to engross

listen to the pronunciation of to engross
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} temize çekmek
{f} hazırlamak
kaleme almak
meşgul etmek
Zapt etmek, zapta geçirmek, tutanağa geçirmek
tekeline almak
{f} çekmek
{f} dalmak
{f} dikkatini vermek
{f} cezbetmek
{f} resmi dille yazmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To make gross or fat
To monopolize; to concentrate (something) in the single possession of someone, especially unfairly

Octavian then engrosses for himself proconsular powers for ten years in all the provinces where more than one legion was stationed, giving him effective control of the army.

To buy up wholesale, especially to buy the whole supply of (a commodity etc.)
To write (a document) in large, aesthetic, and legible lettering; to make a finalized copy of
to occupy completely
{v} to monopolize, to write a fair copy
To copy or write in a large hand en gross, i
To write a document in large, aesthetic and legible lettering
To amass
in large; to write a fair copy of in distinct and legible characters; as, to engross a deed or like instrument on parchment
engross (oneself) fully; "He immersed himself into his studies"
To seize in the gross; to take the whole of; to occupy wholly; to absorb; as, the subject engrossed all his thoughts
To completely engage the attention of
if something engrosses you, it interests you so much that you do not notice anything else (engrosser, from en gros )
To make gross, thick, or large; to thicken; to increase in bulk or quantity
{f} absorb one's interest or attention; write in large clear letters, write in a formal style; monopolize, control a majority of a commodity (Business)
To purchase either the whole or large quantities of, for the purpose of enhancing the price and making a profit; hence, to take or assume in undue quantity, proportion, or degree; as, to engross commodities in market; to engross power
engage or engross wholly; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
to engross

    Расстановка переносов

    to en·gross

    Турецкое произношение

    tı îngrōs


    /tə ənˈgrōs/ /tə ɪnˈɡroʊs/