to output

listen to the pronunciation of to output
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} üretim; hâsıla; randıman, verim

Şirketin çıktı kayıtlarını dikkatlice inceledi. - She investigated the company's output record carefully.

Teknolojik yenilikler sayesinde, fabrikanın maksimum üretimi iki katına çıktı. - Thanks to technological innovations, maximum outputs of the factory have doubled.

(Tekstil) verim; çıktı Açıklama: Randıman; Doğal liflerde randıman,lifin temizliğinin,saflığının ve dolayısı ile de kalitesinin bir ölçüsüdür. Randıman temel olarak belli bir lif topluluğu içerisinde gerçek lif miktarının toplam kütleye oranı olarak tanımlanabilir

Bu fabrikada üretim %20 oranında arttı. - The output at this factory has increased by 20%.

Çelik sıkıntısına rağmen, sanayi üretimi yüzde beş arttı. - Despite a shortage of steel, industrial output has increased by five percent.

bilgisayardan alınan bilgi
(Ticaret) hasıla
(Ticaret) imal etmek
(Politika, Siyaset) üretilen mal
(Aydınlatma) çıkış büyüklüğü
(Aydınlatma) yanıt
(Dilbilim) çıkım
(Ticaret) üretmek
(Tıp) debi
(Ticaret) sonuç

Bu fabrikanın randımanı %20'ye kadar arttı. - The output of this factory has increased by 20%.

{i} çıkış gücü
(Tıp) Vücuddan çıkarılan madde
{i} (Bilgisayar) çıkış, çıktı
çıktı, çıkış çıktı
{i} elek. çıkış
{i} verim
(isim) çıktı, çıkış gücü, verim, üretim, k.d.v. ödemeyi gerektiren mal
elektrik enerjisi
{i} k.d.v. ödemeyi gerektiren mal
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Hukuk) Çıktı
Bilgisayar sonucu veya işlenmiş data
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to send data out of a computer, as to an output device such as a monitor or printer

When I hit enter, it outputs a bunch of numbers.

to produce, create, or complete

We output 1400 units last year.

data sent out of the computer, as to output device such as a monitor or printer

a six page output.

production; quantity produced, created, or completed

The factory increased its output this year.

production of a certain amount
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
final product; the things produced
what is produced in a given time period
signal that comes out of an electronic system
data sent out of the computer, as to the screen, printer, or other device
data that has been processed into useful form, now called Information
Output is the end result of converting electronic art files into the prepress materials used for printing production Imagesetters output film negatives or film positives which are used to make printing plates Platesetters output the printing plates used on the press
A tangible, immediate, and intended product or consequence of an activity within USAID's manageable interest Examples of outputs include people fed, personnel trained, better technologies developed, and new construction Deliverables included in contracts will generally be considered outputs, as will tangible products and consequences of USAID grantees (Chapters 200-203)
{i} yield; product, manufacture; information sent out from a computer (Computers)
Any data that are generated by a process
The product or service provided The primary output reflects the principal mission of a unit cost activity Primary outputs are referred to as "A" goals in the DoD unit cost budget Other outputs reflect tasks performed that are identified as not necessary for the primary mission Outputs that consume resources at a significantly different rate than primary outputs can be identified as other outputs Other outputs may be expressed in several ways: on a cost per unit basis, on a reimbursable basis, up to the amount reimbursed, or up to a preset budget ceiling Other outputs are referred to as "B" goals in the DoD unit cost budget
The electrical signal measured at the output terminals which is produced by an applied input to a transducer
The amount of coal or ore put out from one or more mines, or the quantity of material produced by, or turned out from, one or more furnaces or mills, in a given time
The useful power or signal delivered by a circuit or device
(Ticaret) The result generated by a process than transforms an input
The place that the audio signal goes out of a piece of equipment Examples would be the speaker output from an amplifier or the tape output from a mixer
1 The process of displaying, printing, or storing information produced by a computer 2 The information produced by the computer, as a result of processing, that is sent to devices that display, print, or store it (Terms, Gr 3)
the product or results of a project, also referred to as deliverables (see also: Logical Framework Approach)
Information that comes out of the computer; for example, a picture on the screen, a printed page, sound coming from the speakers, files printed to disk or sent over a communications line
to send data to a monitor, printer, or other output device
Any form of data originating from a computer system, it can be displayed on screen, printed on paper, or in machine-readable form such as a disk or tape
Results of a report after it is run Output can be displayed on a screen, stored in a file, or printed on paper
(n ) The information produced by a command, program, or such, and sent elsewhere; for example, to the terminal, to a file, or to a line printer
refers to: neuron, output layer A value or a set of values (pattern), generated by the neurons of a neural net's output layer Used to calculate the current error value of the net see also: output layer, input, error, supervised learning
A broad term for describing any result, product, or service that a system produces Any good, service, or on-site use that is produced from forest and rangeland resources (e g , softwood sawtimber MBF; water yield, acre feet; primitive recreation use, reports, graphs, or data written out or shown on a screen by the computer The media may be paper, tape, disk, computer monitor, or may be an electronic signal (e g , to stop a system when a critical condition is reached )
The signal sent by a computer (for example, to an actuator) as a result of processing inputs it has received
The output of a computer or word processor is the information that it displays on a screen or prints on paper as a result of a particular program. You run the software, you look at the output, you make modifications. output outputting if a computer outputs information, it produces it
The number or value that comes out from a process For example, in a function machine, a number goes in, something is done to it, and the resulting number is the output (cf Functions as Processes or Rules Discussion)
to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running
The useful signal or power delivered by a circuit or device
That which is thrown out as products of the metabolic activity of the body; the egesta other than the fæces
Information produced by a computer or computer program
In electronic records, information transmitted from internal to external units of a computer, or to an outside medium See also INFORMATION SYSTEM, INPUT
The results of the operation of any system
Output is used to refer to the amount of something that a person or thing produces. Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years
production of a certain amount what is produced in a given time period the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
in terms of direction in an ultrasonic system, that direction away from the power source and toward the process
to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running"
Computer generated information that is displayed on the screen, printed, written to disk or tape, or sent over a communications link to another computer
to output

    Расстановка переносов

    to out·put

    Турецкое произношение

    tı autpût


    /tə ˈoutˌpo͝ot/ /tə ˈaʊtˌpʊt/


    ... Especially, output systems should be related with the ...
    ... So we need input and output systems. ...