to whisk

listen to the pronunciation of to whisk
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} süpürge
yumurta çırpıcı
{f} süpür
toz fırçası
apar topar götürmek
yumurta çırpma aleti
{i} saçak
{i} çalı süpürgesi
hızlı ve hafif hareketle süpürme
{f} kaçırmak
{f} fırlamak
{i} çırpma teli

Bir çırpma teli ile yumurtaları çırp. - Beat the eggs with a whisk.

(fiil) fırçalamak, silip temizlemek, süpürmek, silmek, çekmek (bıçak), hızla çıkarmak, fırlamak, fırlatmak, kaçırmak, kuyruk sallamak (at vb.), çırpmak, silerek çıkarmak
hızla hareket etmek veya fırlatmak
{i} hızlı hareket
ufak süpürge veya fırça
{f} (kuyruğu) sallamak: The horse whisked its tail a few times. At, kuyruğunu birkaç kez salladı
{f} fırlatmak
{f} çekmek (bıçak)
{f} silerek çıkarmak
{f} kuyruk sallamak (at vb.)
yumurta çırpmak
{f} fırçalamak
{f} (away/off) götürüvermek: The airplane
yumurta teli
{f} silmek
{i} fırça
{f} silip temizlemek
whisk away ortadan yok etmek
{f} süpürmek

Kaçıranlar Tom'u bir vana fırlattılar ve hızlı bir şekilde uzaklaştılar. - The kidnappers whisked Tom into a van and quickly drove away.

Tom bir fırt içki içti. - Tom drank a shot of whiskey.

{i} sineklik
{f} hızla çıkarmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush

Peter dipped the whisk in lather and applied it to his face, so he could start shaving.

To move something with quick light sweeping motions

Vernon whisked the sawdust from his workbench.

{v} to brush with a whisk, sweep, run
{n} a small besom, a kind of tippet
A small bunch of grass, straw, twigs, hair, or the like, used for a brush; hence, a brush or small besom, as of broom corn
a small short-handled broom used to brush clothes a mixer incorporating a coil of wires; used for whipping eggs or cream whip with or as if with a wire whisk; "whisk the eggs"
A quick, light sweeping motion
To move lightly and nimbly
A small culinary instrument made of wire, or the like, for whisking or beating eggs, cream, etc
a small short-handled broom used to brush clothes
An impertinent fellow
In cooking, to whip e.g. eggs or cream
To beat ingredients together until smooth, using a kitchen tool called a whisk
Whisking is a fast back and forth or side to side motion with a wire whisk This makes your ingredients well blended and smooth
A game at cards; whist
If you whisk something such as eggs or cream, you stir it very fast, often with an electric device, so that it becomes full of small bubbles. Just before serving, whisk the cream In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar and the yolks
(noun) A metal utensil made of looped wires joined at the handle, used to whip foods such as cream and egg whites (verb) Whipping ingredients with a whisk
brush or wipe off lightly move somewhere quickly; "The President was whisked away in his limo"
To move something rapidly and with no warning
To whip or fluff by using a whisk
To sweep, brush, or agitate, with a light, rapid motion; as, to whisk dust from a table; to whisk the white of eggs into a froth
A small handheld broom with a small (or no) handle
To beat rapidly to introduce air into a light mixture
{f} sweep; brush; draw, snatch; cause to be frothy, whip (eggs, etc.); move rapidly, dart, rush
move quickly and nimbly; "He whisked into the house
This is a Waltz step, done by stepping forward on the Right or Left foot, followed by a side step with the other foot and a cross behind in 5th position with the first foot: Example: If the Right foot steps forward, the left foot would step to the left side and the right foot would then cross behind the left foot
To beat with a whisk; a tool with a multiple thin-wire base
move somewhere quickly; "The President was whisked away in his limo"
A kitchen utensil, made from stiff wire loops fixed to a handle, used for whipping (or a mechanical device with the same function)
A plane used by coopers for evening chines
A whisk is a kitchen tool used for whisking eggs or cream. an electric whisk. a small kitchen tool made of curved pieces of wire, used for mixing air into eggs, cream etc
To move with a quick, sweeping motion
brush or wipe off lightly
A kitchen utensil consisting of a series of looped wires forming a three-dimensional teardrop shape The wires are joined and held together with a long handle Whisks are used for whipping ingredients
If you whisk someone or something somewhere, you take them or move them there quickly. He whisked her across the dance floor I was whisked away in a police car
move quickly and nimbly; "He whisked into the house"
sweep, hit softly
{i} small broom for dusting; utensil for whipping; act of whisking
a mixer incorporating a coil of wires; used for whipping eggs or cream
whip with or as if with a wire whisk; "whisk the eggs"
The act of whisking; a rapid, sweeping motion, as of something light; a sudden motion or quick puff
To move nimbly at with velocity; to make a sudden agile movement
To stir rapidly, using a whisk, to blend ingredients or introduce
A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress
to whisk

    Турецкое произношение

    tı hwîsk


    /tə ˈhwəsk/ /tə ˈhwɪsk/