tecrübe sehpası

listen to the pronunciation of tecrübe sehpası
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Askeri) test bed
Any venue, setup, etc. used for experimentation, testing, proving a concept, etc

Since that set of articles is already fairly complete, they might serve as a good test bed for the different organizational systems we want to try.

An environment containing the hardware, instrumentation, simulators, software tools, and other support elements needed to conduct a test [6]
A program that can execute Test Drivers, usually recording the test results
The existence of test scripts, datastores and other artifacts used to perform functional and load/performance/stress testing of an application
under working conditions
testing device, apparatus used in experiments
a place equipped with instruments for testing e
1 A base, mount, or frame within or upon which a piece of equipment, especially an engine, is secured for testing
a place equipped with instruments for testing (e g engines or machinery or computer programs etc ) under working conditions
A test bed is a piece of equipment used for testing new machines
engines or machinery or computer programs etc
tecrübe sehpası