to verify

listen to the pronunciation of to verify
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
doğrulamak için

Bunu doğrulamak zorunda kalacağız. - We're going to have to verify this.

Bunu doğrulamak için bir yolun yok. - You have no way to verify it.

(Kanun) tetkik etmek
(Bilgisayar) denetleme
doğrusunu saptamak
(Bilgisayar) sınama
(Bilgisayar) onayla

Bunu doğrulamak için hiçbir yöntemimiz yok. - We have no way to verify this.

Tom'un bilgiyi doğrulamasının hiçbir yolu yoktur. - There's no way Tom can verify the information.

(Kanun) ispat etmek
teyit etmek
emin olmak

Herhangi biri bunu doğrulayabilir mi? - Can anyone verify this?

Polis Tom'un mazeretini doğrulayabildi. - The police were able to verify Tom's alibi.

tahkik etmek
tahkik etmek tetkik etmek
doğrulamak doğrulama, sınama
{f} gerçekleştirmek
{f} doğrulamak, gerçeklemek, teyit etmek, tasdik etmek
(Askeri) TAHKİK, TASDİK ETMEK, DOĞRULAMA: 1. Çekilen bir mesajın anlamını ve şeklinin kaynağının amacını tam bir şekilde ifade etmesin temin etmek. 2. Gözcünün atış bilgilerini yeniden gözden geçirip, kendisine bildirilmesi için atış kontrol merkezinden yaptığı istek
sağlamak (doğruluğunu)
verifiable gerçekliği ispat edilebilir
tahkiki mümkün
Doğruluğunu Sağlamak
(Mukavele) doğrulamak, tasdik etmek; doğruluğunu ispat etmek
doğruluğunu ispat etmek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to prove to be true, exact, or accurate
{v} to confirm, prove true, justify, enter
The process of determining accurately that a digital signature was created during the operational period of a valid Digital ID and the associated message was not altered since the digital signature was created
To prove to be true or correct; to establish the truth of; to confirm; to substantiate
To confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something
To maintain; to affirm; to support
confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"
If you verify something, you check that it is true by careful examination or investigation. I verified the source from which I had that information A clerk simply verifies that the payment and invoice amount match. + verification veri·fi·ca·tion All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story
Tells MS-DOS whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk
-The process of insuring that information has not been changed in transit or in storage, either intentionally or accidentally
VERIFY on|off Turns on the verify mode; the program checks all copying operations to assure that files are copied correctly
To substantiate or prove the truth of something
IDCAMS command to reset a file's high used RBA
Key data a second time, comparing the first and second versions to see that they agree Provides greater confidence in the accuracy of the data to be analysed
The application of a technical process or procedure to ensure practicability and efficiency
verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; "Are you controlling for the temperature?"
{f} confirm the truth of something; ascertain the truth of something (as by investigation); witness or swear to the truth of something (Law)
Request confirmation of information; e g , "verify assigned altitude "
To assure that the intended operation was correctly performed
The process of determining accurately that a digital signature was created during the operational period of a valid Personal eID and the associated message was not altered since the digital signature was created
To affirm something formally, under oath
To confirm or substantiate
agree the score on a deal, session or match
Sample sewout of a new embroidery design to make sure the pattern is correct
If you verify something, you state or confirm that it is true. The government has not verified any of those reports I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds. = confirm
To establish or prove the truth of the performance of a technology under specific, predetermined criteria or protocols and adequate data quality assurance procedures; synonyms: confirm, corroborate, substantiate, validate ETV does verify
to decide if a result is correct
information on National Library of Medicine (US Gov)
Sample sew-out of a new embroidery design to make sure the pattern is correct
The process of determining accurately that a digital signature was created during the operational period of a valid Digital Certificate and the associated message was not altered since the digital signature was created
to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
Check for signatures on document using a public key to authenticate it
attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim" attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
To confirm or establish the authenticity of by examination or competent evidence; to authenticate; as, to verify a written statement; to verify an account, a pleading, or the like
to verify

    Расстановка переносов

    to ve·ri·fy

    Турецкое произношение

    tı verıfay


    /tə ˈverəˌfī/ /tə ˈvɛrəˌfaɪ/


    ... for the nation in that aspect. I said that the E-Verify portion of the Arizona law, which ...
    ... the world verify every day but Ron ...