to phase

listen to the pronunciation of to phase
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Astrolojiye göre, ayın evreleri hayatımızı etkiliyor. - According to astrology, moon phases influence our lives.

Bu muhtemelen sadece bir evre. - It's probably just a phase.

{i} safha

Lojban'ın geliştirilmesinde, dili ilk aşamasından beri tarafsız tutmak için çabalar tutarlı olarak yapılmıştır. - In the development of Lojban, efforts were consistently made since the initial phase to keep the language culturally neutral.

Savaşta yeni bir aşamaya giriyoruz. - We are entering a new phase in the war.

{f} aşamalı olarak yapmak
(Bilgisayar) yürütülür program
evreler halinde hazırlamak
(Fizik) süreç
(Biyokimya) durum
{i} kesim
{f} değişik fazlar uygulamak
ay veya diğer bir gezegenin değişik görünümlerinden her biri
{i} elek. faz
phase in yavaş yavaş
(Nükleer Bilimler) katman,safha
(Tıp) Heterojen bir sistemde mekanik usullerle birbirinden ayrılabline cisimlerin içinde bulundukları durum
herhangi bir şeyi safhaları ile hazırlamak veya sunmak
(Tıp) Safha, görünüş, faz phosis
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view

The problem has many phases.

To determine haplotypes in (data) when genotypes are known
The period of play between consecutive breakdowns
A haplotype
A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form, or the absence, of its enlightened disk; as, the phases of the moon or planets. Illustrated in Wikipedia's article Lunar phase
A distinguishable part of a sequence or cycle occurring over time
relative measurement describing the temporal relationship between two waves with the same frequency Phase is measured in degrees, and one full oscillation cycle has 360 degrees One way to think of phase: If two pendulums are swinging at the same frequency and are in the same position at the same instant, then they are in phase with each other
a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
To become stunned or shocked
Magnitudes which have the same phase are said to be in phase
(Of a periodic quantity), the fractional part of a period between a reference time (such as when displacement = zero) and a particular time of interest; or between two motions or electrical signals having the same fundamental frequency
Phase is the frequency coherence of a signal If two signals are out of phase, the trough of the first waveform corresponds with the peak of the second, resulting in cancellation The 02R can invert the phase of the input signals, which allows you to compensate for incorrectly wired conductors and so forth
A time based relationship between a periodic function and a reference In electricity, it is expressed in angular degrees to describe the voltage or current relationship of two alternating waveforms
An angular relationship between waves
under Moon
A subdivision of a culture which can be defined as a reoccurring complex of archaeological traits that can be distinguished from any other similar complex A phase usually involved a more limited territory and a briefer time span than a culture Synonymous to a focus
That which is exhibited to the eye; the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one among different and varying appearances of the same object
{i} stage; side, angle, aspect; period
Some of the herons which appear in white and colored phases, and certain squirrels which are sometimes uniformly blackish instead of the usual coloration, furnish examples
Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration; one portion of a series of such changes, in distinction from a contrasted portion, as the portion on one side of a position of equilibrium, in contrast with that on the opposite side
To discontinue (doing) something over a period of time (i.e., in phases)
Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view; as, the problem has many phases
Such periodic variations are generally well represented by sine curves; and phase relations are shown by the relative positions of the crests and hollows of such curves
The time relationship between two AC (alternating current) signals (e g , In an AC circuit the current and voltage may experience a phase shift )
If two things are out of phase with each other, they are not working or happening together as they should. If two things are in phase, they are working or occurring together as they should. The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum. to make something happen gradually in a planned way. In thermodynamics, a chemically and physically uniform quantity of matter that can be separated mechanically from a nonhomogeneous mixture. It may consist of a single substance or of a mixture of substances. The three basic phases of matter are solid, liquid, and gas; other phases that are considered to exist include crystalline (see crystal), colloidal (see colloid), glass, amorphous, and plasma. The different phases of a pure substance are related to each other in terms of temperature and pressure. For example, if the temperature of a solid is raised enough, or the pressure is reduced enough, it will become a liquid. In wave motion, the fraction of the time required to complete a full cycle that a point completes after last passing through the reference position. Two periodic motions are said to be in phase when corresponding points of each reach maximum or minimum displacements at the same time. If the crests of two waves pass the same point at the same time, they are in phase for that position. If the crest of one and the trough of the other pass the same point at the same time, the phase angles differ by 180° and the waves are said to be of opposite phase. Phase differences are important in alternating electric current technology (see alternating current)
arrange in phases or stages; "phase a withdrawal
1 The periodically changing appearance of the moon, due to angular rotation 2 A fraction of a cycle of a waveform Typically phase is measured as an angle A sine wave makes a positive zero- crossing at 0º phase; hits 100% at 90º (or 1/4 cycle); makes a negative zero-crossing at 180º (1/2 cycle); hits -100% at 270º (3/4 cycle); and returns to zero at 360º See Initial Phase
A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of enlightened disk; as, the phases of the moon or planets
A measure of a fraction of the period of a repetitive phenomenon, measured with respect to some distinguishable feature of the phenomenon itself In the standard frequency and time signal service, phase time differences such as time differences between two identified phases of the same phenomenon or of two different phenomena are mainly considered Phase jump: A sudden phase change in a signal Phase shift: An intentional change in phase from a reference Phase deviation: The difference of the phase from a reference Phase signature: A deliberate phase offset for the purpose of signal identification For example, NIST's radio station WWVB broadcast is deliberately phase shifted at 10 minutes after the hour, so a person knows that WWVB is being tracked and not some other signal
1) A conductor or conductors or piece of electrical equipment that is associated with one of three separate phases of an alternating-current power system, designated A-phase, B-phase, and C-phase 2) The stage or progress of a cyclic movement such as a current or voltage wave
Phase refers to a discrete uniform part of a material substance that can be separable from the rest For example, water can exist in three separate phases: solid (ice), liquid, and vapor
arrange in phases or stages; "phase a withdrawal"
An encounter, usually with a patient, that ends in a decision or disposition There may be one or more phases in a simulation For example, you examine a patient, prescribe medication and send him home To indicate that you have finished this encounter, you would click the Next phase button For your next encounter with the patient, additional information will appear in the Presenting Problem section of the Patient Chart
A state of matter This can be solid, liquid or gaseous Photosynthesis The process of conversion of water and carbon dioxide to carbohydrates It takes place in the presence of chlorophyll and is activated by sunlight During the process oxygen is released Only plants and a limited number of microorganisms can perform photosynthesis
In any oscillatory motion, such as light, the position and character of a wave at any instant, often with respect to its zero or maximum position
The timing of AC current cycles in different wires 3-phase alternators produce current that is cyclically timed between 3 different wires and a common wire, while single phase produces it in only 1 wire and a common In a 3-phase alternator, wire #1 receives a voltage peak, then wire #2 receives a peak, then wire #3, and so on A diagram is an easier way to explain phase, check out Windstuffnow com's 3-Phase and 1-Phase Basics page for detailed diagrams
A homogenous, physically distinct portion of matter in a system not homogeneous; as, the three phases, ice, water, and aqueous vapor
A phase is a particular stage in a process or in the gradual development of something. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat
To stun or shock someone
The onset of a displacement or oscillation on a seismogram indicating the arrival of a different type of seismic wave
to its initial value as expressed in factorial parts of the complete cycle
In certain birds and mammals, one of two or more color variations characteristic of the species, but independent of the ordinary seasonal and sexual differences, and often also of age
The fractional part of the period of sine wave which has elapsed since the wave had the value of zero
(astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun); "the full phase of the moon"
One of the five contexts in which the narrative and meaning of a work of literature may be considered, classified as literal, descriptive, formal, archetypal, and anagogic One of six distinguishable stages of a mythos (sense 2)
It is usually expressed in angular measure, the cycle beb four right angles, or 360°
The relation at any instant of a periodically varying electric magnitude, as electro-motive force, a current, etc
Refers to the timing relationship of two or more signals or soundwaves It's especially important to be sure that your stereo speakers are playing "in phase " This means that the drivers (cones and domes) of your right and left speakers are moving in and out at the same time If your speakers are "out of phase" you'll hear significantly less bass, and instead of producing a strong center image, the sound tends to stay localized at the speakers
A phase may be either a single chemical substance or a mixture, as of gases
("In-phase/Out-of-phase") Actually refers to the polarity of an electrical or acoustic signal If two or more signals or devices are "out-of-phase" with respect to each other, cancellation or other disturbance of the combined output can result Some examples of operating phase (polarity) definitions: "Positive sound pressure causes positive output" (microphones) or "positive input causes positive acoustic output" (speakers)
{f} plan in stages, plan in gradual steps
adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition; "he phased the intake with the output of the machine"
(1) A condition of matter (2) In any periodic phenomenon, a number that describes a specific stage within each oscillation (3) The angular relationship between current and voltage in an a-c circuit (4) The number of separate voltage waves in a commercial a-c supply
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary; "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system"
any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"
The apparent change in shape of the Moon and inferior planets as seen from Earth as they move in their orbits
A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form, or the absence, of its enlightened disk; as, the phases of the moon or planets
If an action or change is phased over a period of time, it is done in stages. The redundancies will be phased over two years. a phased withdrawal of American forces from the Philippines
a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"
One of the three normal states of matter, solid, liquid, or gas, depending on the level of organization between particles
Color phases occur also in other animals, notably in butterflies
a portion of a material system whose properties and composition are homogeneous and which is physically distinct from other parts of the system more
A relative quantity describing the time relationship between or among waves having identical frequency The complete wave cycle is divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees of phase
To disturb the composure of; to disconcert; to nonplus
to phase

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    tı feyz


    /tə ˈfāz/ /tə ˈfeɪz/


    ... That's my favorite part, is, then, when the song goes into its phase of being recorded ...
    ... sets the stage for the next phase of human history. ...