to render

listen to the pronunciation of to render
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
işlemek için
{f} 1. kılmak, ... duruma getirmek, -leştirmek: render possible mümkün kılmak. render unnecessary gereksiz kılmak. render defenseless
hale getirmek
kılmak, ... duruma getirmek, -leştirmek: render possible mümkün kılmak. render unnecessary gereksiz kılmak. render defenseless
ilk kat sıva sürmek
{f} yorumlamak
kılmak yapmak
(Ticaret) ifa etmek
(Ticaret) karşılık vermek
(Gıda) yağ eritmek
duruma getirmek
(Bilgisayar) işleyici
(Ticaret) yapmak
tasvir etmek
ifade etmek
teslim etmek
imge oluşturma
(Askeri) rapor etmek
{f} vermek
{f} kılmak
(into ile) -e tercüme etmek

Bu konuda bir karar veremiyorum. - I cannot render a judgment on that.

-e çevirmek
(yardım/vb.) vermek
icra etmek
{f} geri vermek
iade etmek
{f} etmek
{f} çevirisini yapmak
{f} çalmak (müzik)
{f} çevirmek
göstermek icra etmek
tercüme etmek
tabir etmek
- laştırmak
{f} açıklamak
{f} eritmek (yağ)
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To capture and turn over to another country secretly
To pass down

render a verdict (= deliver a judgment).

To translate into another language
To interpret, give an interpretation or rendition of

we may, at last, render our philosophy like that of Epictetus.

To cause to become

The shot rendered her immobile.

To convert waste animal tissue into a usable byproduct

rendering of fat into soap.

For fat to drip off meat from cooking

Bacon is very fatty when raw, however most of that will render during cooking.

To make over as a return

They had to render the estate.

To give; to give back

render money.

{n} one who rends or tears, a surrender
{v} to return, repay, make, translate
To produce the final graphic in a 2D or 3D program
To cook a food over low heat until it releases its fat
provide or furnish with; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
To cook fatty meat or poultry, such as bacon or goose, over low heat to obtain drippings
To melt fat by heating in a pan on the stove or in the oven
give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
To melt down or to extract by melting or, to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer
a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U S "; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U N "
make over as a return; "They had to render the estate"
as, a rope renders well, that is, passes freely; also, to yield or give way
The process of creating a detailed image from your objects with the applied settings
A surrender
To transform digital information in the form received from a repository into a display on a computer screen, or for other presentation to the user
To try out or extract oil, lard, tallow, etc
The process of converting the polygonal or data specification of an image to the image itself, including color and opacity information [WOL93]
a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile"
To return; to pay back; to restore
To pass; to run; said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc
To create an image or representation of something, much like a painting Render-Boy uses a method called ray-tracing to create rendered images
pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment"
One who rends
show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
Display of surfaces and faces with shading and illumination
To extract the fat from meat by cooking over low heat Rendered fat is strained of meat particles after cooking
(See 645) The browser process displaying a Web page on the screen The browser process displaying a Web page on the screen
To melt animal fat over low heat so that it separates from any connective pieces of tissue
{f} give, submit; do; transform; bring to a particular condition; represent, depict; translate; automatically create a three-dimensional picture according to a model within a computer (Computers)
An account given; a statement
Hence, to furnish; to contribute
To render a page is to translate the codes and directives, embed any inline images, and highlight links and other special areas
If you render someone help or service, you help them. He had a chance to render some service to his country Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated
You can use render with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it harmless. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless. = make
give an interpretation or rendition of; "The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully"
To draw an image as it would appear rather than in schematic or blueprint form
bestow; "give hommage"; "render thanks"
To transform digital information in the form received from a repository into a display on a computer screen, or for other presentation to the user; "Rendering images"
make over as a return; "They had to render the estate
To translate from one language into another; as, to render Latin into English
To create a visual representation of a mathematical model See Model/Display Separation
A return; a payment of rent
melt (fat, lard, etc ) in order to separate out impurities; "try the yak butter"; "render fat in a casserole"
to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
To render something in a particular language or in a particular way means to translate it into that language or in that way. All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish
to display or draw text on an output device (usually the computer screen or paper) This usually consists of two processes: transforming a sequence of characters to a set of positioned glyphs and rasterising those glyphs into a bitmap for display on the output device
coat with plastic or cement; "render the brick walls in the den"
To inflict, as a retribution; to requite
from fatty animal substances; as, to render tallow
Faithfully translate into application-specific form allowing native application operations to be performed
give back; "render money"
Interpret: give an interpretation or rendition of; "The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully"
To give an account; to make explanation or confession
a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile" pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment" coat with plastic or cement; "render the brick walls in the den" give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family" give back; "render money" make over as a return; "They had to render the estate
To process, as in processing, "drawing" or rendering the fractal
To take the scene information models, lights, camera, etc, and make a final image
To create an image (on the screen or some other medium) of a model
To cause to be, or to become; as, to render a person more safe or more unsafe; to render a fortress secure
To interpret; to set forth, represent, or exhibit; as, an actor renders his part poorly; a singer renders a passage of music with great effect; a painter renders a scene in a felicitous manner
The final step of an image transformation or three-dimensional scene through which a new image is refreshed on the screen
to render

    Расстановка переносов

    to rend·er

    Турецкое произношение

    tı rendır


    /tə ˈrendər/ /tə ˈrɛndɜr/