But very soon he grew to like it, for the Boy used to talk to him, and made nice tunnels for him under the bedclothes that he said were like the burrows the real rabbits lived in.
A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at the other, for conveying liquor, fluids, etc
1 the space or channel between the bottom of the hull center section, or main hull, and the sponson inner walls and air traps, in which air flow is directed and compressed by the boat's forward motion, generating a high- pressure air cushion to partially support the weight of the boat
In the context of this document, a tunnel refers to a secure communication path between two peers, such as two PIX Firewall units It does not refer to using IPSec in tunnel mode
- the horizontal excavation On the Nancy Creek Tunnel, the main tunnel extends 43,700 feet from the Johnson Ferry Road shaft to the RM Clayton shaft Along the alignment, the depth of the tunnel ranges from 95 to 330 feet Only about 800 feet of the 43,700-foot length will be excavated by drilling and blasting (400 foot long TBM starter tunnels at the RM Clayton and Roswell Road shafts) The remaining length will be excavated using TBMs