
listen to the pronunciation of transmission
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Manüel vitesli bir araba kullanabilir misin? - Can you drive a manual transmission?

Er, ben sadece otomatik vitesli arabaları sürebilirim. - Er, I can only drive cars with an automatic transmission.

automatic transmission otomatik vites
{i} iletişim
(motordaki) şanzıman, şanjman, transmisyon sistemi: There's something wrong with my car's transmission. Arabamın şanzımanında bir
{i} aktarma
(Aydınlatma) geçme
(Tıp) aşırım
geçirim düzlemi
(Kimya) geçirim
{i} ulaştırma
dişli kutusu
transmisyon sistemi
transmisyon düzlemi
sinyal vb
{i} iletme
(ünalgı/sınalgı) yayın
iletim gönderim
{i} radyo yayını
{i} bulaşma
{i} bulaştırma
{i} 1. (motordaki) şanzıman, şanjman, transmisyon sistemi: There's something wrong with my car's transmission. Arabamın şanzımanında bir
(Askeri) GÖNDERME: Bak. "transmit"
transmissive naklolunur
{i} intikal
(Tıp) Bulaşıcı nitelikte bir hastalığın bir kimseden diğer bir kimseye geçişi, hastalığın bir organdan diğer bir orgna geçişi
(Tıp) Kalıtsal özelliklerin anne-babadan evlada geçişi
transmission dynamometer bir makina veya cihazdan geçirilen kuvveti ölçme aleti
(Dilbilim) bildirim
(Ticaret) mesaj geçirme
(Hukuk) sevk
transmission box
transmission box
şanzıman kutusu
transmission box
(Otomotiv) dişli kutusu
transmission fluid
(Otomotiv) transmisyon sıvısı
transmission fluid
(Otomotiv) şanzıman yağı
transmission oil
(Otomotiv) transmisyon yağı
transmission oil
şanzıman yağı
transmission range
transmiston aralığı
transmission system
(Bilgisayar) gönderme sistemi
transmission belt
transmisyon kayışı
transmission box
vites kutusu
transmission brake
transmisyon eğleci
transmission chain
tahrik zinciri
transmission channel
gönderme kanalı
transmission error
iletim hatası
transmission gear
transmisyon dişlisi
transmission level
transmisyon düzeyi
transmission line
taşıma hattı
transmission shaft
taşıma şaftı
transmission speed
gönderme hızı
transmission system
iletim jüyesi
transmission band
iletim bandı
transmission brake
transmisyon freni
transmission control character
gönderme denetim karakteri
transmission electron microscopy
transmisyon elektron mikroskobu
transmission gain
transmisyon kazancı
transmission interface
iletim arayüzü
transmission interface converter
gönderme arayüzey dönüstürücüsü
transmission limit
transmisyon limiti, geçirim sınırı
transmission line
İletim hattı
transmission main shaft
şanzıman ana mili
transmission measuring set
iletim ölçme donanımı
transmission mechanism
(Ekonomi) İktisatçıların "şanzıman" dediği aktarma mekanizması

In times of crises, cross-border investments act as what economists call a "transmission mechanism".

transmission medium
iletim ortamı
transmission network
aktarım ağı, aktarım şebekesi
transmission protection
sinyal koruması
transmission range
iletim menzili
transmission shaft
taşıma saftı
transmission speed
iletim hızı
transmission time
iletim zamanı
transmission band
transmisyon bandı
transmission block
iletim obegi, iletim blogu
transmission bridge
besleme koprusu
transmission buffer
iletim yastigi
transmission by air
(Otomotiv) hava yoluyla aktarım
transmission case
(Otomotiv) vites kutusu karteri
transmission case
(Otomotiv) şanzıman gövdesi
transmission chain
transmisyon zinciri
transmission clutches
(İnşaat) transmisyon kavraması
transmission coefficient
(Nükleer Bilimler) transmisyon(geçirim) katsaysısı
transmission control code; transportation component command
(Askeri) iletim kontrol kodu; ulaştırma unsur komutanlığı
transmission control protocol
İletim Kontrol Protokolü
transmission control protocol
(TCP) İletim Denetimi İletişim Kuralı
transmission control protocol
İletim Denetimi Protokolü
transmission cooler
(Otomotiv) şanzıman soğutucusu
transmission dress
(Otomotiv) transmisyon kaplaması
transmission ecu
(Otomotiv) şanzıman ecu'su
transmission experiment
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçme deneyi
transmission factor
(Askeri) radyasyon azaltma faktörü
transmission factor
(Askeri) (NUCLEAR) RADYASYON AZALTMA FAKTÖRÜ (NÜKLEER): Koruyucu malzeme (shielding materiel) içindeki dozun dış (çevre) dozuna oranı. Radyasyon azaltma faktörü koruyucu malzemeden nüfuz suretiyle alınan dozun hesaplanmasında kullanılır
transmission frequency
İletme Sıklığı
transmission group module and/or orderwire
(Askeri) ileti grup modülü ve/veya emir ve komuta devresi
transmission hanger
(Otomotiv) şanzıman askısı
transmission house
aktarma yuvası
transmission jack
(Otomotiv) şanzıman krikosu
transmission level point; troop leading procedıres
(Askeri) ileti seviyesi noktası; birlik liderlik prosedürleri
transmission lever
transmisyon çubuğu
transmission limit
(Fizik) transmisyon limiti
transmission limit
(Fizik) geçirim sınırı
transmission line amplifier
iletim hatti yukselteci
transmission lines
(Elektrik, Elektronik) enerji aktarım hatları
transmission media
iletim ortamlari
transmission medium analysis
(Askeri) GÖNDERME VASATI ANALİZİ: Kriptolu haberlerde, bilgi elde etmek maksadıyla, haber gönderme vasatının incelenmesi
transmission medium security
(Askeri) GÖNDERME VASATI EMNİYETİ: Haber gönderme vasatlarının özelliklerini. düşmanın inceleyip bilgi elde etmemesi için, kriptolu haberlerdeki çeşitli bilgilerin miktarını azaltmak üzere alınan bilgiler
transmission method
(Bilgisayar) gönderme yöntemi
transmission mount
(Otomotiv) şanzıman takozu
transmission mount
(Otomotiv) şanzıman bağlantı takozu
transmission number
(Otomotiv) şanzıman numarası
transmission nuts
(Otomotiv) şanzıman takozları
transmission of light
(Fizik) ışık geçirimi
transmission of light
(Fizik) ışığın transmisyonu
transmission parameters
(A,B,C,D) iletim parametreleri
transmission performance
iletim basarimi
transmission pinion
(İnşaat) transmisyon pinyonu
transmission pinion
(Otomotiv) şanzıman konik dişlisi
transmission protocol
iletim protokolu
transmission pump
(İnşaat) transmisyon pompası
transmission pump
aktarma pompası
transmission pump
şanzıman pompası
transmission screen
(İnşaat) transmisyon süzgeci
transmission security
(Askeri) GÖNDERME EMNİYETİ: Göndermeyi düşman dinlemelerinden, trafik analizinden ve taklidi şaşırtmadan korumak için alınmış bütün tedbirlerin meydana getirdiği muhabere emniyet unsuru. Ayrıca bakınız: "communications security"
transmission security
(Askeri) ileti güvenliği
transmission shaft
transmisyon şaftı
transmission spectrophotometer
(Nükleer Bilimler) spektrofotometer, geçirgenlik
transmission speed
iletim hizi
transmission standards
iletim standartlari
transmission technique
(Nükleer Bilimler) transmisyon(geçirim) tekniği
transmission type
(Otomotiv) şanzıman tipi
transmission unit
aktarma ünitesi
transparent transmission
saydam iletim
transposed transmission line
caprazlama iletim hatti
broadcast transmission
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) radyo yayın
broadcast transmission
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) radyofonik yayın
burst transmission
(Askeri) anlık yayın
progressive transmission
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) aşamalı iletim
alternating current transmission
alternatif akım iletimi
asynchronous transmission
eşzamansız gönderim
automatic transmission
otomatik şanzuman
automatic transmission
otomatik vites
auxiliary transmission
yardımcı transmisyon
beam transmission
yönelik yayın
binary synchronous transmission
ikili eşzamanlı gönderme
blank transmission test
boşluk gönderme testi
colour transmission
renkli yayın
data transmission
veri iletimi
data transmission equipment
veri iletim donatısı
data transmission system
veri gönderme sistemi
direct current transmission
doğru akım transmisyonu
double sideband transmission
çift yan bantlı transmisyon
duplex transmission
ikili gönderme
full duplex transmission
iki yönlü gönderme
half duplex transmission
iki yönlü gönderme
horizontally polarized transmission
yatay kutuplanmış yayın
hydraulic transmission
hidrolik transmisyon
hydrodynamic transmission
hidrolik transmisyon
impulse transmission
darbeli iletim
inverse neutral telegraph transmission
ters nötr telgraf transmisyonu
live transmission
canlı yayın
live transmission
naklen yayın
magnetic transmission
manyetik transmisyon
manual transmission
düz vites
overdrive transmission
overdrayv transmisyonu
overdrive transmission
fazla sürat düzeni
parallel transmission
paralel iletim
picture transmission
resim nakli
picture transmission
görüntü iletimi
power transmission
güç aktarımı
serial transmission
seri iletim
sound transmission
ses nakli
television transmission
sınalgı yayını
analog transmission
analog iletim
asymmetrical sideband transmission
asimetrik yanbant iletimi
automatic picture transmission
otomatik resim iletimi
coefficient of heat transmission
işi iletim katsayısı
cultural transmission
kültürel iletişim
end of transmission
gönderme sonu
file transmission table
(Bilgisayar) Dosya aktarım tablosu
fluid transmission
hidrolik transmisyon
horizontally polarized transmission
yatay kutuplanmis yayın
language transmission
dil iletim
monetary transmission mechanism
(Ekonomi) Parasal Aktarım Mekanizması: Para politikası kararlarının üretim, tüketim, istihdam gibi reel ekonomik aktiviteleri ekonominin kendi dinamikleri aracılığı ile etkilemesini sağlayan mekanizmadır. Örneğin, Merkez Bankasının kısa vadeli faizleri değiştirerek, enflasyon beklentileri, piyasa faiz oranları, vade yapısı, para - kredi büyüklükleri ile aktif fiyatlarını etkilemesi ve belli bir süre sonra bu değişmelerin reel büyüklükler üzerinde etkili olması bu mekanizmanın çalışma biçimini oluşturur. Ancak, böyle bir mekanizmanın net olarak tespit edilmesi, davranışsal bir takım tanımlamalar da gerektirdiğinden, oldukça zordur
monochrome transmission
siyah-beyaz yayın
non simultaneous transmission
sigara eşzamanlı iletim
overdrive transmission
overdrayv transmisyonu, fazla sürat düzeni, üsthiz kutusu
overhead transmission line
Havaî enerji iletim hattı
packet systems and transmission speed
paket sistemler ve gönderme hızı
packet transmission
paket gönderme
polar transmission
polar iletim
powershift transmission
yağ basıncı ile kavrama yapan şanzıman
satellite transmission
uydu yayını
simplex transmission
tek yönlü gönderme
synchronous transmission
eşzamanlı gönderme
television transmission
televizyon yayını
text transmission
metin iletimi
Digital Video Imagery Transmission System
(Askeri) Dijital Video Görüntü Gönderme Sistemi
Digital Wideband Transmission System
(Askeri) Dijital Geniş Bant Veri Gönderme Sistemi
active duty for training; assign digital transmission group; automatic digital t
(Askeri) eğitim için aktif görev; sayısal gönderme grubu tahsisi; otomatik sayısal test aracı
analog transmission
örneksel gönderim
angular transmission
açısal iletim
asynchronous transmission
zamanuyumsuz gönderim
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An assembly of gears through which power is transmitted from the engine to the driveshaft in a motor car / automobile; a gearbox
Something that is transmitted, such as a message, picture or a disease; the sending of such a thing
The fact of being transmitted
The act of transmitting, e.g. data or electric power
The passage of a nerve impulse across synapses
the act of sending through or across
{n} the act of transmitting
The transmission of something is the passing or sending of it to a different person or place. Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission. the transmission of knowledge and skills
the spread or transfer, as of a disease, from one individual to another
The transportation of electricity or natural gas from a generation plan or pipeline to another facility Or, the transfer of energy between utility systems
The movement or transfer of gas or electric energy in bulk Ordinarily transmission is considered to end when the energy is transformed or its pressure is reduced for distribution to ultimate consumers
communication by means of transmitted signals
The transmission on a car or other vehicle is the system of gears and shafts by which the power from the engine reaches and turns the wheels. The car was fitted with automatic transmission. a four-speed manual transmission. System in an engine that transmits power generated by the engine to the point where it is to be used. Most mechanical transmissions function as rotary speed changers; the ratio of the output speed to the input speed may be either constant (as in a gearbox) or variable. On variable-speed transmissions, the speeds may be variable in individual steps (as on an automobile or some machine-tool drives) or continuously variable within a range. Step-variable transmissions, with some slip, usually use either gears or chains and provide fixed speed ratios with no slip; stepless transmissions use belts, chains, or rolling-contact bodies
The process of transporting electric energy in bulk on high voltage lines from the generating facility to the local distribution company for delivery to retail customers
Transmission is the transfer of information by electrical signals over a distance without the following occurring to the signals: (a) Unacceptable attenuation (reduction of the electrical impulse) (b) Distortion
the fraction of radiant energy that passes through a substance
an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
The process of transporting electricity from a supply source to local distribution systems or connection points with other companies' transmission systems
The act or process of transporting electric energy in bulk from one point to another in the power system, rather than to individual customers
The process of transporting electric energy in bulk on high voltage lines from the power plant to the local distribution company for delivery to retail customers
(Otomotiv) A component of gear that allow your car to move forward and backward with varying amounts of power to meet a variety of driving situations. Manual transmissions are operated by means of a clutch and gearshift. Automatic transmissions are driven by hydraulic pressure
In optics, the passage of radiant energy (light) through a medium
the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle
The process of sending information from one point to another
The high voltage power lines between the power generating source and the lower voltage primary distribution networks
TRANSMISSION is the transport of electricity at high voltages across long distances The transmission system carries power from generating stations to various substations where it is transferred to a distribution system
{i} sending; broadcast; transmittal, conveyance
the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted
The transfer of electric power from one location to another over conductors
the spread of an organism, such as M tuberculosis, from one person to another; depends on the contagiousness of the patient, the type of environment, and the length of exposure
The process of delivering electricity from generation plants to the electric distribution system over high voltage power lines
Movement of bulk energy sources (electricity) from the generation facility (power plant) to a distribution facility
The right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor or successors any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it
Interconnecting electric lines which move high voltage electricity from where it is produced to the point of distribution to customers
The sending of information from one place to another by radio, microwave, laser, or other nonconnective methods, as well as by cable, wire, or other connective medium Transmission also includes movement involving the actual transfer of custody and responsibility for a document or other classified material from one authorized addressee to another
The passage of an infectious micro-organism from one animal to another
The act of transmitting, or the state of being transmitted; as, the transmission of letters, writings, papers, news, and the like, from one country to another; the transmission of rights, titles, or privileges, from father to son, or from one generation to another
The transportation of electricity or natural gas from a generation plant or pipeline to another facility Or, the transfer of energy between utility systems
A transmission is a broadcast
the process of transporting electric energy in bulk on high voltage lines from the generating facility (power plant) to the local distribution company for delivery to retail customers
The transfer of a signal, message, or other form of information from one location to another
Moving electricity in large volumes (i e at high voltage) from one place to another Strictly speaking, in an interconnected system, it is physically impossible to trace the particular electrons along the transmission wires from a generator to the ultimate user; the "contract path" is the most direct path along the wires between a seller and a buyer, but it will not correspond to the physical path of the electrons
The transmission of television or radio programmes is the broadcasting of them
- The process of sending or moving electricity from one point to another
The movement or transfer of electric energy at high voltage over an interconnected group of lines and associated equipment between points of supply and points at which it is either transformed for distribution and delivery to consumers or delivered to other electric systems Transmission is considered to end when the energy is transformed to low voltage for distribution to the consumer
the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle communication by means of transmitted signals
Transmission Control Protocol
A networking protocol, almost always layered on top of the Internet Protocol, that provides reliable, connection based communications
transmission electron diffraction
A type of electron diffraction in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a thin layer of sample
transmission electron microscope
A form of electron microscope in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a thin layer of sample
transmission electron microscopes
plural form of transmission electron microscope
transmission electron microscopy
A form of electron microscopy in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a thin layer of sample
transmission line
A structure such as a waveguide or stripline constructed so as to pass electric signals with fidelity and little loss
transmission line
A set of wires used for long-distance electric power transmission; a power transmission line
transmission media
plural form of transmission medium
transmission medium
any material substance which can propagate waves or energy
Transmission Control Protocol
protocol for data transfer on networks and especially on the Internet, TCP
Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
TCP/IP protocol, package of protocols which regulate connections between computers on the Internet
transmission brake
device which controls the speed of a transmission gear
transmission channel
channel used to convey messages, communications channel
transmission control protocol
a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to another; "TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission
transmission control protocol/internet protocol
a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the internet in the 1970s to get data from one network device to another
transmission dynamometer
A dynamometer in which power is measured, without being absorbed or used up, during transmission
transmission fluid
(Otomotiv) A oil that fills the automatic transmission system so that it can run on hydraulic pressure
transmission gear
gear system, transmission system for changing gears
transmission input shaft
(Otomotiv) The turning shaft that carries the power from the engine into the transmission
transmission line
An arrangement of two or more conductors or a wave guide used to transfer signal energy from one location to another
transmission line
a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
transmission line
Structures and conductors that carry bulk supplies of electrical energy from power-generating units
transmission line
A power line carrying high-voltage electricity between regions Most transmission lines are built on steel towers and operate at voltages between 60 and 765 kV, (60,000 to 765,000 Volts )
transmission line
An arrangement of two or more conductors or a wave guide used to transfer a signal from one location to another
transmission line
An arrangement of two or more conductors or a wave-guide used to transfer signal energy from one location to another
transmission line
The venting of loudspeaker drivers into a progressively damped rear chamber or labyrinth to absorb the rear wave Full transmission lines are very long to accommodate the wavelengths of bass notes, and are thus usually folded Half- or quarter transmission lines reduce the size of the associated cabinet and are more common Transmission lines in general entail complex cabinet construction and are thus relatively rare Examples of TL loaded speakers include Chapman Acoustics, Meadowlark Audio, most designs by "Bud" Fried and others
transmission line
An arrangement of two or more conductors or a waveguide used to transfer signal energy from one location to another
transmission line
On PCBs, a term referring to designing track layout to have an accurately defined Track Impedance, often consisting of a pair of conductors (either differential or signal and return) running in parallel See also Stripline and Microstrip
transmission line
A signal-carrying circuit with controlled electrical characteristics used to transmit high-frequency or narrow-pulse signals
transmission line
Also referred to as a T-line A type of bass cabinet in which the back wave follows a relatively long, usually damped path before being ported to the outside T-lines are usually rather large and costly cabinets to manufacture Opinions vary widely over the "best" type of bass cabinet, but much has to do with how well a given design, such as a transmission line is implemented
transmission line
Wires or cables through which high voltage electric power is moved from point to point
transmission line
Any line operating at 69,000 or more volts Top
transmission line
  The material medium or structure that forms all or part of a path from one place to another for directing the transmission of energy, such as electric currents, magnetic fields, acoustic waves, or electromagnetic waves   Note: Examples of transmission lines include wires, optical fibers, coaxial cables, rectangular closed waveguides, and dielectric slabs
transmission line
A signal-carrying circuit with controlled electrical characteristics used to transmit high frequency or narrow pulse signals
transmission line
A pipeline, other than a gathering or distribution line, that transports gas from a gathering or storage facility to a distribution center or storage operates at a hoop stress of 20 percent or more of the specified minimum yield stress of the pipe, or transports gas within a storage field (See 49 Code of Federal Regulations 192)
transmission line
Any line operating at 69,000 or more volts BACK TO TOP
transmission mechanism
any mechanism whereby an infectious agent is spread from a reservoir to a human being
transmission output shaft
(Otomotiv) The turning shaft that carries the power out of the transmission to the driveshaft
transmission range
distance from the transmitter which is broadcasting a radio program
transmission service
The provision of electric transmission and other services provided by the Electric Supplier to a customer from supply sources through Transmission Facilities
transmission service
Point-to-point transmission service provided under this Tariff Transmission service will be provided on a firm and/or non-firm basis
transmission shaft
rotating shaft that transmits rotary motion from the engine to the differential
transmission station
station on the radio which is used for relaying broadcasts
transmission time
the coordinated universal time time when a transmission is sent from Earth to a spacecraft or other celestial body
automatic transmission
A mechanical transmission which shifts gears automatically in response to speed and/or load, rather than requiring the operator to do so manually; an automatic gearbox
continuously variable transmission
Any of several forms of transmission, without specific gears, in which the gear ratio may be changed without any noticeable steps
Used only in the terms cryo-transmission electron micrograph, cryo-transmission electron microscope and cryo-transmission electron microscopy
cryo-transmission electron microscopy
A form of transmission electron microscopy in which the sample is held at a very low temperature
extraordinary optical transmission
The transmission of light through metallic films perforated by nanohole arrays at optical frequencies
manual transmission
Mechanical transmission which shifts gears by the action of the driver's hand on the gearstick or gear lever, rather than automatically; a manual gearbox
monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope
A scanning transmission electron microscope that is able to focus electrons to a probe of about 0.14 nm and thus distinguish individual atoms
monochromated scanning transmission electron microscopes
plural form of monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope
scanning transmission electron microscope
An electron microscope that transmits a very narrow beam of electrons through a sample; it can detect individual large or heavy atoms
scanning transmission electron microscopes
plural form of scanning transmission electron microscope
standard transmission
Mechanical transmission which shifts gears by the action of the driver's hand on the gearstick or gear lever, rather than automatically; a manual gearbox
A measure of the capacity of a material to transmit radiation (the ratio of the amounts of energy transmitted and received)
{a} transmitted, sent, derived
Maximum Transmission Unit
largest size of a data packet or frame that can be sent in one complete unit over a packet-based computer network, MTU
a transmission
airborne transmission
a transmission mechanism in the which the infectious agent is spread as an aerosol and usually enters a person through the respiratory tract
automatic transmission
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
automatic transmission
A car that is fitted with automatic transmission has a gear system in which the gears change automatically. a system that operates the gears of a car without the driver needing to change them
automatic transmission
(Otomotiv) A transmission that selects gears automatically based on the power required in various driving situations and conditions
data transmission
A method of corrupting someone else's data from a safe distance
data transmission
The transmission of data between computers or over a telecommunicatins network
data transmission
transfer of information between computers
data transmission
The electronic transfer of information from a sending device to a receiving device
data transmission
The sending of data from one place to another by means of a signal over a channel using various media
data transmission
the electronic exchange of information
data transmission
  The sending of data from one place to another by means of signals over a channel (188)
data transmission
The electronic exchange of information between two data processing points (computers) [ACH]
data transmission
Sending and receiving data via cables (e.g., telephone lines or fibre optics) or wireless relay systems. Because ordinary telephone circuits pass signals that fall within the frequency range of voice communication (about 300-3,500 hertz), the high frequencies associated with data transmission suffer a loss of amplitude and transmission speed. Data signals must therefore be translated into a format compatible with the signals used in telephone lines. Digital computers use a modem to transform outgoing digital electronic data; a similar system at the receiving end translates the incoming signal back to the original electronic data. Specialized data-transmission links carry signals at frequencies higher than those used by the public telephone network. See also broadband technology; cable modem; DSL; ISDN; fax; radio; teletype; T1; wireless communications
data transmission
The electronic exchange of information between two data processing points Data transmission may be over regular phone lines or a dedicated line with numerous line speeds available
data transmission
Sending data over a communications network
data transmission
The process of sending data from one location to another location within a computer or between computers and/or equipment
direct transmission
a transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred directly into the body via touching or biting or kissing or sexual intercourse or by droplets entering the eye or nose or mouth
fiber-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
five-speed transmission
(Otomotiv) A manual transmission with a fifth gear that functions as an overdrive to maximize fuel efficiency. The fifth gear is usually used on freeways, where cars can achieve higher speeds and then coast without needing much power
indirect transmission
a transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred to the person by a fomite of vector
light transmission
The relative amount of light passing through a blind without any adjustment For instance, a blackout will have no light transmission, whereas a translucent blind will have a high light transmission
light transmission
The percentage of the visible spectrum transmitted through a glazing and perceived by the human eye
light transmission
enabling of light rays to move from one place to another
manual transmission
(Otomotiv) A transmission system in which gears are selected by the driver by means of a hand-operated gearshift and a foot-operated clutch. Also called a standard transmission
manual transmission
(in a car) gear system that must be operated by hand (as opposed to an automatic transmission)
standard transmission
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
plural of transmission
An LCD which does not have a reflector or transflector laminated to the rear polarizer A backlight must be used with this type of LCD configuration
LCD modules selectively transmit subpixels of backlight through the liquid crystal cells to the viewer They are best at indoor light levels or nightime
{s} capable of being transferred; derived
of, or relating to the transmission of something
Capable of being transmitted; derived, or handed down, from one to another
A measure of luminous flux remaining in a light beam after it has passed through a specified distance of the atmosphere
An intrinsic property of a material; the ratio of energy transmitted by a material to total incident radiation
the proportion of a flux of electromagnetic radiation which is transmitted through the atmosphere (or part of it)
Flow capacity of an aquifer measured in volume per unit time per unit width Equal to the product of hydraulic conductivity times the saturated thickness of the aquifer < back to top U
refers to the rate at which limestone allows the transmission of water Limestone can be highly porous, but not very transmissive if the pores are not connected to each other Technically speaking, it is the rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of aquifer under unit hydraulic gradient Transmissivity is directly proportional to aquifer thickness, thus it is high where the Edwards is thick and low where it is thin, given the same hydraulic conductivity
The rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient In the English Engineering System, transmissivity values are given in gallons per minute through a vertical section of an aquifer one foot wide and extending the full saturated height of an aquifer under a hydraulic gradient of 1 In the International System, transmissivity is given in cubic metres per day through a vertical section of an aquifer one metre wide and extending the full saturated height of an aquifer under a hydraulic gradient of 1
the rate at which water passes through an aquifer
A measure of the ability of an aquifer to transmit water
The rate at which water of the prevailing kinematic viscosity is transmitted through a unit width under a unit hydraulic gradient
The ability of an aquifer to transmit water
A property that determines the fraction of the irradiation passes through the surface
the rate of flow of water through a vertical strip of aquifer which is one unit wide and which extends the full saturated depth of the aquifer Transmissivity is related to Hydraulic Conductivity by the relationship
Rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient Transmissivity values can be expressed as square metres per day (m2/day), or as square metres per second (m2/s)
The rate at which groundwater can flow through an aquifer section of unit width under a unit hydraulic gradient It is the average permeability of a section of the entire aquifer at a given location multiplied by the thickness of the formation
The rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient It equals the hydraulic conductivity multiplied by the aquifer thickness
  Obsolete   See transmittance
The rate at which water is passed through a unit width of rock under a unit hydraulic gradient
The fraction of light that passes through the interior of a glass pane at normal incidence This does not consider light lost to reflection by the front or back surface, or multiple internal reflections From the transmissivity and the index of refraction, total transmittance and reflectance can be computed for any incident angle via a simple formula (See the CD-ROM section on materials for details )
1) The ability of an aquifer to transmit water 2) The rate at which water of the prevailing kinematic velocity is transmitted through a unit width of the aquifer under a unit of hydraulic gradient Normally ranges from 1,000 to 1,000,000 gal/day/ft
vector-borne transmission
indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vector bites or touches a person
vehicle-borne transmission
indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vehicle (or fomite) touches a person's body or is ingested
vertical transmission
Transmission of a pathogen such as HIV from mother to fetus or baby during pregnancy or birth See also Perinatal Transmission
vertical transmission
Passage of an infectious agent form the mother to an unborn child
vertical transmission
transmission from a mother to a fetus or newborn Vertical transmission may occur in utero (in the womb), intrapartum (during birth) or postpartum (via breast-feeding) Contrast with horizontal transmission (perinatal transmission, mat)
vertical transmission
Transmission of a pathogen from one generation of host to the next
vertical transmission
Transmission between parent and offspring
vertical transmission
Refers to the transmission of a pathogen from an infected pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy or birth
vertical transmission
The transmission of an illness from the parent(s) to the offspring
vertical transmission
       see Perinatal transmission
vertical transmission
From parent to offspring See also maternal transmission
vertical transmission
There is a direct transfer of the pathogen or parasite from a parent organism to his or her progeny
vertical transmission
The transmission of genetic material from parent cells or organisms to their offspring, utilizing natural hereditary mechanisms such as mitosis, meiosis and fertilization, as contrasted with induction and infection between organisms or cells of the same generation
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    /transˈməsʜən/ /trænsˈmɪʃən/


    () From Latin transmissionem (nominative of transmissio), from transmittere.


    ... It's no longer a single point transmission. ...
    ... Real time television transmission is not that good. ...