A trance is a state of mind in which someone seems to be asleep and to have no conscious control over their thoughts or actions, but in which they can see and hear things and respond to commands given by other people. Like a man in a trance, Blake found his way back to his rooms
A deep hypnotic-like state in which the medium is controlled by the spirit guide or a lighter sense; conscious channeling Various levels of trance are possible
A state which gives someone hugely boosted powers, triggered when a) they want to protect someone; b) they are stuck in a situation where they need to survive; or c) they evilly absorb a whole bunch of souls and go on a rampage destroying things Er, c) only happened once, though ^^
Hard Trance, Acid Trance, Trancecore, Goa Trance/Psychedelic Trance and Progressive Trance where did all these come from and what do they sound like? Find out in this genre guide, with links to mp3s and RealAudio
A condition, often simulating death, in which there is a total suspension of the power of voluntary movement, with abolition of all evidences of mental activity and the reduction to a minimum of all the vital functions so that the patient lies still and apparently unconscious of surrounding objects, while the pulsation of the heart and the breathing, although still present, are almost or altogether imperceptible
three of the four examples clearly denote a swoon or faint; at Jane Grey's exit to be beheaded Guilford "falls in a trance" (Sir Thomas Wyatt, 5 2 150); Arthur makes his fatal leap and then delivers his dying speech "after he was from his trance" (2 Troublesome Reign, A3r); Alvida, after wooing another man, "Faints" at the entrance of King Rasni and then "riseth as out of a trance" (Looking Glass for London, 1576, 1585-6); a swoon is likely in Folio Othello where Othello "Falls in a Trance" (2420, 4 1 43--Quarto "He falls down," I3v), although Iago tells Cassio "My lord is fall'n into an epilepsy "
Induced by the therapist Similar to the one that occurs spontaneously in sleepwalking or daydreaming Someone in this condition can perform tasks efficiently, avoid hazards, obey instructions and speak lucidly