the bride suggested that we dispense with speeches altogether at the wedding

listen to the pronunciation of the bride suggested that we dispense with speeches altogether at the wedding
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык
Die Braut hat vorgeschlagen, dass wir bei der Hochzeit ganz auf Ansprachen verzi
the bride suggested that we dispense with speeches altogether at the wedding

    Расстановка переносов

    the Bride suggested that we dis·pense with speeches al·to·geth·er at the wed·ding

    Турецкое произношение

    dhi brayd sıgcestıd dhıt wi dîspens wîdh spiçız ôltıgedhır ät dhi wedîng


    /ᴛʜē ˈbrīd səgˈʤestəd ᴛʜət ˈwē dəˈspens wəᴛʜ ˈspēʧəz ˌôltəˈgeᴛʜər ˈat ᴛʜē ˈwedəɴɢ/ /ðiː ˈbraɪd səɡˈʤɛstəd ðət ˈwiː dɪˈspɛns wɪð ˈspiːʧəz ˌɔːltəˈɡɛðɜr ˈæt ðiː ˈwɛdɪŋ/