Определение uranus в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
The god of the sky and heavens, son and husband to Gaia, with whom he fathered the Titans and the Cyclops
The seventh planet in our solar system, with twenty-seven known moons, discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel
{i} seventh planet of solar system (discovered in 1781 by W. Herschel); ruler of the heavens, father of the Titans (Greek Mythology)
The seventh planet in our solar system, with fifteen moons; discovered in 1781 by Sir William Herschel and alternatively called Herschel or Georgium Sidus until the mid-19th century. Represented in astronomy and astrology by â™…
the planet that is seventh in order from the sun. or Ouranus Ancient Greek personification of heaven. When Gaea emerged from Chaos, she produced Uranus, the mountains, and the sea. Her subsequent union with Uranus produced the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. Uranus despised his offspring and hid them in Gaea's body. In response to her appeal for vengeance, Cronus castrated Uranus. From the drops of blood that fell on Earth were born the Furies, the Giants, and the ash-tree nymphs called Meliai. His severed genitals floated on the sea, producing a white foam from which sprang Aphrodite. Uranus also consorted with Clymene, Hemera, Hestia, and Nyx. Seventh planet from the Sun. It was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel (see Herschel family) and named for the Greek god personifying heaven. A blue-green gas giant, it has almost 15 times the mass of Earth and over 50 times its volume. It is less dense than Earth; the gravity at the top of its atmosphere is 11% weaker. Its equatorial diameter is 31,800 mi (51,100 km). Uranus has 10 sharply defined narrow, dark rings, with broad dust bands between them consisting mainly of boulder-sized chunks of dark material. It also has at least 21 moons (most named after Shakespearean characters) and a magnetic field about as strong as Earth's. The planet is estimated to rotate about every 17 hours around an unusual axis that is almost parallel to the ecliptic; from Earth it appears to spin on its side. It takes 84 years to orbit the Sun, at a mean distance of 1.78 billion mi (2.87 billion km). Its interior is thought to consist of a mixture of rock, ices, and gas, with little or no rocky core. Its upper atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium; the blue-green colour comes from absorption of red light by the small amount of methane present
(a) Green gas giant, seventh from the Sun, made up of hydrogen and helium with trace molecular compounds It has five larger moons and ten smaller ones More info to follow (b) Don't laugh Just don't
Uranus is tipped over so far that it actually rotates on its side It is unique in this The color of blue that is seen in the telescope is caused by the methane in the upper atmosphere which absorbs the red light Only the blue escapes to reach our telescopes Uranus, like the other Giant Planets, has rings, but they are very faint and cannot usually be seen from Earth unless with a large telescope The name comes form the ancient Greek deity of the Heavens, the earliest supreme god