Yabancı ürünler yerine yerli ürünler almayı için tercih ederim.
- I prefer to buy domestic rather than foreign products.
Polonya'dan Türkiye'ye ithal edilen bir sürü ürün var.
- There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey.
Yapımın seyirciler için görsel bir çekiciliği var.
- The production has visual appeal for the audience.
İsim takarak insanları küçümsemeye çalışmak hiç verimli değildir.
- Name-calling is never productive.
Bu Alman çevirmenler çok verimsizler, Tatoeba üretimi Asya'ya kaydırmalı.
- These German translators are so unproductive, Tatoeba should delocalise production to Asia!
Yeni üretim süreci, yüksek verim elde eder.
- The new production process achieves a high yield.
Coca-Cola'nın üretildiği ilk yıllarda, o kokain içeriyordu. 1914'te, kokain bir uyuşturucu olarak gruplandırıldı ve sonra Coca-Cola'nın üretimi için kokain yerine kafein kullandılar.
- In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.
That store offers a variety of products.
The product of 2, 3, and 4 is 12.
This is a product of lime and nitric acid.
This product of last month's quality standards committee is quite good, even though the process was flawed.
They improve their product every year; they export most of their agricultural production.
Skill is the product of hours of practice; His reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue.
Dude, you use more product on your hair than any other guy I know!.
I got some product here – you buying?.
... product has to be much better. ...
... And we had the product already to go. ...