the whole city was in a state of ferment

listen to the pronunciation of the whole city was in a state of ferment
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык
Es gärte in der ganzen Stadt
the whole city was in a state of ferment

    Расстановка переносов

    the whole Ci·ty was in a state of fer·ment

    Турецкое произношение

    dhi hōl sîti wız în ı steyt ıv fırment


    /ᴛʜē ˈhōl ˈsətē wəz ən ə ˈstāt əv fərˈment/ /ðiː ˈhoʊl ˈsɪtiː wəz ɪn ə ˈsteɪt əv fɜrˈmɛnt/