the imagery was chosen to appeal to the self-image of the target audience.

listen to the pronunciation of the imagery was chosen to appeal to the self-image of the target audience.
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык

Определение the imagery was chosen to appeal to the self-image of the target audience. в Английский Язык Немецкий Язык словарь

self">self">The self">imagery self">was self">chosen self">self">to self">appeal self">self">to self">self">the self-image of self">self">the target audience.
Die Bildersprache wurde so gewählt, dass sie das Selbstverständnis des Zielpubli
the imagery was chosen to appeal to the self-image of the target audience.

    Расстановка переносов

    the im-age-ry was cho-sen to ap-peal to the self-im·age of the tar-get au-di-ence