
listen to the pronunciation of tipi
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Uç uca dikilmiş derilerden oluşmuş bir, iki ya da üç direkli koni biçiminde geleneksel Kızıldereli konutu
Kar fırtınası
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America
{i} tepee, cone-shaped tent used by American Indians
a native American tent; usually of conical shape
a conical tent usually consisting of skins and used especially by American Indians of the Plains
An Indian wigwam or tent
A tepee is a round tent. Tepees were first made by Native American peoples from animal skins or the outer covering of trees. = wigwam. a round tent with a pointed top, used by some Native Americans (tipi, from ti + pi ). or tipi Tall tent dwelling used by the Plains Indians. It was suited to their nomadic life of buffalo hunting, because it could be easily folded and dragged by a horse. It was made by stretching dressed and fitted buffalo skins over a skeleton of 20-30 wooden poles, all slanted in toward a central point and tied together near the top. A flap at the top allowed smoke to escape, and a flap at the bottom served as a doorway. The tepee became a popular symbol of all American Indians, although the wigwam, wickiup, hogan, igloo, and longhouse were at least as important
{i} cone-shaped tent used by American Indians
a native American tent; usually of conical shape
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Meteoroloji) blowing snow
(Çevre) snow storm

There are sometimes blizzards in Kanazawa. - Bazı zamanlar Kanazawa'da tipi olur.

We'll never find Tom in this blizzard. - Bu tipide Tom'u asla bulamayacağız.

snowstorm; blizzard
tipi benzemek
resemble smb. in looks
tipi şeklinde
(Meteoroloji) purga
fayton tipi araba
Rice tipi sönümlemeli kanal
Rician fading channel
halka tipi
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ring network
hizmet tipi
(Askeri) service type
motor tipi
engine type
ordu tipi malzeme
(Askeri) adopted types
ordu tipi malzeme kalemleri
(Askeri) adopted items of material
paket tipi
package type
servis tipi
(Otomotiv) type of service
tarama tipi
(Askeri) scan type
taslak tipi
draft mode
açıkhava tipi
outdoor type
kalem tipi
Pen type
paraşüt tipi emniyet kemeri
Safety harness
C 97 nakliye uçağının sivil yolcu tipi
Mansart tipi çatı
mansard roof, mansard
V tipi yükleme
V-shape loading
V - type
akdeniz-tipi kenar
(Jeoloji) mediterranean-type margin
avrupa tipi opsiyon
(Ticaret) european style option
balon tipi füze
(Askeri) balloon type missile
benzin tipi türbin yakıtı
(Havacılık) avtag
biftek tipi jambon
(Gıda) ham steak
bilye tipi polisaj
(Havacılık) ball burnishing
cep tipi
pocket size
cep tipi
pocket sized
cep tipi beton penetrometresi
(İnşaat) pocket penetrometer
defter tipi bilgisayar
(Bilgisayar) notebook computer
elliot tipi ön dingil
(Otomotiv) elliot type front axle
eskimo tipi cephanelik
(Askeri) igloo type ammunition store
eskimo tipi cephanelik sahası
(Askeri) igloo space
fowler tipi kanat flabı
(Havacılık) fowler wing flap
halk tipi
halk tipi
havuz tipi reaktör
(Çevre) pool reactor
hindu dili yazı tipi
hindi font
ikincil yazı tipi
(Bilgisayar) minor font
iklim tipi
(Çevre) climatic type
ileti yazı tipi
(Bilgisayar) message font
iskelet tipi kelepçe
skeleton-type bucket
iskelet tipi kepçe
skeleton type bucket
kabin tipi
cab type
kafes tipi ayak
truss-type leg
kanal tipi
channel type
kanal tipi
canal type
kliper tipi uçak
konsol tipi klima cihazı
console air conditioner
korece yazı tipi
(Bilgisayar) korean font
kova tipi burgu
bucket auger
kule tipi platform
(Askeri) tower-type platform
kutup tipi çadır
(Askeri) arctic type shelter
kuyu tipi jeti
(Askeri) well-type jetty
kıyı tipi
(Askeri) beach type
lessie tipi köpek
masa tipi torna
bench type lathe
newton tipi akış
(Gıda) newtonian flow
newton tipi akışkan
(Gıda) newtonian fluid
ordu tipi araç
(Askeri) standard vehicle
paketleme tipi
(Askeri) type of packing
pano tipi gösterici
panel mounted indicator
(Askeri) finger type
piston tipi pompa
piston type pump
plaka tipi dondurucu
plate freezer
plaka tipi meme
(Otomotiv) plate type nozzle
plaka tipi nozul
(Otomotiv) plate type nozzle
plaka tipi soğutma kulesi
plate cooling tower packing
pryce tipi
(Tıp) pryce type
sahra sirküleri; son koordinasyon; (bataklık tipi bir arazide) yüzer köprü; yüze
(Askeri) field circular; final coordination; floating causeway; floating craft; force commander
sanayi tipi buzdolabı
commercial refrigerator
sanayi tipi yakıtlar
industrial fuel
sanayi tipi ölçer
(Çevre) industrial gauge
seri tipi
the range-change type
simge yazı tipi
(Bilgisayar) symbol font
sivil tipi maddeler
(Askeri) civilian type items
tank tipi platform
(Askeri) sea tank-type platform
tavan tipi difizör
ceiling diffuser
tavan tipi menfez
(İnşaat,Teknik) ceiling diffuser
terminal tipi tahsisi
(Askeri) assign terminal type
testere tipi çakı
(Mekanik) saw type cutter
top tipi silah
(Askeri) gun type weapon
v tipi motor
vee engine
v tipi motor
V type engine
vandyke tipi
veri tipi
(Bilgisayar) data type
villa tipi
zemin tipi
type of soil
ödeme tipi
payload type

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    () from Lakhota ‘house’