to sketch

listen to the pronunciation of to sketch
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Benim için bu kağıt üzerine bir eskizini çizebilir misin lütfen? - Can you sketch it for me on this piece of paper please?

Leonardo da Vinci tarafından yapılmış yaklaşık 900 eskiz kalmıştır. - There remain approximately 900 art sketches by Leonardo da Vinci.

{f} taslağını yapmak

Bu proje geçen yıl bir partide bir peçete üstüne yazdığım bir taslaktan ortaya çıktı. - This project grew out of a sketch I made on a napkin at a party last year.

Tom Mary'nin taslaklarına baktı. - Tom looked at Mary's sketches.


Jiro Fuji dağının krokisini çizdi. - Jiro made a sketch of Mt. Fuji.

Bu kroki Tom'un stilinin temsilcisidir. - This sketch is representative of Tom's style.

kısa hikâye veya müzikli gösteri
(Mukavele) taslak çizim
eskizini çizmek
(Tiyatro) radyo oyunu
taslak çizmek
taslak halinde çizmek
kısaca tarif etmek
taslak yapmak
kısa öykü ya da piyes

Onun sonunda konuşma sanatı ve mantık ile ilgili , Socrates metodunda herhangi bir anlaşmazlık örneği ile biten ikincisinin sonunda iki küçük skeç vardı. - The end of which there were two little sketches of rhetoric and logic, the latter finishing with a specimen of a dispute in the Socratic method.

Pikasonun skeçleri hakkında özel bir sergi var. - There's a special exhibit of Picasso's sketches.

kabataslak resim
{f} kabataslak çiz
çizgi resim
{i} kabataslak çizim
{f} -i taslak halinde çizmek; taslak çizmek
kabataslak resmini yapmak
{f} kabataslak çizmek
kısa tarif
{f} taslağını çizmek
{i} kısa güldürü
(Askeri) KROKİ: Bak. "military sketch"
{i} kısa hikâye
{f} taslak çiz
{f} kroki yapmak
dili şakacı kimse
{f} kabaca açıklamak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An amusing person
To make a brief, basic drawing

I usually sketch with a pen rather than a pencil.

A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines
Keeping sketch: to keep a lookout
A brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea; eg. a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show, a skit; or, a brief musical composition or theme, especially for the piano; or, a brief, light, or informal literary composition, such as an essay or short story
A rough design, plan, or draft, as a rough draft of a book
To describe a person, or an incident, briefly, and with very few details

He sketched the accident, sticking to the facts as they had happened.

A brief description of a person or account of an incident; a general presentation or outline
{n} the outlines, rough draft, first plan
{v} to draw out roughly, mark out, plan
2D geometry, such as lines, arcs, circles, and curves, used to drive geometric features The sketch environment contains a constraint manager that lets you place dimensional and relational constraints on geometry The constraint manager analyzes and solves the constraint system for a given sketch and reports on the state of the sketch (i e , over-, under-, and fully constrained)
Rough draft on a small scale for a painting or work of art
An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work
A short dramatic production
a brief literary description
If you sketch something, you make a quick, rough drawing of it. Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills I always sketch with pen and paper
A good sketch is invaluable It will help to explain the job and show the orientations of various important features It is definitely worth taking a few minutes to produce a good sketch
Initial rough drawing in pencil, ink or color to determine the arrangement of an artwork
{f} make a preliminary drawing, produce a rough drawing or outline
a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine
keeping sketch is to keep a lookout
make a sketch of; "sketch the building"
preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint" short descriptive summary (of events) a brief literary description describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas" make a sketch of; "sketch the building
If you sketch a situation or incident, you give a short description of it, including only the most important facts. Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened. = outline Sketch out means the same as sketch. Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany
A sketch is a short humorous piece of acting, usually forming part of a comedy show. a five-minute sketch about a folk singer
a quick outline or drawing used to capture the basic elements and structure of a situation often used as the basis for a more detailed work
Sketch when applied to graph work, implies that the shape and/or position of the curve need only be qualitatively correct However, depending on the context, some quantitative aspects may be looked for, e g passing through the origin, having an intercept, asymptote or discontinuity at a particular value On a sketch graph it is essential that candidates clearly indicate what is being plotted on each axis
An image-development strategy; a preliminary drawing
The first stage of a work, showing the overall theme and the main elements Sketches can be done in pen or pencil, or quickly painted on canvas Close
To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of
unfinished rough drawing on any kind of paper, usually in pencilor felt marker, primarily to convey the iodea of the projected design
To make sketches, as of landscapes
A sketch is a drawing that is done quickly without a lot of details. Artists often use sketches as a preparation for a more detailed painting or drawing. a sketch of a soldier by Orpen
To plan or describe by giving the principal points or ideas of
short descriptive summary (of events)
short descriptive summary (of events) a brief literary description describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"
A quick drawing, often spontaneously produced
{i} preliminary drawing, rough draft of a drawing; brief description; rough draft or outline; short performance, short comic act; short story or essay written in an informal style
A rough drawing representing the main features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study
describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"
A hasty, pictorial drawing showing only desired map features and objects in relative position; usually for a specific use
make a sketch of; "sketch the building
A sketch of a situation, person, or incident is a brief description of it without many details. thumbnail sketches of heads of state and political figures
When applied to graph work, this implies that the shape and/or position of the curve need only be qualitatively correct, but you should be aware that, depending on the context, some quantitative aspects may be looked for For instance, passing through the origin having an intercept, asymptote or discontinuity at a particular value
An outline of a painting Artists often sketch their works on paper in advance, before putting them on canvas
A quick drawing that loosely captures the appearance or action of a place or situation
preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint"
To create a sketch
to sketch

    Турецкое произношение

    tı skeç


    /tə ˈskeʧ/ /tə ˈskɛʧ/


    ... And at that same time that I had just done the sketch, which ...
    ... And I had actually done a sketch of an outfit I ended ...