
listen to the pronunciation of timi
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially referring to sports and work
A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto
A team is used for grouping people based on a common function Users in a team usually belong to different groups, but are assigned to activities for the same project, thereby allowing them to be viewed as one team Therefore, the team feature facilitates the creation, tracking and assignment of a group of people based on the project they have been assigned to Each team is identified by its name (ID and description are optional) and can be divided into sub-teams
two or more draft animals that work together to pull something
Definition: The most advanced form of a community is a team The members of a team know each other and are cooperating to achieve a common goal sharing some artefacts they are working on, e g a jointly edited document [Schlichter et al, 1998] Definition: "A number of persons associated in some joint action" [Webster]
That group of persons who participate or manage the participation in the product development project Frequently each team member represents a function, department, or specialty, and together they provide the full set of capabilities needed to complete the project, in which case they are referred to as a multifunctional team
Specified combinations of the same kind and type of resources, with common communications and a leader
to be a teamster
is a group of software developers working together on a set of projects and sharing a set of common working environments
Hence, a number of animals moving together
The group of people that has assigned professional responsibilities at OpenMute
To convey or haul with a team; as, to team lumber
Two or more persons who must coordinate with each other in order to get some task done They must also interact with and influence each other in order to accomplish that task
form a team; "We teamed up for this new project"
Total Employer Account Management
The Team (Director, Chairman, and Staff) manages W3C Activities and establishes the mechanisms and procedures for doing so
A group of individuals organized to work together to accomplish a specific objective
To engage in the occupation of driving a team of horses, cattle, or the like, as in conveying or hauling lumber, goods, etc
A team is a group of people who play a particular sport or game together against other similar groups of people. The team failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup finals He had lost his place in the England team
1 The two skaters performing together in a pairs program 2 The group of skaters performing together in a fours program 3 The group of skaters performing together in a precision team program
{i} Platoon
BM afet yönetim timi
(Askeri) United Nations disaster management team
Bilgisayar acil müdahale timi
(Askeri) computer emergency response team
Deniz seferi kuvveti (MEF) meteoroloji destek timi; görev destek timi
(Askeri) Marine expeditionary force (MEF) weather support team; mission support team
Hava Kuvvetleri bilgisayar acil müdahele timi
(Askeri) Air Force computer emergency response team
Milli Acil Durum İdare Timi
(Askeri) National Emergency Management Team
Milli İstihbarat Destek Timi (DIA)
(Askeri) National Military Intelligence Support Team (DIA)
Savunma Bakanlığı Lojistik Dairesi (DLA) muhtemel durum destek timi
(Askeri) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) contingency support team
Ulusal Standartlar Ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü; ulusal istihbarat destek timi
(Askeri) National Institute of Standards and Technology; national intelligence support team
alarm ateş timi
(Askeri) alert fire team
alay muharebe timi
(Askeri) combat team regimental
alay muharebe timi
(Askeri) regimental combat team
alay çıkarma timi
(Askeri) regimental landing team
analiz timi
(Askeri) analysis staff
ani müdahale timi
(Askeri) quick reaction team
arama timi
(Askeri) search team
askeri bilgi destek timi
(Askeri) military information support team
askeri hasta idare timi
(Askeri) military patient administration team
askeri köpek timi
(Askeri) military working dog team
bakım geri kazanım timi
(Askeri) maintenance recovery team
bindirme timi
(Askeri) embarkation team
birlik dinişleri timi
(Askeri) unit ministry team
bölgesel acil durum yönetim timi
(Askeri) regional emergency management team
deniz kuvvetleri seyyar çevre timi
(Askeri) naval mobile environmental team
deniz kuvvetleri uzay destek timi
(Askeri) naval space support team
deniz yükleme istişare timi
(Askeri) naval embarked advisory team
deniz-hava-kara timi
(Askeri) sea-air-land team
deniz-hava-kara timi (SEAL) sevk aracı; sualtı sevk aracı
(Askeri) sea-air-land team (SEAL) delivery vehicle; submerged delivery vehicle
destek silahları irtibat timi
(Askeri) supporting arms liaison team
felaket yardımı tepki timi; dinamik analiz ve yeniden planlama aracı
(Askeri) disaster assistance response team; dynamic analysis and replanning tool
halkla ilişkiler timi
(Askeri) public affairs team
harekat planlama timi
(Askeri) operational planning team
hava nakliye kontrol timi
(Askeri) airlift control team
hava sağlık izolasyon timi; otomatik teşhis teknolojisi
(Askeri) aeromedical isolation team; automated identification technology
havada ikmal kontrol timi; havada ikmal kontrol süresi
(Askeri) air refueling control team; air refueling control time
havadan intikal yeteneği kontrol timi
(Askeri) air mobility control team
havadan sıhhi tahliye harekat timi
(Askeri) aeromedical evacuation operations team
havadan sıhhi tahliye irtibat timi
(Askeri) aeromedical evacuation liaison team
helikopter destek timi
(Askeri) helicopter support team
helikopter timi
(Askeri) helicopter team
imi timi yok
(Konuşma Dili) There's no trace of it/him/her to be found
intikal kontrol timi
(Askeri) movement control team
işbirliği ile muhtemel durum hedeflemesi; muharebe kontrol timi
(Askeri) collaborative contingency targeting; combat control team
kalan imkan ve kabiliyetleri değerlendirme timi
(Askeri) residual capability assessment team
kalite teminat timi
(Askeri) quality assurance team
kategori; kriz müdahele timi
(Askeri) category; crisis action team
kimyasal-biyolojik cevap timi
(Askeri) chemical-biological response team
koalisyon kuvvetleri destek timi
(Askeri) coalition forces support team
konuşlanma faaliyet timi
(Askeri) deployment action team
kurtarma koordinasyon timi (Dnz.)
(Askeri) rescue coordination team (Navy)
küçük taktik terminali; özel taktik timi
(Askeri) small tactical terminal; special tactics team
kısa ton; kısa araç; özel taktikler; taarruz timi
(Askeri) short ton; small tug; special tactics; strike team
kıyı postası timi
(Askeri) beach party team
liman inmtikal kontrol timi
(Askeri) port movement control team
meteoroloji timi
(Askeri) weather team
milli istihbarat destek timi (NIST) muhabere destek unsuru
(Askeri) national intelligence support team (NIST) communications support element
motorize ateş timi
(Askeri) mobile fire team
muharebe gözetleme ve lazerle hedef işaretleme timi
(Askeri) combat observation and lasing team
muharebe hizmet destek timi
(Askeri) combat service support team
muharebe lazerle hedef işaretleme timi
(Askeri) combat lasing team
muharebe meteoroloji timi; müşteri bekleme zamanı
(Askeri) combat weather team; customer wait time
müşterek eğitim sistemi destek timi
(Askeri) joint training system support team
müşterek hedef tahsis paketi; müşterek eğitim timi
(Askeri) joint targeting toolbox; joint training team
müşteri hizmet timi
(Askeri) customer service team
nükleer tehlike araştırma timi
(Askeri) nuclear emergency search team
orta teçhizat taşıyıcısı; seyyar çevre timi
(Askeri) medium equipment transporter; mobile environmental team
paraşütlü kurtarma timi
(Askeri) pararescue team
personel kontrol timi
(Askeri) personnel control team
planlanmış dönüş zamanı; özel müdahale timi; standart uzak terminal; stratejik o
(Askeri) scheduled return time; special reaction team; standard remote terminal; strategic relocatable target
polis özel harekat timi
(Politika, Siyaset) police special operations team
psikolojik harekat değerlendirme timi
(Askeri) psychological operations assessment team
radyolojik kontrol timi
(Askeri) radiological control team
sonuç yönetimi ev sahibi timi
(Askeri) consequence management home team
sualtı gösteri timi
(Askeri) underwater demolition team
sualtı inşa timi
(Askeri) underwater construction team
sualtı taarruz timi
(Askeri) special boat squadron
sıhhi radyobiyoloji istişare timi
(Askeri) medical radiobiology advisory team
taktik analiz timi; teknik yardım timi
(Askeri) tactical analysis team; technical assistance team
taktik destek timi; harekat alanı destek timi; zamana duyarlı hedef
(Askeri) tactical support team; theater support team; time-sensitive target
taktik hava kontrol timi
(Askeri) tactical aviation control team
teknik yardım sahra timi
(Askeri) technical assistance field team
task force
sports team
team, group (of people)
{i} team

Tim Howard was the goalkeeper for the United States national team in 2014. - Tim Howard 2014 yılında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri milli takımının kalecisiydi.

The security team checked the car for explosives. - Güvenlik timi arabada bomba araması yaptı.

tıbbi kimyasal biyolojik istişare timi
(Askeri) medical chemical biological advisory team
uyuşturucuyla mücadele bölge analiz timi
(Askeri) regional counterdrug analysis team
uzay destek timi
(Askeri) space support team
uzun-menzilli gözetleme timi
(Askeri) long-range surveillance team
yeni teçhizat eğitim timi
(Askeri) new equipment training team
ölçü tonu; askeri teknisyen; bakanlık timi
(Askeri) measurement ton; military technician; ministry team
özel bot timi
(Askeri) special boat team
özel harekat deniz mobil çevre timi
(Askeri) special operations naval mobile environment team
özel harekat meteoroloji timi
(Askeri) special operations weather team
özel harekat meteoroloji timi/taktik unsur
(Askeri) special operations weather team/tactical element
özel harekat muharebe kontrol timi
(Askeri) special operations combat control team
özel psikiyatrik hızlı müdahale timi
(Askeri) special psychiatric rapid intervention team
özel sıhhiye yardımı cevap timi
(Askeri) special medical augmentation response team
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение timi в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

A supporter of the Scottish football team, Celtic
A Catholic
A male given name, a diminutive form of Timothy and, very rarely, of Timon
a diminutive form of Timothy and, very rarely, of Timon
{i} male first name (form of Timothy)
Time Interface Module
Abbreviation for transient intermodulation distortion (See Distortion )
Technical Interchange Meeting
An XML vocabulary used to provide a standard mechanism for offering industry standards associated with the provision, procurement, and use of telecommunications equipment, products, and services
toxic industrial materials
v imbue with darkness (opposite of distim)
— the genetic abbreviation for the gene named timeless
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Böceğin ısırmasıyla oluşan yumru
(Hukuk) Takım;bir iş veya hizmeti başarıyla yerine getirebilecek güçteki küçük birlik
Silahlı kuvvetlerde, belirli bir iş veya hizmeti başarabilecek güçteki en küçük birliğe verilen ad
Belirli bir iş ya da hizmeti başarabilecek güçteki en küçük askeri birlik
Bir silahı, bir telsiz istasyonunu vb.ni çalıştırmak için kurulan topluluk