to curl

listen to the pronunciation of to curl
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
bukle yapmak
{i} bukle

Saçımı bukle yapmak çok zaman alıyor. - Curling my hair takes a lot of time.

O, saçlarını bukleleli tutar. - She keeps her hair in curls.

{f} kıvırmak
{i} kıvırma
{f} kıvrılmak
ondüle yapmak
kıvrılarak/dönerek hareket etmek
{f} kıvır

Onun saçı doğal olarak kıvırcık. - Her hair is naturally curly.

Mary'nin kıvırcık siyah saçı var. - Mary has curly dark hair.

(saç) kıvırmak
sarmal biçimde herhangi bir şey
{f} kıvırcık olmak
{i} büklüm
{i} saç lülesi
{i} lüle
{f} bükmek
{f} dalgalandırmak
{i} bükme
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A spin making the trajectory of an object curve

It is possible to use the wind which blows from the left to the right by playing well into the wind with the slightest bit of curl on the ball.

To make into a curl or spiral

She curls her spine; she wedges a pillow between her knees.

A curved stroke or shape

the backs of their necks and their forelegs are decorated with curls and their necks and bodies are covered with fine, undulating lines.

To move in curves

The ball curled to a stop within six inches of the hole.

The vector field denoting the rotationality of a given vector field

In 2D, when Q is a polygonal domain, the singularities of Type (2) disappear because ψ is the scalar curl of u and is such that its vectorial curl is zero.

Any of various diseases of plants causing the leaves or shoots to curl up; often specifically the potato curl

These potatoes, however, planted the next year, have a fair yield, untouched by the curl.

To cause to move in a curve

He picked the ball up about forty yards out on the left wing, left a trail of Arsenal defenders in his wake, and curled the ball round Geoff Barnett as he came right out into the far corner.

To assume the shape of a curl or spiral

It seemed to me that Mr. St. John's under lip protruded, and his upper lip curled a moment.

To exercise by bending the arm, wrist, or leg on the exertion against resistance, especially of the biceps

When curling the weight, bring the barbell up toward the chin, then return it to its starting position. Keep your elbows and upper arms as immobile as possible to isolate the biceps.

The vector operator, denoted \rm{curl}\; or \vec{\nabla}\times\vec{\left(\cdot\right)}, that generates this field
Any exercise performed by bending the arm, wrist, or leg on the exertion against resistance, especially those that train the biceps

Now do a curl and an overhead press, keeping your palms facing in.

To take part in the sport of curling

I curl at my local club every weekend.

{v} to turn into ringlets, turn, twist, wave
{n} a ringlet or ornament of hair, a wave
If you have curls, your hair is in the form of tight curves and spirals. the little girl with blonde curls
If your toes, fingers, or other parts of your body curl, or if you curl them, they form a curved or round shape. His fingers curled gently round her wrist Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot downwards She sat with her legs curled under her. = bend
to bend upwards against resistance
The distortion in a paper's surface caused by moisture absorption or by coating differences between one side and the other
Consortium of University Research Libraries, currently Bodleian, Cambridge, London, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh Leeds (?)
If your hair has curl, it is full of curls. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine
a twist of the stone's handle upon release makes the stone curl, or curve, as it travels down the ice The rock curls in the direction of the turn
Command-line tool used to transfer files using URL syntax
Misshaping of a sheet due to moisture absorption or differences between sides of a two-sided sheet
Movement of a moving rock away from a straight line
{f} form into curls, twist into ringlets (of hair); bend, coil; play the sport of curling
a piece or lock of curling hair; a ringlet
standard sleeping position of a cat with the head resting on the forelegs The cat is sleeping in a curl
Vector operator corresponding to the cross product of del and a given vectorial field
flexure; sinuosity
– Some papers have more tendency to curl than others The higher the quality, the more likely it is that the paper will keep its shape
When a leaf, a piece of paper, or another flat object curls, its edges bend towards the centre. The rose leaves have curled because of an attack by grubs. Curl up means the same as curl. The corners of the lino were curling up. American chemist who shared a 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering fullerenes. In mathematics, a differential operator that can be applied to a vector-valued function (or vector field) in order to measure its tendency to spin. It consists of a combination of the function's first partial derivatives. One of the more common forms for expressing it is
A defect of a photographic film consisting of unflatness in a plane cutting across the width of the film Curl may result from improper drying conditions, and the direction and amount of curl may vary with the humidity of the air to which the film is exposed
To deck with, or as with, curls; to ornament
A tubular structure formed at the open end of a metal closure to provide a smooth, strong edge The curl facilitates automatic handling of the closure
If your hair curls or if you curl it, it is full of curls. She has hair that refuses to curl Maria had curled her hair for the event Afro hair is short and tightly curled
wind around something in coils or loops
The action of the edges of a belt bending upward on the carrying run and downward on the return run Also called cupping
A vector field denoting the rotation per unit area of a given vector field
play the Scottish game of curling
To twist or form into ringlets; to crisp, as the hair
Also referred to as a turn-in route An 8- to 14-yard pass where the receiver stops and then turns immediately, making a slight curl before facing the quarterback's throw The receiver usually takes a step or two toward the quarterback and the ball before the pass reaches him The curl tends to be a high-percentage completion because the receiver wants to shield the defender with his back This is a common route for tight ends
If something curls somewhere, or if you curl it there, it moves there in a spiral or curve. Smoke was curling up the chimney He curled the ball into the net
to cause to curve
A disease in potatoes, in which the leaves, at their first appearance, seem curled and shrunken
A part of a hollow or semi-hollow wave that loops over as it breaks
To raise in waves or undulations; to ripple
Distortion of paper caused by a reaction to environmental conditions Curl can cause feeding problems in a press or electronic printer The curl side of a piece of paper is the concave side
In paper, distortion of the unrestrained sheet due to differences in structure or coatings from one side to the other The curl side is the concave side of the sheet
A roll or curve of the edge of a sheet of material Curl may be intentional
a strand or cluster of hair
The distortion of a sheet of paper due to differences in coating from one side to another or to absorption of moisture
To contract or bend into curls or ringlets, as hair; to grow in curls or spirals, as a vine; to be crinkled or contorted; to have a curly appearance; as, leaves lie curled on the ground
Tendency of paper by itself to bend or partly wrap around the axis of one of its directions
To move in curves, spirals, or undulations; to contract in curving outlines; to bend in a curved form; to make a curl or curls
To twist or make onto coils, as a serpent's body
The departure from the flatness of photographic film Curl towards the emulsion is referred to as "Positive curl", curl towards the base side is is "Negative curl"
a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles
- The degree of curvature measured when paper is positioned flat
American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933) form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling"
To take part in curling
- A tubular structure formed at the open end of a metal closure to provide a smooth, strong edge The curl facilitates automatic handling of the closure
A ringlet, especially of hair; anything of a spiral or winding form
This is the outer edge of a button Often, the name of the manufacturer or that of the political committee creating the item are printed on the curl
If a person or animal curls into a ball, they move into a position in which their body makes a rounded shape. He wanted to curl into a tiny ball The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa. Curl up means the same as curl. In colder weather, your cat will curl up into a tight, heat-conserving ball She curled up next to him He was asleep there, curled up in the fetal position
play the Scottish game of curling twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please
to make into a curl
To shape (the brim) into a curve
To play at the game called curling
twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please"
to curl

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