
listen to the pronunciation of unit
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bir parsek bir astronomik birimin bir arksaniyelik bir dereceye karşılık geldiği mesafedir. - One parsec is the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond.

Fahrenheit, termometreyi bulan Alman bir mucittir. Aynı zamanda onun ismi bir sıcaklık birimine verilmiştir. - Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.


Onların yeteneğiyle ilgili yanlış bir şey yoktu, o sadece maliyet performansı kötü olan her bir ünite için giderin çok yüksek olmasıydı. - There was nothing wrong with their ability, it was just that the expense for each unit was so vast that the cost performance was bad.

Hastane yoğun bakım ünitesine girebilen ziyaretçi sayısını kısıtlıyor. - The hospital restricts the number of visitors who can enter the intensive care unit.

{i} bütünlük
(Argo) ev
en küçük tam sayı
tek basamaklı sayı

Manchester United, hem Premier League'de hem de İngiltere'de en başarılı takımlardan biridir. - Manchester United is one of the most successful teams in both the Premier League and England.

Tim Howard 2014 yılında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri milli takımının kalecisiydi. - Tim Howard was the goalkeeper for the United States national team in 2014.


Amerika Birleşik Devletleri bir zamanlar İngiliz İmparatorluğu'nun bir parçasıydı. - The United States was once part of the British Empire.

Shetland Adaları Birleşik Krallığın bir parçasıdır. - The Shetland Islands are part of the United Kingdom.


Birleşmiş Milletler, anlaşmazlığa müdahale etmek için birlik gönderdi. - The United Nations sent troops to intervene in the conflict.

Birlik paradan daha iyidir. - Unity is better than money.

puvan unit of measurement ölçü birimi
{i} öğe
{i} tertibat: heating unit ısıtma tertibatı

Washington, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin başkentidir. - Washington is the capital of the United States.

1860'ta Lincoln, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanlığına seçildi. - In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.

belirli bir miktar
{i} (üniversitede) puan
(Tıp) Tek şey
kurala göre düzenlenmiş birim
{i} ask. birlik
{i} birim: unit of measurement ölçü birimi
heating unit ısnma tertibatı
(Askeri) BİRİM: Kripto sisteminde; kripto alma ile kripto açma için tek bir vasıta olarak ele alınan müşterek birim. Ayrıca bak "organization"
(Argo) daire
(Eğitim) puan (üniversitede)

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Kanada ile komşudur. - The United States borders Canada.

1860'ta Lincoln, Birleşik Devletler başkanlığına seçildi. - In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.


Birleşmiş Milletler Bosna'ya arabulucular gönderdi. - The United Nations sent peacekeepers to Bosnia.

Bu Birleşmiş Milletler kararı İsrail'in silahlı güçlerinin son çatışmalarda işgal edilen bölgelerden çekilmesini istemektedir. - This United Nations resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.

{f} birleştirmek

On altıncı yüzyılda Osmanlı Türkleri Akdeniz ve Kızıldeniz'i birleştirmek için Mısır'da bir kanal inşa etmeye teşebbüs ettiler. - In the sixteenth century Ottoman Turks attempted to construct a canal in Egypt to unite Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.

Tom bölmek değil birleştirmek istedi. - Tom wanted to unite not divide.

unit cost
(Ticaret) bîrim maliyeti
unit head
şube müdürü
unit price
(Bilgisayar) bir fiyatı
unit trust
(Ticaret) yatırım fonları
unit trust
(Ticaret) tröst birliği
unit area
birim alan
unit cost
birim fiyatı
unit length
birim uzunluk
unit of measurement
ölçü birimi
unit record
birim kayıt
unit volume
birim hacim
unit wages
birim verginler
unit weight
birim ağırlık
unit affinity
ortak birim kullanımı, birim ortaklığı
unit circle
(Geometri) Birim çember
unit element
birim eleman, birim öge
unit elongation
birim uzama
unit fraction
birim kesir, birim üleske
unit free
Birimsiz, birimden bağımsız
unit labor cost
Birim emek maliyeti
unit operations
unit operasyonlar, temel işlemler
unit production manager
(Film) Yapım sorumlusu
unit record equipment
birim kayıt ekipmanı
unit record machine
birim kayıt makinesi
unit record method
birim kayıt yöntemi, birim işlem yöntemi
unit rule
birim kural
unit sales
birim satış
unit stress
birim gerilme
unit trusts
Yatırım fonları
unit under test
test altında birim
unit wages
birim ücretler
Unit Type Code Consumption Factors File
(Askeri) Birim Tür Kodu Sarfiyat Faktörleri Dosyaı
unit air supply
(Askeri) BİRLİK HAVA İKMALİ: Uçuş meydanları temin edilmeden önce iniş yapıldığı zaman, hava başında bulunan Kuvvetlere, doğrudan doğruya atmak suretiyle veya paraşüt ya da planörle sağlanan ikmal
unit air supply phase
(Askeri) BİRLİK HAVA İKMALİ SAHASI: İkmal maddelerinin, hava indirme hücum Kuvvetleri tarafından, hava yoluyla atılması ve dağıtımı
unit aircraft
(Askeri) BİRLİK UÇAKLARI: Bir uçuş görevinin yerine getirilmesi için bir uçak birliğine verilen uçaklar. Ayrıca bak "aircraft"
unit area
birim saha
unit assemblage
(Askeri) MALZEME GRUBU: Seyyar bir teşkilata kadro ile tahsis edilen malzemenin, bir birim olarak depo edilen veya dağıtılan kısmı. Örneğin; bir tahliye hastanesi veya alay reviri için lüzumlu malzeme gibi
unit assembly
(Askeri) YARDIMCI KOMPLE PARÇA: Bir nihai maddenin komple bir yardımcı parçasını teşkil eden, belirli bir yardımcı vazife gören ve kendisi sökülmeden ana maddeden ayrılabilen makina parçaları topluluğu
unit award
(Askeri) BİRLİK HİZMET ALAMETİ: Belirli faaliyet, hizmet ve başarılar karşılığı birliklere verilen alamet. Bunlardan, halen kullanılmakta olan başlıcaları şunlardır: "unit deccrations", "infantry streamers", "campaign streamers", silver bands" ve "war service streamers". Bu terimlere ve ayrıca bak "award"
unit award
(Askeri) birlik hizmet işareti
unit award
(Askeri) birlik takdirnamesi
unit award
(Askeri) piyade şeridi
unit block cross section
ünite bloğu kesiti
unit categories
(Askeri) BİRLİK NEVİLERİ, BİRLİK KATEGORİLERİ: Birlikler aşağıdaki üç kategoriye ayrılır
unit cbr noncommissioned officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK KBR ASTSUBAYI: Tümenden küçük birliklerde kimyasal, biyolojik ve radyolojik muharebe ve faaliyetlerle ilgili işlerle uğraşan subayın yardımcısı astsubay
unit cbr officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK KBR SUBAYI: Bak "chemical biological radiological officer"
unit censor
(Askeri) BİRLİK SANSÜR SUBAYI: Bir bölük, batarya veya benzeri birlikte sansür işlerini yapan subay ve astsubay
unit censorship
(Askeri) BİRLİK SANSÜRÜ: Bir bölük, batarya veya benzeri birliğin subayları tarafından bu birliğin emrine veya kuruluşuna verilmiş olan haberleşmesi üzerinde uygulanan askeri sansür
unit citation
(Askeri) BİRLİK TAKDİRNAMESİ: Bak "unit award "
unit combat readiness
(Askeri) BİRLİK MUHAREBE HAZIRLIK DERECESİ: Bay "combat readiness"
unit commitment status
(Askeri) BİRLİK TAAHHÜT DURUMU: NATO birliği olarak tayin edilmiş veya NATO'nun tahsis edilmiş bir kuvvet olarak sınıflandırılan herhangi bir birliğin taahhüt derecesi
unit cost
birim maliyet
unit cost; upconverter
(Askeri) birim maliyeti; frekans (sıklık) yükseltici
unit decoration
(Askeri) BİRLİK NİŞANI: Bak "unit award"
unit deployment program
(Askeri) birlik konuşlanma programı
unit description
(Askeri) birlik tanımı
unit descriptor code
(Askeri) birlik tanımlayıcı kodu
unit designation list
(Askeri) birlik tayin listesi
unit designator code
(Askeri) BİRLİK TANITMA KODU: Bir tümen dahilindeki birliklerin adlarını ve tanıtma işaretlerini kodlamak üzere özel surette hazırlanmış kod
unit distance code
birim uzaklikli kod
unit distribution
(Askeri) BİRLİK DAĞITIM: Bir ikmal maddeleri dağıtım usulü. Bu usulde; ulaştırma vasıtaları dağıtımı yapan makam tarafından sağlanmak suretiyle, ikmal maddeleri, bunları alacak birliğe, kendi bölgesi dahilinde dağıtılır
unit emplaning officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK HAVA İNTİKAL PLANLAMA SUBAYI: Havadan intikallere, nakledilen birliği temsil eden ve bu birliğin itikalının düzenlenmesinden sorumlu olan subay
unit engineer
(Askeri) KARARGAH İSTİHKAM SUBAYI: İstihkam kıtaları bulunan herhangi bir birliğin karargahında hizmet gören karargah istihkam subayı. Ayrıca bak "division engineer", "corps engineer" ve "army engineer"
unit equipment
(Askeri) BİRLİK TEÇHİZATI: Teşkilat ve teçhizat şemasında veya bu birlikle ilgili buna denk olan milli dokümanlarda belirtilen teçhizat
unit equipment
(Askeri) birlik teçhizatı
unit essential equipment
(Askeri) BİRLİK İÇİN ZARURİ TEÇHİZAT: BAK "minimum essential equipment"
unit function
(Matematik) birim fonksiyon
unit function
birim işlev
unit gas noncommissioned officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK GAZ ASTSUBAYI: Tümenden daha küçük birliklerde, diğer görevlerine ek olarak, birlik gaz subayına yardım eden ve daha aşağı kademelerde, birlik gaz subayı adına faaliyette bulunacak şekilde özel eğitim görmüş olan astsubay
unit gas officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK GAZ SUBAYI: Tümenden daha küçük birliklerde, diğer görevlerine ek olarak, kimya taarruzuna karşı savunmadan sorumlu olan subay. Bu subayın görevleri; eğitim ve denetleme, savunma tedbirleri, istihbarat ve ikmaldir. Daha küçük birliklerde, bu subayın vazifesini gören subaya (chemical officer) denir
unit identification code
(Askeri) birlik tanıtma kodu
unit identification code information officer
(Askeri) birlik tanıtma kodu bilgi subayı
unit identification system
(Askeri) birlik tanıtma sistemi
unit impulse
birim durtu
unit journal
(Askeri) BİRLİK HARP CERİDESİ: Bir birlik veya karargah şubesi tarafından tutulan, günlük olaylarla gelen emir ve raporları, tarih sırasıyla kayda yarayan çizelge veya defter Ayrıca bak "experience tables"
unit level code
(Askeri) birlik seviye kodu
unit line number
(Askeri) birlik hat numarası
unit loading
(Askeri) BİRLİK YÜKLEMESİ: Askeri birliklerin teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleriyle birlikte aynı gemi, uçak veya kara araçlarına yüklenmesi. Ayrıca bak "combat loading"
unit loading officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK BİNDİRME VE YÜKLEME SUBAYI: Belirli bir gemiye bindirilecek olan bir askeri birlikten görevlendirilmiş bir subay. Bu subay, amfibi harekat için kıtaları bindirme ve indirme ikmal maddeleri ve malzemeyi yükleme ve boşaltma işlerini planlar ve buna nezaret eder. Bütün planlar ve yükleme teferruatını, (bindirme subayı "embarkation officer") ile birlikte koordine eder
unit manning document; unit movement data
(Askeri) birlik personel tahsisi dokümanı; birlik intikal verisi
unit manpower personnel record
(Askeri) birlik insan gücü personel kayıdı
unit marking
(Askeri) BİRLİK GÖNDERME NUMARASI: Bir harekette, belirli bir birliğe ait ikmal maddeleri ve malzemenin tanınması için tahsis edilen gönderme numarası ve bunun sonundaki harf veya harfler. Ayrıca bak "force morking"
unit mass
birim kütle
unit matrix
(identity matrix) birim matris
unit mess
(Askeri) birlik yemekhanesi
unit mess
(Askeri) BİRLİK TABLDOTU, BİRLİK YEMEKHANESİ: Özel geçici sahra rasyonu tabldotlarının tesisi mümkün olmayan muharebe ve manevra durumları dışında, yalnız birliğin günlük yoklamasında gösterilen kimselerle, iaşe kontrol personelini ve resmi denetleyicileri iaşe eden bir tabldot
unit mess
(Askeri) birlik tabldotu
unit mile
(Askeri) BİRLİK MİLİ: Bir birliğin bütün motorlu araçlarını bir millik bir mesafeye götürmek için gerekli benzin ve yağ miktarı
unit mile
(Askeri) birlik mili
unit ministry team
(Askeri) birlik dinişleri timi
unit movement control center
(Askeri) birlik intikal kontrol listesi
unit noun
(Dilbilim) sayılabilir ad
unit number
(Askeri) birlik numarası
unit of account
hesap birimi
unit of equipment
(Askeri) TEÇHİZAT TAKIMI: Ayakkabı tamir takımı, sıhhiye çantası gibi özel bir iş için dağıtılmaya mahsus ve istihkak çizelgelerinde yer alan takımlar
unit of equipment
(Askeri) teçhizat takımı
unit of error
(Askeri) HATA BİRİMİ: Bir telemetrenin sıhhat derecesini belirtmek maksadıyla kullanılan ve matematik bir formüle dayanan itibari ölçü
unit of fire
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK MÜHİMMAT PAYI: Bir ölçü birimi olarak kullanılan mühimmat miktarı. Günlük cephane payı; silah veya birlik başına atım veya ton olarak hesaplanır. Bu pay, genellikle, bir silah veya birliğin bir günde kullanacağı cephane miktarıdır. Buna eskiden (day of fire) denirdi
unit of issue
(Askeri) DAĞITIM BİRİMİ: Depolamayla ilgili özel anlamında bir maddenin adet, düzine, galon, lift, libre, metre, takım yarda gibi ölçülerden herbirini ifade eder. Bu genellikle "birim fiyat" anlamına gelen "unit price" ile karıştırılmaması için "dağıtım birimi" anlamına gelen "unit of issue" şeklinde kullanılır
unit of measure
(Askeri) ÖLÇÜ BİRİMİ: Bak "unit"
unit of power
güç birimi
unit of product
(Nükleer Bilimler) mamul birimi
unit of text
metin parçası
unit of time
zaman birimi
unit of time
birim süre
unit of time
birim zaman
unit pathfinder
(Askeri) BİRLİK HAVA İNDİRME KILAVUZU: Kara birlikleri veya tesislerinden, hava indirme kılavuzu tekniğinde yetiştirilmiş seçme personel. Ayrıca bak "pathfinder detachement" ve "pathfinders"
unit personnel and tonnage table
(Askeri) BİRLİK PERSONEL VE TONAJ ÇİZELGESİ: Muhabere yüklemesi yapmış bir geminin yükleme planına eklenen, personel miktarını ve yükün cins, hacim ve ağırlık olarak toplamını gösteren çizelge
unit personnel and tonnage table
(Askeri) birlik personel ve tonaj tablosu
unit plan
(Askeri) BİRLİK HAREKAT PLANI: Bir üst komutanın karar ve emirlerine göre bir birlik komutanı tarafından hazırlanan harekat planı
unit plan
(Askeri) birlik harekat planı
unit pole
(Fizik) kutup birimi
unit pole
(Fizik) birim ucay
unit power
(Spor) birim kuvvet
unit price
birim fiyat
unit price
(Askeri) BİRİM FİYAT: Bir ikmal maddesinin dağıtım birimine göre hesaplanan maliyeti veya fiyatı
unit price
birim fiyatı
unit procurement cost
(Askeri) BİRİM TEDARİK FİYATI: Bir maddenin beheri için ödenen veya ödenmesi hesaplanan esas safi fiyat. Uygun olduğu hallerde bu, devletçe verilen malzemeyi ve devlet tesislerindeki işletme masraflarının bedelini ihtiva eder
unit ramp
birim yokus
unit replacement
(Askeri) KOMPLE PARÇA DEĞİŞTİRME: Bir onarım usulü. Bu usulde; bir silah veya başka bir teçhizatın kusurlu, aşınmış veya hasara uğramış parçalar grubu, yeni parçalar grubu ile değiştirilebilir
unit report
(Askeri) BİRLİK MUHAREBE RAPORU: Bir rapor muharebe birliği tarafından daha yüksek bir karargaha arz edilen müşterek istihbarat ve harekat raporu
unit reserves
(Askeri) BİRLİK YEDEK İKMAL MADDELERİ: Bir birlik tarafından acil durumlar için yedek olarak taşınan belirli miktarlardaki ikmal maddeleri. Ayrıca bak "reserve supplies"
unit separator
Ölçü Birimi Ayracı
unit staff
(Askeri) birlik karargah heyeti
unit staff
(Askeri) BİRLİK KARARGAH HEYETİ: Bak "general staff"
unit status and identity report
(Askeri) birlik durum ve kimlik raporu
unit step
(Heaviside step) birim basamak
unit storm
(Çevre) ölçü fırtına
unit strength
(Askeri) BİRLİK (GÜCÜ) /KUVVESİ: Dost veya düşman birlikleri için kullanıldığı şekliyle personel sayısı, ikmal maddeleri miktarı, silah ve teçhizat, araçlar ve toplam lojistik kabiliyetini belirtmek için kullanılır. Ayrıca bak "strength"
unit stress
birim stres
unit string
birim dizgi
unit supply
(Askeri) BİRLİK İKMALİ: Bak "organizational supply"
unit supply officer
(Askeri) BİRLİK İKMAL SUBAYI: Belirli birliklerde ikmal işleriyle görevli olan subay
unit table of organization
(Askeri) birlik teşkilat kadrosu
unit train
(Askeri) KITA AĞIRLIĞI: Tümenden daha küçük birliklerin ağırlığı. Bu anlamda, zırhlı tümen kıta ağırlıkları (armored division unit trains); muharip unsurların yakın desteği için gerekli olup olmamalarına göre, " muharebe ağırlığı (combat train) " veya "a ağırlığı (a train) " ve "sahra ağırlığı (field train) " veya " B ağırlığı (B train) " olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır
unit train
blok yük trenleri
unit trainer; Universal Time
(Askeri) birlik eğitim aracı/eğitmeni; Evrensel Saat
unit training
(Askeri) Birlik eğitimi
unit training
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİMİ: Askeri eğitimin bir safhası. Bu safhada, erlerin, bir tim veya birliğin fertleri olarak çalışacak şekilde yetiştirilmesine önem verilir. Genellikle, tek er eğitimini kaide olarak, birliğin muharebede karşılanması muhtemel şartlar altında, arazide uygulanır. Ayrıca bak "individual training
unit training assembly
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİM SÜRESİ: Belirli bir süresi olan yetki verilmiş ve programlanmış bir birlik gayrı faal görev eğitim dönemi
unit training center
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİM MERKEZİ: Sadece, birliklerin eğitimi maksadıyla kurulan askeri tesis
unit training cycle
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİM DEVRESİ: Birlik genel eğitim programında; tek er temel eğitiminin başlamasıyla, birliğin arazi tatbikatları veya birlik manevralarına katılması halinde, manevra safhası sonunda veya, manevraya katılmayan birlikler için, birlik eğitiminin sonuna kadar olan süre
unit training program
(Askeri) BİRLİK GENEL EĞİTİM PROGRAMI: Bir birliğin yapacağı oldukça uzun süreli bir eğitimin planı
unit training schedule
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİM ZAMAN ÇİZELGESİ: Bak "training schedule"
unit training standards
(Askeri) BİRLİK EĞİTİM STANDARTLARI: Bazı birliklerden, görevlerini yerine getirmeleri için ulaşmaları ve, belirli bir eğitimle, devam ettirmeleri istenen ehliyet standartlarını gösterir hava kuvvetleri komutanlığı direktifi
unit trust
birim tröstü
unit vector
birim vektor
unit vent
birleşik havalık
unit water requirement
birim su ihtiyacı
unit water requirement
birim su gereksinimi
unit workbook
(Askeri) Birlik muhtırası
uncommitted unit
(Askeri) MUHAREBEYE SOKULMAMIŞ BİRLİK: Henüz muharebeye sokulmamış olan kadro birliği. Ayrıca bak "committed unit"
uncommitted unit
(Askeri) muharebeye sokulmamış birlik
{f} bağlamak
{f} evlenmek
birlik olmak
(Nükleer Bilimler) birimler

Isıtma birimleri çalışmıyor. - The heating units aren't working.

Sözcük grupları sözdizimsel birimlerdir. - Phrases are syntactical units.

active unit
(Askeri) faal birlik
advanced unit training
(Askeri) birlik tekamül eğitimi
base unit
(Bilgisayar,Gıda,Ticaret) temel birim
base unit
(Askeri) esas birlik
business unit
(Ticaret) işletme birimi
coherent unit of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümleşik ölçüm birimi
communication unit
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) iletişim birimi
compound unit
bileşik öğe
compressor unit
kompresör ünitesi
cooling unit
soğutma ünitesi
cost unit
(Ticaret) birim maliyet
cost unit
(Ticaret) maliyet ünitesi
cost unit
(Ticaret) maliyet birimi
current unit
(Bilgisayar) kullanılan birim
derived unit of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) türetilmiş ölçüm birimi
detached unit
(Askeri) müfrez birlik
discrete unit
(Dilbilim) ayrık birim
display unit
görüntü ünitesi
display unit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gösterici
economic unit
(Ticaret) işletme
economic unit
(Ticaret) iktisadi birim
executive unit
(Politika, Siyaset) icrai birim
flow unit
debi birimi
functional unit
(Bilgisayar) işlevsel tesisler
heating unit
ısıtma tertibatı
hollow masonry unit
(İnşaat) boşluklu duvar öğesi
inspection unit
(Ticaret) muayene birimi
intense care unit
(Askeri) yoğun bakım ünitesi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A standard measure of a quantity

The centimetre is a unit of length.

A self-contained military organization; usually a battalion, regiment, or naval ship
With regard to Reserve Components of the Armed Forces, denotes a Selected Reserve unit organized, equipped, and trained for mobilization to serve on active duty as a unit or to augment or be augmented by another unit. Headquarters and support functions without wartime missions are not considered units
One kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter)
An item which may be sold singly

We shipped nearly twice as many units this month as last month.

A member of a military organization

The fifth tank brigade moved in with 20 units. (i.e., 20 tanks).

Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organizationJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
An organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force
An element of a ring having a multiplicative inverse. (Formerly just the identity element 1R of a ring.)
A standard or basic quantity into which an item of supply is divided, issued, or used. In this meaning, also called unit of issue
An organized group comprising people and/or equipment

He was a member of a special police unit.

Having a size or magnitude of one

All solutions lie within the unit disc centered at the origin.

For each unit

We have to keep our unit costs down if we want to make a profit.

{n} the number one
A unit of measurement is a fixed standard quantity, length, or weight that is used for measuring things. The litre, the centimetre, and the ounce are all units
– A value that indicates the amount of college credit given for a course All courses have unit value Generally, one unit is equivalent to approximately one hour of lecture per week and at least two hours of homework per week
Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement for other amounts or quantities of the same kind
A unit is a group within an armed force or police force, whose members fight or work together or carry out a particular task. One secret military unit tried to contaminate the drinking water of the refugees Two small Marine units have been trapped inside the city for the last 36 hours
an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
A single thing, as a magnitude or number, regarded as an undivided whole
A single dwelling within a larger complex: especially in condominium projects where the unit is the portion of the complex which is for the exclusive use of the owner of the unit
A unit is a group of people who work together at a specific job, often in a particular place. the health services research unit
A unit is one of the parts that a textbook is divided into. = module. central processing unit Military Intelligence Unit 5 astronomical unit intensive care unit critical care unit international unit military unit unit trust
Archaeologists lay out a grid over a site to divide it into units, and then they figure out which units will be dug Units vary in size Archaeologists dig one unit at a time Keeping track of specific measurements between artifacts and features gives archaeologists the ability to draw an overall map looking down on the site (called a floor plan), to get the bigger picture of the site
A member of a military group
"Credits" and "units" are synonymous Units of credit are awarded for each course passed Lecture and discussion classes are usually 3 units for three hours of classes per week per semester; activity and lab classes take usually 2 or 3 hours per week and are awarded one unit of credit You may also receive some credit by examination The credits or units granted by SDSU are called "semester units" If you transfer from another institution (UCSD, for example) with quarter units, they are converted into semester units by multiplying by 2/3 Thus, if you transferred to SDSU with 60 quarter units, SDSU would grant you 40 semester units towards your degree from SDSU See Unit Requirements in the Graduation Requirements section of this web site for the number of semester credits (units) needed for a degree
An element of a ring having a multiplicative inverse. (Formerly just the identity element 1{R} of a ring.)
an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity; "how big is that part compared to the whole?"; "the team is a unit"
an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit
A gold coin of the reign of James I
a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another"
A standard of measurement representing hours of academic instruction (e g , semester credit)
More than one class of securities traded together (e g , one common share and three subscription warrants)
The least whole number; one
A unit of competence is the smallest individual component of the qualification which can be accredited and awarded Each unit is made up of elements of competence
A unit is a small machine which has a particular function, often part of a larger machine. The unit plugs into any TV set
Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organization
The institution, college, school, department, or other administrative body with the responsibility for managing or coordinating all programs offered for the initial and continuing preparation of teachers and other school personnel, regardless of where these programs are administratively housed Also known as the "professional education unit "
A Unit is an Execution Environment which generally runs "client" Operators; that is, those Operators which directly interface with the user In addition, the compute, storage, network, and display capabilities of Units may be very limited, meaning that Active Proxies should be used to bootstrap into the infrastructure (using a very simple Connector Type for the purpose) Alternately, Units can be very powerful; a modern Web browser is a good example They may even have local persistent state which is not shared with a Base The real distinction here is that Units run Operators which interact with users; most other Operators generally work "within" the infrastructure
Measure of the quantity of hours in a course Usually, one (1) unit of lecture equals 1 hour per week of class time However, if the course includes one (1) unit of laboratory, then it will equal 3 hours per week of class time
The exact definition depends on the rules systems In some games, Unit is a synonym for the less-classy word, "thing " (That is, any miniature is considered to be a Unit ) In other games, Unit refers to groups of playing pieces -- for instance, a brigade of four stands might be considered a Unit
{i} specific quantity regarded as a standard; combination which acts a whole; piece; furniture; device, apparatus
College credit is measured in terms of the "unit " You earn one unit by performing three hours of class work per week for one semester, which includes work in the classroom or lab and in outside study Most lecture classes are three units, which might include three hours in class plus six hours of outside study and preparation time A full-time student carries 12 or more units per semester, a part-time student takes fewer than 12 units
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
Any specified or determinable amount or quantity adopted as a standard of measurement Unity; one
A unit is the basic component of study, normally completed over a period of one semester A combination of required and elective units makes up a degree "programme"
The basis for comparing a measurement with a standard reference, such as the units known as "inches" or "feet "
One lot if the actual lot size is less than twice the minimum lot size as established in accordance with the zoning of the area by the Maui county planning commission and the State of Hawaii land use commission Where the actual lot size is twice as large or larger, the lot shall be considered as containing as many units as determined by the whole number by dividing the actual area of the lot by the minimum lot size (As stated in Section 1-2 of the Rules and Regulations )
A single thing or person
a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids"
The smallest piece of software that can be independently tested (i e , compiled or assembled, loaded, and tested) Usually the work of one programmer consisting of a few hundred lines of source code [5]
A unit is a group of combatants that is organized under a unit leader The unit is defined by its size (a fire team) or role (heavy weapons) Organization charts are provided later in this rulebook showing the composition of units in many modern military and police forces In the game, units perform actions together
The unit of measurement for a physical quantity; e g seconds (s), kilograms (kg), volts (V)
A standard of measurement representing hours of academic instruction (e g , semester credit, quarter credit, contact hour)
(1) A functional or business component of an agency, generally with a specified mission or support activity (2) A standard basis for quantitative measurements
A merger of two or more classes of securities into a single securities product
A measure of credit earned for course completion A unit is based on the number of hours of instruction per week required in the classroom and/or lab or in independent study A course earning three semester units will usually meet for three lecture hours a week One quarter unit is equal to 2/3 of one semester unit
If you consider something as a unit, you consider it as a single, complete thing. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit
of the value of twenty shillings
a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another" an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit" a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids" an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit
(electricity) One kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter)
In general, any division of a quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange In finance, the term refers to any definable segment (division, subsidiary, product line, etc ) of a company, or a measurement of sales or production according to quantity rather than dollars In securities, the term refers to any minimum quantity acceptable for trading, or one share of stock or one bond in primary or secondary distributions of securities, or more than one class of securities traded together In an underwriting, for example, a typical unit may be comprised of one or more shares of the issuer’s common stock plus a combination of warrants, preferred shares or other securities
unit aircraft
Those aircraft provided by an aircraft unit for the performance of a flying mission
unit aircraft
Such an aircraft
unit cell
In a crystal, the smallest repeating structure (parallelepiped) of atoms from which the structure of the complete crystal can be inferred
unit cells
plural form of unit cell
unit circle
The circle of radius 1 with centre at the origin, used in defining trigonometric functions
unit circle
A circle of radius 1
unit cost
The cost to acquire a unit of a good or service for a specific quantity that is purchased
unit costs
plural form of unit cost
unit designation lists
plural form of unit designation list
unit fraction
A fraction whose numerator is 1 and whose denominator is a positive integer; for example, \frac12 or 1/35
unit fractions
plural form of unit fraction
unit interval
the interval , that is the set of all real numbers x such that zero is less than or equal to x and x is less than or equal to one
unit intervals
plural form of unit interval
unit matrices
plural form of unit matrix
unit matrix
An identity matrix
unit matrixes
plural form of unit matrix
unit of measure
any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property
unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; a unit of measure
unit operation
Any simple step in a multi-step chemical engineering process; examples include distillation, evaporation, mixing, filtration, crystallization etc
unit price
The price of a standard amount of a good, as of weight or volume
unit test
An individual test in unit testing
unit testing
A software testing methodology in which individual tests (unit tests) are developed for each small part of a program
unit vector
A vector with length 1
unit vectors
plural form of unit vector
unit bank
(Denizcilik) A system of banking in which the government restricts or does not permit a bank to open branch offices. Unit banking systems encourage either small, independent banks or banks that are theoretically independent but are in fact owned by a bank holding company
unit bank
(Denizcilik) A local bank operating just as a single branch
unit per capita loading
Population equivalent or unit per capita loading, (PE), in waste-water treatment is the number expressing the ratio of the sum of the pollution load produced during 24 hours by industrial facilities and services to the individual pollution load in household sewage produced by one person in the same time
unit circle
(Geometri) A circle having a radius of 1
unit labor cost
Cost of labor needed for one unit of some good. It is calculated so that the price of the unit reflects the cost of the labor necessary to produce it
unit production manager
(Film) A Unit Production Manager (UPM) is an executive who is responsible for the administration of a film
unit under test
Device under test (DUT), also known as unit under test (UUT), is a term commonly used to refer to a manufactured product undergoing testing
unit cell
the smallest group of atoms or molecules whose repetition at regular intervals in three dimensions produces the lattices of a crystal
unit cell
The smallest building block of a crystal, consisting of atoms, ions, or molecules, whose geometric arrangement defines a crystal's characteristic symmetry and whose repetition in space produces a crystal lattice
unit character
(genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
unit character
A trait inherited in accordance with Mendel's law of segregation
unit cost
calculated cost for a given unit of a product
unit cost
Unit cost is the amount of money that it costs a company to produce one article. They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales. The cost of a given unit of a product
unit cost
(Ticaret) The total of material, labor and overhead costs allocated to a single unit and used in inventory valuation, and margin and variance analysis
unit investment trust
a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities; "you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $1000
unit journal
journal used to record events that take place during a war
unit of account
{i} unit of currency that is used as a uniform basis for calculating prices
unit of area
{i} unit for measuring a surface
unit of capacity
{i} unit for measuring volume
unit of currency
{i} monetary unit
unit of length
{i} unit for measuring distance
unit of measure
The unit in which the quantity of an item is expressed Examples include barrels, dozens, gross, each, pounds, gallons, feet, etc
unit of measure
Items on jobs can be invoiced based on various units of measure, such as "each," "per square foot," "per linear foot," and so on (QuickBooks Premier: Contractor Edition supports all of these options )
unit of measure
-the unit of measure describes how the quantity of an item is tracked in your inventory system The most common unit of measure is "eaches," which simply means that each individual item is considered one unit An item that uses "cases" as the unit of measure would be tracked by the number of cases rather than by the actual piece quantity Other examples of units of measure would include pallets, pounds, ounces, linear feet, square feet, cubic feet, gallons, thousands, hundreds, pairs, dozens See also Unit-of-measure conversion
unit of measure
A unit of measure is used in the Purchasing Module, this designates the number or amount a commodity is ordered by, that is, each, box, dozen, etc
unit of measure
The unit of measure (i e , weight, length, volume)
unit of measure
The base unit by which an item is normally stocked, costed and ordered Planning and costing systems must translate vendor or customer orders based on alternate measures into a common unit for consistency
unit of measure
(Ticaret) The base unit by which an item is normally stocked, costed and ordered. Planning and costing systems must translate vendor or customer orders based on alternate measures into a common unit for consistency
unit of measure
unit used to measure (meters, feet, pounds, liters, etc.)
unit of measure
   A standard of basic quantity into which an item is divided, such as ml, kg, mm, m/s, °F, etc
unit of measure conversion
(Ticaret) A transaction or report for a specific product that translates its value from one unit of measure into another, as in the conversion of cases specified on a customer order into the planning and stocking measure of units or eaches
unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume
unit of time
{i} set amount of time (minutes, hours, seconds, etc.)
unit of viscosity
a unit of measurement for viscosity
unit of volume
unit for measuring capacity
unit pack
The first tie, wrap, or container applied to a single item, or a quantity thereof, or to a group of items of a single stock number, preserved or unpreserved, which constitutes a complete or identifiable package A unit pack is also often referred to as a 'package' or merely as a 'pack '1
unit pack
The pack containing a single unit
unit pack
-See Inner pack
unit price
The closing price of an asset as of the statement date
unit price
An amount stated in a bid or later agreed upon as a price per unit of measurment for materials, equipment, services or portion of the work as described in the bidding documents
unit price
the price for each unit of a unit trust This is calculated by dividing the value of the assets of the trust by the number of units on issue to investors
unit price
A price which the contractor is paid for the selected unit for materials or service; e g pounds, each, hour, etc
unit price
The price transacted for a unit in Kiwi Income Property Trust as recorded by the NZSE or ASX
unit price
the price that is charged for each single thing or quantity that is sold
unit price
  The price of a selected unit of a good or service (example: price per ton, per foot, per dozen, per box etc )
unit price
the price of a food based on a unit of measure, such as ounces, pounds, quarts, or liters; the product's price divided by its unit of measure
unit price
The unit price is the price paid for each individual unit in the fund For example an investment of $5000 in a fund with a unit price of $1 65 would entitle you to 3030 303 units in the fund "
unit price
Value of AMP's investment units which change daily according to fluctuations in the market Prices are either allocation or issue (buy in at) or release or redemption (sell at)
unit price
The price for an individual case of wine
unit price
1 The price charged for a single unit or minimum unit of production 2 The price charged for a unit of length, volume, or area
unit price
A price for a specified unit of work and/or materials used to cover unknown conditions and variables that cannot be quantified exactly at the time of bidding
unit pricing
The pricing of goods on the basis of cost per unit of measure
unit rule
A rule of procedure at a national politcal convention under which a state's entire vote must be cast for the candidate preferred by a majority of the state's delegates
unit sales
Unit sales refers to the number of individual items that a company sells. Unit sales of T-shirts increased 6%
unit test
(Ticaret) A test used to verify the acceptable functionality of a single program, operation or process that does not also test the impact and integration points with other programs or operations
unit transport officer
officer that is responsible for a unit's vehicles
unit trust
A fund which raises money from investors and invests it in a range of securities
unit trust
A popular type of stock market-linked investment that you may use to repay an interest-only mortgage Your monthly premiums buy units in a fund of stocks and shares that is run by a professional manager The value of units can go down as well as up, and a unit trust doesn't include life assurance
unit trust
A unit trust is a trust that invests its funds in a spread of equities or fixed interest securities A professional manager runs the portfolio You buy units in the unit trust, the amount you pay being added into the unit trust's funds The price you pay for the units is based on the value of the unit trust's investments You can sell your units back to the unit trust at any time There is a difference between the buying and selling price, known as the "bid/offer spread"
unit trust
A fund set up by a management company to channel investors' money into certain specified assets, in particular shares The units reflect the underlying value of the overall investment portfolio
unit trust
A collective investment where a unit trust manager puts an investor's money, together with that of others, into a fund of shares or securities of a specific type which is then professionally managed The nature of the unit trust is determined by a trust deed and the fund itself is held separately by an independent trustee Unit-Linked An investment where units of shares or other asset types are purchased through a life assurance or pension policy The value of the units, which can go down as well as up, depends upon the performance of the underlying assets
unit trust
A unit trust is an organization which invests money in many different types of business and which offers units for sale to the public as an investment. You can also refer to an investment of this type as a unit trust. a company through which you can buy shares in many different businesses American Equivalent: mutual fund
unit trust
An investment vehicle which purchases a fixed portfolio of securities, such as corporate, municipal or government bonds, common stock, preferred stock, etc
unit trust
A trust set up as a pooled investment fund The portfolio of investments is unitised in order to allow investors to buy and sell units
unit trust
investment business attracting funds from investors by issuing units of shares or bonds to invest in
unit trust
The unit trust can be regarded as a pool of assets consisting of shares, fixed-interest stocks and cash The value of this fund is determined on a daily basis and divided into identical units each with the same value The fund is held in trust for the investors by the trustee
unit trust
Your money is invested with thousands of others in one pooled fund Presiding over the fund is a manager or managers responsible for achieving the fund's stated investment objective Most unit trusts underperform the index and have high charges They are to be replaced by Open Ended Investment Companies See Underperformance
unit trust
an investment where a number of individuals place their money with a professional manager who manages the total fund on their behalf Also known as a pooled investment or managed investment
unit trust
a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities; "you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $1000"
unit trust
An open-ended collective investment fund divided into units each representing an identical fraction of the total underlying investments The investment fund is set up under a trust deed The investor is effectively the beneficiary under the trust
unit trust
A pooled fund established under trust in which investors can buy and sell units on an ongoing basis Known as mutual funds in the US and some other countries Compare with OEIC
unit trust
An investment fund held with an investment firm that specializes in only one type of security (like municipal bonds) This firm maintains a fixed portfolio of this security and each investor will then receive shares that have a value proportionate to the initial amount of the holding
unit trust
A method of investing in a collection of shares managed by professional fund managers
unit trust
An unincorporated fund whose organisational structure permits the conduit treatment of income realised by the fund
unit trust
In the United Kingdom and other foreign markets, an open-end mutual fund
unit trust
– An unincorporated fund whose organizational structure permits the conduit treatment of income realized by the fund
unit trust
This is a method of pooling investor’s funds and managing the assets purchased by those investors The assets are held within a trust and usually held by a recognised bank or other financial institution who acts as custodian Unit Trusts are managed by a Fund Manager and there are a large number covering different sectors throughout the world and the UK Prices are quoted daily in the financial press
unit trust
an investment where a number of individuals place their money with a professional manager who manages the total fund on their behalf Also knows as a pooled investment or managed fund
unit trust
A type of investment, which can be used in place of an "endowment or pension policy or ISA" to repay the capital on an "interest-only" mortgage The return is not guaranteed and borrowers could be left with a shortfall at the end of the mortgage term
unit trust
A collective investment vehicle that pools the money of like-minded investors and invest into securities with a specific objective Same as mutual fund
unit trust
is a type of managed fund in which money is pooled and managed by a professional investor The unit trust is unitised, with each investor getting units proportional to their investment Subsequent returns to the investor are based on the number of units they hold Back to top
unit trust
a company which allows investors with small amounts of money to pool their funds and have them invested by a professional fund manager
unit vector
A vector with a length of 1
unit vector
straight segment that indicates the size of one unit
unit vector
A vector with a magnitude of 1
unit vector
A vector that has the length (or magnitude) of one unit
united arab emirate monetary unit
monetary unit in the United Arab Emirates
united states dry unit
a unit of measurement of capacity for dry substances officially adopted in the United States Customary System
united states liquid unit
a liquid unit officially adopted in the United States Customary System
API unit
A unit of radioactivity used for measuring natural gamma rays in the ground. The radioactivity of a typical shale is 100 API units
a locomotive with an engine, generator and motors, but without control mechanisms
British thermal unit
The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a particular temperature (there are several different precise definitions) and a pressure of one atmosphere
Financial Intelligence Unit
A government agency found in many countries, responsible for investigating and preventing criminal manipulation of finance systems
Friedman unit
A period of six months
Heaviside unit function
The function whose value is zero if its independent variable is negative, and one otherwise
K-9 unit
A police dog or a police dog and its handler
Planck unit
Any one of several natural units in a system originally proposed by Max Planck based on universal constants. Symbols for Planck units are the symbol for the physical quantity with a subscript P
USP unit
A unit of potency of drugs, used in the United States Pharmacopeia
angstrom unit
angstrom (unit of length)
application protocol data unit
A packet of data exchanged between two application programs across a network
arithmetic logic unit
That part of a CPU that does calculations and logical operations
astronomical unit
The mean distance from the Earth to the Sun (the semi-major axis of Earth's orbit), approximately 149,600,000 kilometres (symbol AU), used to measure distances in the solar system
atomic mass unit
a unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of an atom of the 12C isotope of carbon
bargaining unit
A group of employees legally represented by a labor union for the purpose of negotiating terms and conditions of employment with an employer
base unit
A unit of measurement on which others are based

The SI unit of velocity is metres per second, derived from the base units of time and distance.

base unit
The main unit of a computer or hi-fi system

When upgrading her computer she bought a new base unit but kept the screen, keyboard and mouse.

central processing unit
The part of a computer that fetches, decodes and executes instructions; attached directly to the memory. Abbreviated: CPU
customary unit
any unit of measurement that is currently used in the United States
derived unit
Any unit derived from one of the seven base units of length (meter), mass (kilogram), time (second), electric current (ampere), thermodynamic temperature (kelvin), amount of substance (mole) and luminous intensity (candela)
detoxification unit
A department in a hospital or a rehab used for detoxification of new patients
electromagnetic unit
Any of the various units to measure electricity and magnetism in the CGS (now replaced by SI) system of units; abbreviated emu or EMU
excavation unit
A pit, trench, shovel test hole, (etc.) or other result of scientific excavation

An excavation unit need not be rectangular, if precise measurements are made to assure good provenience.

field unit
A military unit destined to be fielded in tactical operations
first unit
The team that shoots footage which is of primary importance for the final cut of the motion picture, including all scenes involving actors, or at least stars of the motion picture
floating-point unit
A microprocessor that performs floating-point arithmetic. In older models of computer the FPU was not integrated into the central processing unit, but rather as a coprocessor if included at all
flux unit
The (otherwise unnamed) unit of density of electromagnetic radiation from a radio star, equal to 10-26 watts per square meter per hertz
high dependency unit
An area for patients who require more intensive observation, treatment and nursing care than would be usually provided on a general ward. A standard of care between the general ward and full intensive care
hypothetical taxonomic unit
An internal node in phylogenetic analysis; an inferred ancestral organism
international unit
A particular, minute unit of mass, defined differently for different substances, but so that varying substances of the same general type have the property that one international unit of the one has the same effect on the human body as one international unit of the other
lexical unit
A lexical item
monetary unit
A standard unit of a currency, of which the value of coins or notes are multiples
morphic unit
A unit of form, organization or arrangement of any size
motor unit
A neuron with its associated muscle fibres
mountain unit
A type of military unit armed, equipped and trained to fight in rugged, mountainous terrain
moving unit
A unit of measurement in motion, such as moving crowd,or moving parts of a machine
multiple unit
a train consisting of one or more self-propelled cars capable of coupling with other units of the same or similar type and still being controlled from one cab
natural unit
Any of a group of related physical units defined in terms of natural constants
operational taxonomic unit
A terminal node in phylogenetic analysis; an organism
penalty unit
an amount, used as a basis of a penalty fine, which can be adjusted by the government without the need to pass new legislation
pilosebaceous unit
The structure consisting of hair, hair follicle, erector pili muscle and sebaceous gland
propwash deflection unit
A device that is placed over or behind the propeller of a boat to deflect the vessel's propwash downward. The result is a very effective form of agitation dredging. PDUs are primarily used by salvors to remove mud or sand from shallow water shipwrecks
quantum unit of spin
A constant used as a unit of measurement for particle spin and equal to Planck's constant divided by 2π
repeat unit
a specific arrangement of atoms that repeats within a macromolecule
repeating unit
the basic structural unit of a polymer; the monomer unit which has been polymerized
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение unit в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

unit operasyonlar
(Kimya) unit operations
unit kırk fite eşit ölçü birimi (yaklaşık 12 metre)
(Askeri) forty-foot equivalent