the currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of lucca in tuscany, ıtaly

listen to the pronunciation of the currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of lucca in tuscany, ıtaly
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение the currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of lucca in tuscany, ıtaly в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

The currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy.
the currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of lucca in tuscany, ıtaly

    Расстановка переносов

    the cur·ren·cy is·sued be·tween 1805 and 1808 of Luc·ca in tuscany, i·ta·ly