the osage orange

listen to the pronunciation of the osage orange
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
osage orange
The fruit of this tree
osage orange
The tree Maclura pomifera, noted for its large, dense, wrinkly, bright green and unpalatable fruit, once a popular hedge tree in the United States
Osage orange
A dioecious spiny tree (Maclura pomifera) native to Arkansas and Texas and having pulpy, inedible, orangelike multiple fruit
osage orange
The tree was first found in the country of the Osage Indians, and bears a hard and inedible fruit of an orangelike appearance
osage orange
aurantiaca), closely allied to the mulberry (Morus); also, its fruit
osage orange
See Bois d'arc
osage orange
small shrubby deciduous yellowwood tree of south central United States having spines, glossy dark green leaves and an inedible fruit that resembles an orange; its hard orange-colored wood used for bows by native Americans; frequently planted as boundary hedge
osage orange
An ornamental tree of the genus Maclura M
the osage orange

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    the O·sage Or·ange

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    dhi ōseyc ôrınc


    /ᴛʜē ōˈsāʤ ˈôrənʤ/ /ðiː oʊˈseɪʤ ˈɔːrənʤ/