to even

listen to the pronunciation of to even
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Sana bir dolar ödersem, eşit oluruz. - If I pay you a dollar, we'll be even.

Hesabı eşit olarak bölüşürler. - They split the bill evenly.


O bir sineğe bile zarar veremez. - She can't even harm a fly.

O, tatili sırasında bile asla çevrimiçi değil. - She is never online, even during her vacation.


Cesar Chavez çiftlik sahipleri ve onların destekçileri bazen şiddet kullansalar bile greve katılanların sessiz kalmalarını istedi. - Cesar Chavez asked that strikers remain non-violent even though farm owners and their supporters sometimes used violence.

Tom bir çift yeni ayakkabıyı bile satın almayı göze alamıyor. - Tom can't even afford to buy a new pair of shoes.

{s} düz

Ben en küçük ayrıntıları bile düzelttim. - I corrected even the smallest details.

Tom etkinliği düzenledi. - Tom organized the event.


Asal sayılar hayata benzerler, onlar tamamıyla mantıklıdır ama bütün zamanınızı bu konuyu düşünerek harcasanız dahi belirli bir kural bulmak imkansızdır. - Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.

Kiminle buluşmaları gerektiğini dahi bilmiyorlardı. - They didn't even know who they were supposed to meet.

{s} çift (sayı)

Arkadaşım bir vejetaryen olmasına rağmen, çorbada biraz et olduğunu ona söylemedim. - Even though my friend was a vegetarian, I didn't tell him that the soup had some meat in it.

Ben garip bir şey olduğunu hissetmiş olmama rağmen, ben sadece onun ne olduğunu bilmiyordum. - Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was.

{f} düzleşmek
{f} eşit olarak bölüştürmek
{s} dengeli
{f} düzleştirmek
{f} düzlemek
de (dahi anlamında)
tam (sayı)
hatta ve hatta
acısını çıkarmak
(sayı) çift
ta ki

Tarafsızlık bile taraflıdır. - Even impartiality is partial.


Tom bir bağış toplama etkinliği düzenliyor. - Tom is organizing a fundraising event.

Tom her akşam düzenli olarak beni arıyor. - Tom has been calling me regularly every evening.

düz eşit
tesviye etmek
düz olmak
{s} sakin

Tom, baskı altındayken bile soğukkanlı, sakin ve aklı başında. - Tom's cool, calm, and collected, even under pressure.

Tehlike olduğunda bile sakin kaldı. - He remained calm even in the presence of danger.

daha da

Ben fiziği seviyorum ve matematiği daha da çok seviyorum. - I like physics, and I like mathematics even more.

Eski şirketi ona kazık attı. Fakat onun kötü şansını iyiye çevirmesine ve kendi işinde daha da iyisini yapmasına hayranım. - His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.


Kendi anadilini bile doğru düzgün kullanamayan insanları görmek çok üzücü. - It is rather sad to see people who can't even use their mother tongue correctly.


Her şey için görgü kuralı vardır, hatta bir seks partisinin bile. - There's proper etiquette for everything, even an orgy.

Binlerce insan Bhopal Gaz Trajedisi'nde hayatlarını kaybetti ve bugün bile yüzlerce, hatta binlerce insan hâlâ zehirli gazın kötü etkilerinden muzdariptir. - Thousands of people lost their lives in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, and even today hundreds of thousands of people still suffer from the ill-effects of the poisonous gas.

{s} fit olmuş

Tom'u tamamıyla hatırlıyor musun? - Do you even remember Tom?

Asal sayılar hayata benzerler, onlar tamamıyla mantıklıdır ama bütün zamanınızı bu konuyu düşünerek harcasanız dahi belirli bir kural bulmak imkansızdır. - Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.

{s} temkinli

Seni neredeyse hiç tanımıyorum. - I hardly even know you.

Tom neredeyse her akşam evdedir. - Tom is at home almost every evening.

even so öy

Tom ve Mary aynı şeyler hakkında bile konuşuyorlar. - Tom and Mary even talk about the same things.

Bir avukatın zor bir durumda küçük konularda bile her taşın altına bakması ve aynı konuda sonuca ulaşmak için ısrarla belirtmesi önemlidir. - It is important that a lawyer should leave no stone unturned even on minor points and harp on the same subject to achieve a break through in an impasse.

up ile eşitlemek
adv.hatta: adj.çift,çift
{s} tam

Olaylar tam onun tahmin ettiği gibi meydana geldi. - The events unfolded just as she predicted.

Asal sayılar hayata benzerler, onlar tamamıyla mantıklıdır ama bütün zamanınızı bu konuyu düşünerek harcasanız dahi belirli bir kural bulmak imkansızdır. - Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.

müsavi hale getirmek
{s} bir düzeyde
even düzel/düzelt

Tom oldukça faydalı, üstelik hoşgörülü. - Tom is quite helpful, indulgent even.

Olayların bu açıklaması tamamen abartılmış, üstelik doğru olsa bile. - This description of events is completely exaggerated, even if it's essentially true.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A Tungusic language spoken by the Evens in Siberia

When the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devylles .

The wind died down by the evening. - The wind calmed down in the evening.

I'm at home every evening. - I am at home every evening.

Leaving no remainder when divided by 2

Four, fourteen and forty are even numbers.

Emphasising a comparative

I was strong before; but now I am even stronger.

To make flat and level

We need to even this playing field; the west goal is too low.

Flat and level

Clear out those rocks. The surface must be even.

Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero

He put me on the scale in my underwear and socks: 82 pounds. I left, humming all day long, remembering that once upon a time my ideal weight had been 84, and now I'd even beaten that. I decided 80 was a better number, a nice even number to be.

Without great variation

Despite her fear, she spoke in an even voice.

Equal in proportion, quantity, size, etc

The distribution of food must be even.

We say that a function, f, is even, if it satisfies the equation f(-x) = f(x) for all values of x This terminology is based on the fact that all even power functions (e g , x2, x4, x-6, etc ) satisfy this equation
Not odd; capable of division by two without a remainder; said of numbers; as, 4 and 10 are even numbers
to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
{v} to equal, level, balance an account
{n} the close or end of the day
{a} verily
{a} level, parallel, calm, uniform
Balanced; adjusted; fair; equitable; impartial; just to both side; owing nothing on either side; said of accounts, bargains, or persons indebted; as, our accounts are even; an even bargain
{s} smooth, straight, level; parallel; equal; uniform; consistent; calm, not easily excited or angered; fair; divisible by two, able to be divided exactly by two (Mathematics)
Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish; pure
tests whether its argument, which must be an integer, is even
yet, still
Price is at an even dollar level: 1445 00 OR 1444 00, etc
divisible by two
to the full extent; "loyal even unto death
Implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality
To act up to; to keep pace with
Equal in proportion, quantity, size etc
To set right; to complete
in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
become even or more even; "even out the surface"
make even or more even
(1) (of a suit split) exactly equal; [Example: a three-three split is an even split ]
number - A whole number that can be evenly divided by 2
make level or straight; "level the ground"
Associate; fellow; of the same condition
Up to, or down to, an unusual measure or level; so much as; fully; quite
In an equal or precisely similar manner; equally; precisely; just; likewise; as well
make even or more even become even or more even; "even out the surface"
to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale"
To equal
divisible by two The even integers are 2,4,6,8 etc
can be divided by two with no remainder -- " even numbers have 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 in the units place " (68)
occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"
equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight"
Parallel; on a level; reaching the same limit
of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"
make even or more even become even or more even; "even out the surface" equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight" divisible by two occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing" symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon" used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I don't have even a dollar!" to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale" in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him" to the full extent; "loyal even unto death
Teas true to their grade, consisting of pieces of leaf of fairly even size
As might not be expected; serving to introduce what is unexpected or less expected
Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of motion of action; as, even ground; an even speed; an even course of conduct
To place in an equal state, as to obligation, or in a state in which nothing is due on either side; to balance, as accounts; to make quits
Equable; not easily ruffed or disturbed; calm; uniformly self-possessed; as, an even temper
To make even or level; to level; to lay smooth
being level or straight or regular and without variation as e g in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i e even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
divisible by two occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"
To be equal
used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I don't have even a dollar!"
exactly, just, fully
See Eve, n
At the very time; in the very case
symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon"
{f} become even; make even; make level, smooth; balance
to even

    Расстановка переносов

    to e·ven

    Турецкое произношение

    tı ivîn


    /tə ˈēvən/ /tə ˈiːvɪn/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... video, they don't even understand Korean. ...
    ... even do we decide to be friends with. ...