to hang on

listen to the pronunciation of to hang on
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} bekletmek (telefon)
{f} tutunmak

Seni alana kadar bekle. - Hang on till I get to you.

Şu anda biraz meşgulüz. Bir dakika bekleyebilir misiniz? - We're a bit busy at the moment. Can you hang on a minute?

{f} beklemek (telefon)
asılı durmak
(deyim) telefonda beklemek
(deyim) yavaş ilerlemek
(deyim) sonuna kadar dayanmak
(deyim) sürüncemede bırakmak
(deyim) ucunu bırakmamak
sıkı tutmak
(deyim) sürdürmek
(deyim) bekletmek
(deyim) ertelemek
sıkı tut
peşini bırakmamak
bağlı olmak
hatta kalmak
(to) (-e) sıkı tutunmak
Bekle./Bir dakika
{f} ümidini yitirmemek
{f} sallanmak
{f} ısrar etmek
{k} (deyim) beklemek. hang on to sth. saklamak,elinde tutmak,pesini birakmamak
{f} germek
{f} takmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To hold, grasp, or grip

Hang on to the handle so you don't drop it.

To wait a moment (usually imperative)

Hang on. Let me check.

To pay close attention

The audience hangs on his every word.

To keep; to store something for someone

Hang on to my jacket until I get back.

To continually believe in something; to have faith in

He's got a philosophy he hangs on to.

To persevere

Just hang on and keep going; this pain won't last forever.

fix to; attach; "append a charm to the necklace"
If you hang on to or hang onto something that gives you an advantage, you succeed in keeping it for yourself, and prevent it from being taken away or given to someone else. The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead The company has been struggling to hang onto its sales force
hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your folder
If you ask someone to hang on, you ask them to wait or stop what they are doing or saying for a moment. Can you hang on for a minute? Hang on a sec. I'll come with you. = hold on
{f} persist, persevere, hold out; hold on to something
If one thing hangs on another, it depends on it in order to be successful. Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil. = depend
hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your folder"
If you hang on to or hang onto something, you keep it for a longer time than you would normally expect. You could, alternatively, hang onto it in the hope that it will be worth millions in 10 years time In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships
If you hang on to or hang onto something, you hold it very tightly, for example to stop it falling or to support yourself. She was conscious of a second man hanging on to the rail. a flight stewardess who helped save the life of a pilot by hanging onto his legs He hangs on tightly, his arms around my neck. = cling
If you hang on, you manage to survive, achieve success, or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition. Manchester United hung on to take the Cup
be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"
to hang on

    Турецкое произношение

    tı häng ôn


    /tə ˈhaɴɢ ˈôn/ /tə ˈhæŋ ˈɔːn/


    ... HANG ON. HELLO? ...