to stand back

listen to the pronunciation of to stand back
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
uzak durmak
geriye çekilmek
to back
stand back
geri çekilmek
stand back
stand back
çekilmek, kenara çekilmek
to back
geri sürmek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To maintain a safe distance from a hazard

You had better stand back and let me operate the chainsaw.

To abstain from participation

While others debated the proposals, he stood back.

to stand a long way behind the wicket so as to catch balls from a fast bowler
If you stand back and think about a situation, you think about it as if you were not involved in it. Stand back and look objectively at the problem. = step back
stay clear of, avoid; "Keep your hands off my wife!"; "Keep your distance from this man--he is dangerous
stay clear of, avoid; "Keep your hands off my wife!"; "Keep your distance from this man--he is dangerous"
stand away from an object or person; "He stood back to look at her"
to stand back

    Турецкое произношение

    tı ständ bäk


    /tə ˈstand ˈbak/ /tə ˈstænd ˈbæk/


    ... people don't stand back and say, well, ...