to tingle

listen to the pronunciation of to tingle
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} sızlamak
{f} karıncalanmak
yanıp aclma
tatlı bir şekilde ürpermek
tatlı bir ürperti
diken diken olmak
{f} sızla
{i} sızı
yanıp acımak
tatlı bir şekilde ürpermek; (vücutta bir yer) karıncalanmak: Her cheeks were tingling in the cold air. Soğuk, yanaklarını ısırıyordu. 2
{f} 1. tatlı bir şekilde ürpermek; (vücutta bir yer) karıncalanmak: Her cheeks were tingling in the cold air. Soğuk, yanaklarını ısırıyordu. 2
{i} sızlama
{f} çınlamak
{i} heyecan
{i} telaş
{i} karıncalanma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
{v} to feel a sharp pain, shoot, tinkle
a prickling or stinging sensation
To have, or to cause, a sharp, thrilling sensation, or a slight pricking sensation
an almost pleasurable sensation of fright; "a frisson of surprise shot through him"
To feel a kind of thrilling sensation, as in hearing a shrill sound
If you tingle with a feeling such as excitement, you feel it very strongly. She tingled with excitement When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over. Tingle is also a noun. I felt a sudden tingle of excitement
cause a stinging or tingling sensation
{f} vibrate; feel a light prickling sensation
a prickling somatic sensation as from many tiny pricks
To feel a sharp, thrilling pain
to have a prickling or mildly stinging sensation
When a part of your body tingles, you have a slight stinging feeling there. The backs of his thighs tingled. + tingling tin·gling Its effects on the nervous system include weakness, paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet
{i} light prickling sensation
to tingle

    Расстановка переносов

    to tin·gle

    Турецкое произношение

    tı tînggıl


    /tə ˈtəɴɢgəl/ /tə ˈtɪŋɡəl/