to leaflet

listen to the pronunciation of to leaflet
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu broşür, gerekli bilgiyi içerir. - This leaflet contains necessary information.

Tom öğleden sonrayı broşürleri dağıtarak geçirdi. - Tom spent the afternoon handing out leaflets.

bileşik yapraklardan biri
ufak yaprakçık
ufak yaprak
{i} el ilanı
dört sayfalık risale
{i} yaprakçık
bileşik yaprağın bir kısmı
(Tıp) Kalp kapağını oluşturan yaprak şeklindeki iki veya üç parçadan her biri, kapakçık
{i} kitapçık

Öğretmen kitapçıkları dağıttı. - The teacher distributed the leaflets.

(Tıp) Küçük yaprak, yaprakçık
ufak risale
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To distribute leaflets

During the summer, Peter earned some extra cash by leafleting for a local pizza delivery restaurant.

To distribute leaflets to

A sidewalk preacher gave an impassioned sermon while an assistant leafleted those who stayed to listen.

a little leaf or a booklet
A small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement
One subunit of a compound leaf
a single divison in a compound leave
A leaflet is a little book or a piece of paper containing information about a particular subject. Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking
a single blade or division of a compound leaf
A single segment of a compound leaf
A flap of a valve of a heart or blood vessel
If you leaflet a place, you distribute leaflets there, for example by handing them to people, or by putting them through letter boxes. We've leafleted the university today to try to drum up some support The only reason we leafleted on the Jewish New Year was because more people than usual go to the synagogue on that day. a small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject leaflet on. to give leaflets to people
{i} sheet of paper on which information has been printed, flyer, pamphlet; small leaf; small leaflike structure
A little leaf; also, a little printed leaf or a tract
In a compound leaf, there are multiple leaflets (or distinct blades) that make up a single leaf structure The rose and the ash tree both have compound leaves
A division or part of a compound leaf
one of the subdivisions of a compound leaf
A distinct, leaflike segment of a compound leaf
A printed sheet folded vertically in the center to produce four pages
One of the divisions of a compound leaf; a foliole
In compound leaves such as the ashes, the green blades that attach to the central rachis are termed leaflets (a simple leaf like Redbud, on the other hand, does not have leaflets, but instead has only a single leaf blade attached to a petiole)
single part of a compound leaf
An individual segment of a compound leaf Leaflets can be distinguished from leaves because the leaflet will not have an axillary bud
leaf-like structure, part of a compound leaf
means a piece of paper, often folded, that contains printed information or advertisements and which is usually distributed free of charge
a thin triangular flap of a heart valve
A printed sheet that is printed, folded, and mailed as part of a direct mail campaign or handed to customers
A segment of a compound leaf
part of a compound leaf
Each separate lamina of a compound leaf
One of the components of a compound leaf
A leaflike organ or part; as, a leaflet of the gills of fishes
A small plant leaf
The leaf-like division of a compound leaf Unlike a leaf, a leaflet does not have a bud at its point of attachment (axil)
a small book usually having a paper cover
one part of a compound leaf
In a compound leaf, the individual blades are called leaflets
A pamphlet, usually promotional or advertising in nature Also BROCHURE
to leaflet

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    /tə ˈlēflət/ /tə ˈliːflət/