to accession

listen to the pronunciation of to accession
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} (tahta) çıkma
{i} katılım
(Kanun) vusul
(Ticaret) istihdam
(Kanun) hukuki tağyir
(Kanun) terfi
(Kanun) tahta oturma
(Ticaret) ilave
göreve gelme
vasıl olma
{i} tahta çıkma
{i} (bir müze veya kütüphanenin koleksiyonuna) yeni alınan eşya, kitap v.b
yeni gelen şey
(Hukuk) antlaşmaya katılma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The invasion, approach, or commencement of a disease; a fit or paroxysm
A coming to; the act of acceding and becoming joined; as, a king's accession to a confederacy
The act by which one power becomes party to engagements already in force between other powers - Kent
A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner of a corporeal substance which receives an addition by growth, or by labor, has a right to the part or thing added, or the improvement (provided the thing is not changed into a different species). Thus, the owner of a cow becomes the owner of her calf
To make a record of (additions to a collection)
induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government
{n} the act of arriving at, an addition
The legal right that entitles the owner of land to all that the soil produces or all that is added to the land either intentionally or by mistake
Acquiring title to additions or improvements to real property as a result of the annexation of fixtures or the accretion of alluvial deposits along the banks of streams accretion The increase or addition of land by the deposit of sand or soil washed up natu rally from a river, lake or sea
[v] to record an object, specimen, or collection into a museum's collections
The process by which a country negotiates terms or determines obligations that must be fulfilled in order to become a participant in a trade agreement
A body of material from the same source taken into archival custody at the same time An accession may be an entire fonds, may be an accrual to an existing fonds, or may be an accrual to a series within a fonds
1 (v ) The act and procedures involved in formally accepting and recording the physical and legal transfer of material into the custody of an archives 2 (n ) A body of material from the same donor taken into archival custody at the same time This acquisition may occur through gift, donation with tax appraisal, purchase, copy loan, or direct or scheduled transfer Transfer to the Archives of unscheduled discontinued series of archival records or archival records (usually old) that are not part of any existing records series The transfer to an Archives of those records previously determined by the records scheduling process to have permanent value
the right to enter
Recording of books added to a collection in the order of their acquisition
The process by which a country becomes a member on an international organisation or agreement
a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group); "the art collectin grew through accession"
Acquiring title to additional or improvements to real property as a result of annexation of fixtures or the accretion of alluvial deposits along the banks of streams
The formal acceptance of custody of a collection and recording of that acceptance (usually when referring to federal collections deposited in non-federal repositories)
1 The formal acceptance into custody and recording of an acquisition 2 An acquisition so recorded [RAD]
(1) The transfer of the legal and physical custody of permanent records from an agency to the National Archives See also BLOCK (1), PERMANENT RECORDS, SCHEDULED TRANSFER, TRANSFER (1)
Becoming party to an agreement after it has already entered into force
The process of a country becoming a member of an international agreement, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Negotiations determine the specific obligations a nonmember country must meet before it is entitled to full GATTmembership benefits Although accession to GATT binds a country to the General Agreement, GATT members must separately join the Tokyo Round Codes of Conduct
a single object or a group of objects received into a museum collection from one source, under one type of transaction, on one date Archaeological accessions sometimes incorporate artifacts from several consecutive seasons of excavation, if these were done by one archaeologist in the same area
Material incoming to the archives It can be a loan or a donation
The right of an owner to have the advantages of property ownership, which include air rights, mineral rights, riparian rights, and rights to alluvion, and manmade improvements Acquisition of additional property by growth or increase in the existing property It can be a natural process, such as a changing river course adding land or through the purchase of adjacent land
Accession is the process by which a country becomes a member of an international agreement, such as the World Trade Organization or the EU
A group of records taken into a repository from the same source at the same time; the process of taking in such material
additional collection of different subject from different place or time
The formal act of entering an object into the collections of a museum Once an object has been accessioned it has a status beyond that of merely being the property of the organization and can only be disposed of by referring to the governing body of the organization, e g , the Trustees or Director
The concept that the owner of land is entitled to all that the soil produces or all that is added to the land either intentionally or by mistake
Accession is the process by which a country becomes a member of an international agreement, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) or the European Community Accession to the GATT involves negotiations to determine the specific obligations a nonmember country must undertake before it will be entitled to full GATT membership benefits
(civil law) the right to all of that which your property produces whether by growth or improvement
The process by which a country becomes a member of an international organization or agreement
1 The formal acceptance into physical and legal custody of an addition to the holdings of the University Archives 2 The formal acceptance into physical custody of records to the University Records Center Records accessioned into the University Records Center still remain in the legal custody (ownership) of the creating and depositing office or organization 3 An addition to the holdings of the Archives or University Records Center
agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination"
something added to what you already have; "the librarian shelved the new accessions"; "he was a new addition to the staff"
The act by which one power becomes party to engagements already in force between other powers
Thus, the owner of a cow becomes the owner of her calf
make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library
Accession is the act of taking up a position as the ruler of a country. the 50th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne
A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner of a corporeal substance which receives an addition by growth, or by labor, has a right to the part or thing added, or the improvement (provided the thing is not changed into a different species)
(civil law) the right to all of that which your property produces whether by growth or improvement a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group); "the art collectin grew through accession"
The act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity; as, the accession of the house of Stuart; -- applied especially to the epoch of a new dynasty
Increase by something added; that which is added; augmentation from without; as, an accession of wealth or territory
{i} arrival, attainment; act of coming into high office, succession
A coming to; the act of acceding and becoming joined; as, a kings accession to a confederacy
The act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity; as, the accession of the house of Stuart; applied especially to the epoch of a new dynasty
the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne); "Elizabeth's accession in 1558" agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination" something added to what you already have; "the librarian shelved the new accessions"; "he was a new addition to the staff" (civil law) the right to all of that which your property produces whether by growth or improvement a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group); "the art collectin grew through accession" make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library
the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne); "Elizabeth's accession in 1558"
to accession

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    to ac·ces·sion

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    /tə əkˈsesʜən/ /tə əkˈsɛʃən/