terbiyesizce cevap vermek

listen to the pronunciation of terbiyesizce cevap vermek
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
answer back
To issue echo characters, protocol responses, reflexive connection requests, etc
To reply to a question at a later time

Please answer me back before the end of the week.

To reply impertinently; to talk back

I'll thank you not to answer back like that! Where are your manners?.

A transmission from a receiving device to the sending device acknowledging a "message received" or "ready to receive" status
Allows retrieving a Parked call from any phone Requires a system code to preceed the extension where the call was parked See Call Park
answer with a sassy tone, reply sarcastically
A signal or tone sent by a receiving equipment or data set to the sending station to indicate that it is ready to accept transmission Alternatively a signal or tone sent to acknowledge receipt of a transmission
  A signal sent by receiving equipment to the sending station to indicate that the receiver is ready to accept trans­mission
An Answer Back (AB) is an electrical and/or visual indication to the calling or sending end that the called or received station is on the line
If someone, especially a child, answers back, they speak rudely to you when you speak to them. She was punished by teachers for answering back I always answered him back when I thought he was wrong
A reply message from a terminal, manually or automatically initiated, to verify that the terminal has been addressed and is operational
terbiyesizce cevap verme
back talk
terbiyesizce cevap vermek

    Расстановка переносов

    ter·bi·ye·siz·ce ce·vap ver·mek

