to scrape

listen to the pronunciation of to scrape
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} kazıyarak temizlemek
{i} sıyrık
{i} kazıma sesi
(Denizbilim) kazıyarak çıkarmak
(Denizbilim) temizlemek

Dilinizi temizlemek için bir dil kazıyıcı kullanabilirsiniz. - You can use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue.

idare etmek
güç durum
güç bela idare etmek
{f} kazı

O, eve girmeden önce ayakkabılarını kazıyarak temizledi. - She scraped her shoes clean before she entered the house.

Dilinizi temizlemek için bir dil kazıyıcı kullanabilirsiniz. - You can use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue.

kıyın yağday
hafifçe dokunmak
kılpayı kurtarmak
zar zor geçinmek
kıt kanaat geçinmek
zar zor başarmak
kazıyarak çıkartmak
sıyırıp geçmek
(Bilgisayar) Herhangi bir torrent istemcisinin izleyiciden çevrimiçi veya çevrimdışı olup olmadığı, çevrimdışı olma sebebi, eş ve kaynak sayısı vb. istatistikleri alma işlemi
{i} çizik
{f} sıyırmak: scrape one's knee dizini sıyırmak
{f} sürtünmek
{f} gıcırdatmak
{f} kazımak: scrape a surface bir yüzeyi kazımak
{f} raspa etmek
sürterek gıcırdatmak
{f} kazımak
{f} gıcırdatarak çekmek
kazıyıp toplamak
çıkmazı scrape acquaintance tanışmaya gayre
{f} (ayak) sürtmek
{i} zor durum
selâm verirken ayağını sürterek geri çekmek
{f} gıcırtı yapmak
{i} sürtme sesi
{i} sıkıntı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To extract data embedded in a screenshot or formatted medium (such as an HTML web page) by means of an automated program
{v} to pare lightly, erase, shave, make an aukward bow or disagreable noise, court, get
{n} a difficulty, perplexity, hobble, distress
(Bilgisayar) A scrape, aka "Tracker Scrape", is a request sent to a tracker. A request is sent, connection to the tracker is established, information is exchanged, then the connection is closed. A scrape is what every BitTorrent client (such as Azureus) does, to any tracker that is hosting a .torrent which is loaded into the client. The request does something like a "wipe" or a "pass" over the tracker, and then the tracker sends information back to the client
A fight; especially a fist fight without weapons
A drawing back of the right foot when bowing; also, a bow made with that accompaniment
A type of nest, common to peregrine falcons, constructed in soil or rocky material
To draw back the right foot along the ground or floor when making a bow
scratch repeatedly; "The cat scraped at the armchair"
To express disapprobation of, as a play, or to silence, as a speaker, by drawing the feet back and forth upon the floor; usually with down
To rub over the surface of anything with something which roughens or removes it, or which smooths or cleans it; to rub harshly and noisily along
To remove by rubbing or scraping (in the sense above)
If you scrape something from a surface, you remove it, especially by pulling a sharp object over the surface. She went round the car scraping the frost off the windows
An awkward set of circumstances
A shallow depression used by ground birds as a nest; a nest scrape
bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of; "The boy skinned his knee when he fell"
To injure by scraping
A disagreeable and embarrassing predicament out of which one can not get without undergoing, as it were, a painful rubbing or scraping; a perplexity; a difficulty
If something scrapes against something else or if someone or something scrapes something else, it rubs against it, making a noise or causing slight damage. The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt There was a scraping sound as she dragged the heels of her shoes along the pavement
If you scrape a part of your body, you accidentally rub it against something hard and rough, and damage it slightly. She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees. = graze
gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"
To rub over the surface of (something) with a sharp or rough instrument; to rub over with something that roughens by removing portions of the surface; to grate harshly over; to abrade; to make even, or bring to a required condition or form, by moving the sharp edge of an instrument breadthwise over the surface with pressure, cutting away excesses and superfluous parts; to make smooth or clean; as, to scrape a bone with a knife; to scrape a metal plate to an even surface
A D and C or abortion; or, a miscarriage
an indication of damage
A broad, shallow injury left by scraping (rather than a cut or a scratch)
bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
To draw a sharp or angular object along (something) while exerting pressure
To cause something to be in the state implied by the adverb by scraping
{f} scour, scrub, rub; remove material from a surface by rubbing; achieve or collect with difficulty; grate, produce strident sounds
– A nest
To play awkwardly and inharmoniously on a violin or like instrument
strike against an object; "She stubbed her one's toe in the dark and now it's broken"
a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him" a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her" scratch repeatedly; "The cat scraped at the armchair" gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college" make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone" bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
{i} grating, sound of two surfaces rubbing against one another; scratch, abrasion; predicament, difficult situation
an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
To use a rubber spatula to remove as much particles of mixture as possible from a bowl or saucepan
cut the surface of; wear away the surface of
a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her"
to scrape the barrel: see barrel
To collect by, or as by, a process of scraping; to gather in small portions by laborious effort; hence, to acquire avariciously and save penuriously; often followed by together or up; as, to scrape money together
A shallow depression in the ground
A peregrine nest Peregrines that nest high on cliff banks use stones and pebbles to prevent their eggs from rolling away
make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone"
a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him"
The act of scraping; also, the effect of scraping, as a scratch, or a harsh sound; as, a noisy scrape on the floor; a scrape of a pen
To occupy one's self with getting laboriously; as, he scraped and saved until he became rich
to scrape

    Турецкое произношение

    tı skreyp


    /tə ˈskrāp/ /tə ˈskreɪp/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.