to flicker

listen to the pronunciation of to flicker
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
titrek ışık/alev
{i} titrek ışık
titreyerek yanmak
(Aydınlatma) ışık titremesi
ufacık bir belirti
sönüp yanmak

Bu floresan lamba titreşmeye başlıyor. Onu değiştirmemiz gerekecek. - This fluorescent lamp is starting to flicker. We'll have to replace it.

{i} titreme

Son bir titremeden sonra mum söndü. - After one last flicker, the candle went out.

{i} ürperme
flickeringly titreşerek
titremeli,v.titre: n.titreme
{f} 1. (ışık/gölge)
{f} titreşmek

Son bir titremeden sonra mum söndü. - After one last flicker, the candle went out.

Bu floresan lamba titreşmeye başlıyor. Onu değiştirmemiz gerekecek. - This fluorescent lamp is starting to flicker. We'll have to replace it.

(Nükleer Bilimler) kırpışma
{i} geçici belirti
titrek ve parlak ışık
{i} ufacık bir belirti: He suddenly felt a flicker of hope. Birdenbire ufacık bir umut duydu
{f} hızla ve sessizce önünden geçmek
titrek yanmak
{f} alevlenmek
{i} titrek alev
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A short moment
A certain type of small woodpecker, especially of the genus Colaptes
{v} to flutter, play the wings, laugh
shine unsteadily; "The candle flickered
flash intermittently; "The lights flicked on and off"
The wavering or fluttering visual sensation produced by intermittent light
An unsteady flash of light
{i} unsteady light, sparkle, glimmer; blink (of the eye); unsteadiness of the image on a monitor (Computers)
the act of moving back and forth
If a light or flame flickers, it shines unsteadily. A television flickered in the corner. Flicker is also a noun. Looking through the cabin window I saw the flicker of flames
shine unsteadily; "The candle flickered"
Impression of fluctuating luminance or color Floodlight Projector designed for floodlighting, usually capable of being pointed in any direction and of weatherproof construction
When the image on the display is not refreshed fast enough, it appears to flicker or quiver as it dims and brightens repeatedly The term Flicker Free is now used to describe those monitors with refresh rates high enough that flicker is unnoticeable to the human eye Generally, refresh rates of 70Hz or higher are considered to be flicker free
North American woodpecker a momentary flash of light move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
The act of wavering or of fluttering; fluctuation; sudden and brief increase of brightness; as, the last flicker of the dying flame
To flutter; to flap the wings without flying
move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
To keep going on and off; to appear and disappear for short moments; to flutter
North American woodpecker
North American woodpecker a momentary flash of light move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered" flash intermittently; "The lights flicked on and off" shine unsteadily; "The candle flickered
Extremely rapid variations in light intensity Causes eye fatigue for some people ESI's Flicker Percentage: < 3%
If something flickers, it makes very slight, quick movements. In a moment her eyelids flickered, then opened A few moments later Mrs Tenney's eyelids flickered open. Any of six species of New World woodpeckers (genus Colaptes) noted for spending much time on the ground eating ants. The sticky saliva of the flicker is alkaline, perhaps to counteract the formic acid that ants secrete. Its bill is more slender than that of most woodpeckers and is slightly down-curved. Most flickers have a white rump, black breast band, and varied head markings, and most are about 13 in. (33 cm) long
Impression of fluctuating brightness or color, occurring when the frequency of the observed variation lies between a few hertz and the fusion frequencies of the images
The cyclic variation in instantaneous light output resulting from use of 60-Hz power
To waver unsteadily, like a flame in a current of air, or when about to expire; as, the flickering light
If you experience a flicker of emotion, you feel that emotion only for a very short time, and not very strongly. He felt a flicker of regret He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes
{f} flash, twinkle, glimmer; quick back and forth movement; flutter, quiver
To burn or shine unsteadily. To burn or shine with a wavering light
Called also yellow-hammer, high-holder, pigeon woodpecker, and yucca
The golden-winged woodpecker (Colaptes aurutus); so called from its spring note
In vision research, usually a light alternating according to a sinusoidal or square wave manner; not wavering erratically
Occurs when molecules other than the ion enters the channel opening and briefly blocks ion conductance This can be seen on single-channel recordings as squiggly lines during the open time, as well as a lower overall conductance "Desensitization" is believed to be due to too much ligand, for example acetylcholine and nAChR channels, blocking the channel rather than activating it For CFTR, NPPB or DPC induces rapid flicker and therefore block pore
A perceivable fluctuation of the brightness levels of a displayed image This problem is often present in CRT monitors that have a vertical scan rate that is too low
Slow variations in voltage that cause the light intensity in a fluorescent light to vary and give the impression of unsteadiness of visual perception
The alternation of light and dark periods which can be visually appreciated
a momentary flash of light
to flicker

    Расстановка переносов

    to flick·er

    Турецкое произношение

    tı flîkır


    /tə ˈfləkər/ /tə ˈflɪkɜr/


    ...  My poor mom, every time she'd come home, she would see the lights flicker and die. ...