to intersect

listen to the pronunciation of to intersect
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Luís Coelho caddesi Augusta caddesi ile kesişir. - Luís Coelho Street intersects Augusta Street.

İki cadde doğru açılarda kesişiyor. - The two streets intersect at right angles.

(yol/çizgi/vb.) kesişmek
birbiri üzerinden geçmek
{f} katetmek, kesmek, ikiye bölmek
birbiri üzerinden geçmek kesiş
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
two sets intersect if and only if they have at least one common element
to cross; to cut

Parallel lines don't intersect.

to cut through or into so as to divide
One of eight relational algebra operators - when an INTERSECT is done on two tables the result table will contain all records that appear in both of the original tables - any record that is in only one of the original tables will not be in the result table
A set operation on rows of data from two SELECT statements Only rows that are in both statements will be retrieved See UNION
To cut into or between; to cut or cross mutually; to divide into parts; as, any two diameters of a circle intersect each other at the center
An overlay method that preserves only those features that fall within the area extent common to the input and overlay maps
The topological integration of two spatial data sets that preserves features that fall within the spatial extent common to both input data sets
DIN to pass information among multiple networks at a single node
To cut, or divide an object by crossing it with a line, or plane
To cut into one another; to meet and cross each other; as, the point where two lines intersect
SQL set operation Select common elements from two different select statements E g: select * from table_A INTERSECT select * from table_B
The topological integration of two spatial data sets that preserves features that fall within the area common to both input data sets See also identity and union
meet at a point
{f} cut across, pass over or through, cross, bisect; come together at a certain point, converge
The topological integration of two spatial data sets that preserves features that fall within the spatial extent common to both input data sets See also identity and union
If one thing intersects with another or if two things intersect, the two things have a connection at a particular point. the ways in which historical events intersect with individual lives Their histories intersect. = overlap
If two or more lines or roads intersect, they meet or cross each other. You can also say that one line or road intersects another. The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth The circles will intersect in two places
If a place, area, or surface is intersected by things such as roads or lines, they cross it. The city is intersected by three main waterways. = cross
to cross each other; to cut each other
to intersect

    Расстановка переносов

    to in·ter·sect

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    /tə ˌəntərˈsekt/ /tə ˌɪntɜrˈsɛkt/