such as clothing or accessories
Visual Basic Scripting Edition
programming language developed by Microsoft that is based on Visual Basic and supported by the Internet Explorer browser enables features similar to Java, such as interactive buttons, scrolls, etc
Visual Identity
(Reklam) What a brand looks like - including, among other things, its logo, typography, packaging and literature systems
visual BASIC
{i} programming language for developing applications under a Windows environment
visual BASIC language
programming language for developing applications under a Windows environment
visual C
programming language for a Windows environment which is based on C
visual C language
programming language for a Windows environment which is based on C
visual C programming language
programming language for a Windows environment which is based on C
visual acuity
a measure of spatial resolution the measure of the abiltiy to visually discriminate
visual acuity
The clarity or clearness of the vision, a measure of how well a person sees The ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects; also called central vision It is measured on the familiar "Snellen's chart" with its decreasing size of letters
visual acuity
Sharpness of vision, especially as tested with a Snellen chart. Normal visual acuity based on the Snellen chart is 20/20
visual acuity
Measure of eye's ability to distinguish object details and shape Assessed by smallest identifiable object that can be seen at a specified distance, usually 20 feet for distance vision and 16 inches for near vision See Free Eye Tests
visual acuity
The ability to detect visual detail
visual acuity
  The ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects; also called central vision
visual acuity
A measure of the eyes ability to see
visual acuity
The sharpness of vision, the ability of the eye to distinguish detail
visual acuity
the relative ability of the visual system to resolve detail, usually expressed as the reciprocal of the minimum angular separation, in minutes of arc, of two lines just resolvable as separate and that forms in the average human eye an angle of one minute of arc; often measured by a "Snellen test," a test presenting letters of graduated sizes to determine the smallest size that can be read at a standard distance (a 20/20 letter located 20 feet away from an eye subtends an angle of 5 minutes of arc at the eye); "normal" acuity in the human eye is 20/20, although some eyes are capable of 20/15 or even 20/10 acuity
visual acuity
the clearness of vision; the ability to distinguish details and shapes
visual acuity
Measured ability to see
visual acuity
Clearness and sharpness of vision (p 112)
visual acuity
Visual acuity refers to the measure of the sharpness of vision
visual acuity
sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
visual acuity
The ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects
visual acuity
A measure of the ability to distinguish fine details
visual acuity
Another phrase for visual clarity, it refers to how clearly a person can see Visual acuity is often measured with a traditional eye chart back to top
visual acuity
the measurement of vision corrected with spectacles or contact lenses
visual acuity
kev pom tseeb tseeb
visual acuity
A measure of the ability to resolve distinct objects or fine details with the eye
visual acuity
the space visible to an eye in a given position of gaze
visual acuity
The finest detail that an eye can distinguish using LogMar or Snellen scales
visual acuity
The ability to see clearly at a distance In Europe and the UK this is usually measure at 6 metres It is usually given as a fraction where the top number is the distance at which the test is performed The second figure is the level of vision It is usual to think of 6/6 as normal In the USA it is known as 20/20 because the distances are measured in feet instead of metres The larger the number on the bottom of the fraction the worse the vision Many people are able to see better than 6/6 and figures of 6/5 or even 6/4 are not uncommon
visual acuity
Clearness of vision The ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects; also called central vision
visual acuity
The ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects at varying distances
visual acuity
The smallest, fine detail you can see Usually measured with a letter chart But, can also be measured using pictures, black and white lines or visual evoked potentials (VEPs)
visual acuity
Ability of the eyes to see objects clearly and distinctly, usually measured on the Snellen eye chart (20/20)
visual agnosia
inability to recognize or interpret objects in the visual field
visual aid
Visual aids are things that you can look at, such as a film, model, map, or slides, to help you understand something or to remember information. An instructional aid, such as a poster, scale model, or videotape, that presents information visually. something such as a map, picture, or film that helps people understand, learn, or remember information
visual aids
Devices designed to assist individuals with visual impairments, such as screen readers, large-type books, taped books, and Braillers
visual aids
Items such as colour charts, photographs, drawings, swatches
visual aids
tools that help to make an issue clearer or easier to understand (pictures, charts, slides, etc.)
visual aids
Webster's says: Charts, maps, models or films that chiefly appeal to vision But in Israel they are much more You can see, feel, walk and hear the study and stories of the Torah and Talmud!
visual aphasia
inability to perceive written words
visual area
the cortical area that receives information from the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus
visual arts
{i} arts produced for visual perception (such as painting, sculpture, drawing, etc.)
visual arts
art such as painting, sculpture etc that you look at, as opposed to literature or music
visual aural range
range within which one can see and hear
visual basic
a programming language
visual basic
Visual Basic is much like QBasic, only for windows Visual Basic is kind of Object oriented, the programs use a "window" format
visual basic
A Microsoft® programming language descended from earlier versions of BASIC Visual BASIC® is a Windows-specific version of BASIC with many added "bells and whistles" to allow developers to create GUI Windows™ applications BASIC and Visual BASIC are good languages for novices and occasional developers to learn as it is relatively straightforward to learn and has numerous built-in tools to assist in debugging applications Visual BASIC can be used to develop CGI applications for Web servers although Perl, C/C++, Python, and other such non-GUI programming languages are frequently better suited for developing CGI and Web server applications
visual basic
A high-level, visual-programming version of Basic Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft for building Windows-based applications
visual basic
A computer application for designing buttons, dialog boxes, program windows, macros, and other elements of a graphical program in Microsoft Windows
visual basic
An object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft based upon the BASIC language (BASIC – Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
visual basic
A visual programming environment from Microsoft, used for developing Windows applications Visual BASIC makes it possible to develop practical programs very quickly The programmer designs windows graphically, then drags program elements, represented by icons, from the Visual BASIC Toolbox, and writes BASIC code for each element Visual BASIC is event-driven; procedures are called automatically when the end user chooses menu items, clicks the mouse, moves objects on the screen, etc
visual basic
Visual Basic was the development system which first started the excitement over Rapid Application Development Created by Microsoft, it probably has the largest user base because of its immense popularity and the easy-to-learn nature of the language (And yes people, I started Windows programming this way!)
visual basic
A Windows programming language often used to develop applications which run on PCs and LANs / WANs because it offers a good balance of ease of use, wide range of features and extendability
visual basic
A programming language developed by Microsoft
visual basic
A widely used programming language created by Microsoft
visual basic
A programming environment based on BASIC that allows you to create Win32 applications
visual basic
A high-level, programming language Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft for building stand alone Windows based applications
visual basic
1/98Advanced dialect of Basic for app development on PCs
visual basic
A popular event-driven visual programming system from Microsoft Corporation VB can be used to develop Windows interfaces It is widely used for application program development and for prototyping def goes here
visual basic
A programming language and environment that allows rapid creation of user interfaces by dragging and dropping elements such as buttons and controls
visual basic
A programming language created by Microsoft as a version of BASIC
visual basic
A graphical programming language and development environment created by Microsoft in 1990
visual basic
Microsoft's interpreted programming language, often used to create active content in web pages
visual cell
one of the cells of the retina that is sensitive to light
visual communication
communication that relies on vision
visual contact
distance from which one can see who is in front of him
visual display unit
(British) a device for displaying input signals as letters on a screen; usually has a keyboard
visual display unit
visual field
The area or extent of space visible to an eye in a given position of gaze The central visual field is directly in front and the target at which we are looking The peripheral visual field is that which we perceive in our "side vision" The fields of each eye partly overlap
visual field
The entire area which can be seen without shifting the gaze It is a measure of the peripheral vision There are different instruments to determine the visual field in the eye clinic
visual field
The space or range within which objects are visible to the immobile eyes at a given time. Also called field of vision
visual field
the area or extent of space visible to an eye in a given position of gaze
visual field
The location of objects or points in space that can be perceived when the head and eyes are kept stationary
visual field
The total visual array acting on the eye when it is directed toward a fixation point
visual field
the entire area that can be seen when the eye is directed straight ahead, including both central and peripheral vision
visual field
Area of vision the eye can see while its attention is directed straight ahead
visual field
A measurement of the vision level in all portions of the field of vision
visual field
The normal field of vision is about 140 degrees for each eye (monocular vision) and about 180 degrees for both eyes (binocular vision) Coloboma can reduce the field of vision
visual field
That part of the world around an individual can see while looking straight ahead Normally, the visual field is determined more precisely by checking each eye individually to test for blind spots Such blind spots could signify glaucoma-related damage to the retina or optic nerve
visual field
all of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye at a given moment
visual field
Extent of space visible to an eye as it looks (fixates) straight ahead Measured in degrees away from fixation See Free Eye Tests
visual field
The area of vision to the side when one is looking straight ahead Defects in the sensitivity of the peripheral vision can be helpful in diagnosing many types of visual and general health conditions
visual field
The entire area that can be seen when the eye is forward, including peripheral vision
visual field
The entire area that can be seen when the eye is looking straight ahead, including peripheral side vision
visual field
field of vision; the entire expanse of space visible at a given instant without moving the eyes
visual field
The entire area that can be seen by the eye, including front and side, or peripheral, vision
visual flight
{i} control of an airplane using the view from the plane as the main reference point
visual hallucination
illusory visual perception
visual image
visual percept: a percept that arises from the eyes; an image in the visual system
visual image
a mental image that is similar to a visual perception
visual impairment
impairment of the sense of sight
visual inspection
(Ticaret) Human inspection of items or processes for color, scratches or other parameters that does not involve the use of equipment
visual inspection
(v) The process of evaluating a design visually Visual analysis is often used by industrial designers and marketing professionals to assess the consumer’s aesthetic reaction to a design This analysis can also be used by engineers to perform a quick confirmation of geometry
visual inspection
examination that is carried out by eye
visual inspection
A walk-through type of inspection of the work area to detect incomplete work, damage or inadequate clean up of a worksite
visual inspection
A home inspector’s primary means by which to observe and identifying the readily accessible components of a home
visual means
methods that can be seen, visible things
visual memory
ability to remember details and events in the form of pictures
visual observation
observation made by the naked eye, observation done without visual aids or other equipment
visual pathway
system of the sense of sight
visual percept
a percept that arises from the eyes; an image in the visual system
visual perception
{i} perception using the eyes; (Medicine) capability of the eyes and brain to use visual stimuli to create a full picture of the visual world
visual perception
perception by means of the eyes
visual property
an attribute of vision
visual purple
a red photopigment in the retinal rods of vertebrates; dissociates into retinene by light
visual range
range in which the sense of sight is effective
visual range
distance at which a given standard object can be seen with the unaided eye
visual sensation
perception of visible stimuli; experience resulting from the perception of visual stimuli; sight
visual signal
a signal that involves visual communication
visual space
the visual perception of space
visual system
the sensory system for vision
visual-field defect
Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision. It may be persistent or temporary and shifting, as in a migraine aura. The field may narrow, as in glaucoma. The normally small blind spot corresponding to the point where the optic nerve enters the eye can enlarge if fluid accumulates at that point (papilledema). Methanol or quinine poisoning, diseases of the nerve sheaths, deficiency diseases, and atherosclerosis can also cause blind spots. Tumours pressing on the optic nerves in different locations can cause loss of different halves or quarters of the visual field of each eye. See also macular degeneration
peak visual
an image most likely to be recalled long after viewing an ad and is therefore most likely to contribute to a brand’s long-term image
peak visual
the image most recalled by the audience in each crescendo of moment-by-moment pictures, as seen in flow of attention research results

There was a cluster of images of a little girl that many people remembered seeing in the commercial, but the one of her laughing was the peak visual.

Bandai Visual Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese company established in 1983 headquartered in Tokyo (Japan), manufacturer and seller (and distributor) of visual programs and software packages ((DVD, video cassettes, etc.), provider of a variety of visual content services
Beyond Visual Range
outside of the area that can be seen, outside of the field of vision
audio visual
combines sound and vision, involving both hearing and sight, concerning multimedia, multi-dimensional
audio visual communication
communication using devices which involve both hearing and seeing (videos, slides, etc.)
Audio-visual equipment and materials involve both recorded sound and pictures
Information in any form other than words printed on paper Examples include films, slides, audiotapes, compact discs, videocassettes, and computer software
Non-book materials such as phonograph records, cassettes, compact discs and videotapes
Material that is not in paper format Also known as AV eg videos, microfilm, cassettes, CDs
Learning aids using hearing and/or sight, including videotapes, audio cassettes, slides, etc
audio-visual aids
devices that are used to make a lecture more interesting and understandable (such as graphs, pictures, movies, etc.)
audio-visual spectacle
event involving both auditory and visual effects
with respect to vision; "visually distorted
by means of vision, in a visual manner
By means of sight
with respect to vision; "visually distorted"
{i} visual aids, materials such as slides or graphs which visually illustrate an idea
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