
listen to the pronunciation of tank
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Biyokimya) odacık

Yarım depo benzinle Miami'ye gidebilir miyiz? - Can we drive to Miami on half a tank of gas?

Bu sabah depomu benzinle doldurduğumda, litresi 135 yene mal oldu yani galonu 6.55 dolar. - When I filled my tank with gasoline this morning, it cost ¥135 per liter which is $6.55 per gallon.

(gaz/sıvı/vb.) depo
benzin deposu

Benzin deposu patlayacak. - The gas tank is going to explode.

yakıt almak
{i} fotoğraf banyo kabı
istimini almak
(Askeri) TANK: Genel olarak, top ve otomatik silahlarla teçhiz edilmiş tam tırtıllı ve zırhlı araç. Arazide harekat kabiliyeti, zırhla korunma imkanı ve yüksek müsademe kudreti, tankların başlıca özellikleliklerini teşkil eder. Ayrıca bak "heavy tahk". "light tank". "medium tank", "super heavy tank"
{i} hapishane
sarnıca koymak
{i} tüp
{f} up (with) (taşıtın benzin deposunu)
tank up k
{i} depo; tank: gas tank benzin deposu. water tank su deposu. fish tank akvaryum
{i} ask. tank
(Tıp) Sıvı deposu
eskiden trenlerin su aldığı ara istasyon
depoya koymak
tank town k
hapishane koğuşu

Onlar asbestten yapılmış su haznelerinin bir sağlık riski doğurabileceğini söylüyorlar. - They say that water tanks made from asbestos can pose a health risk.

su deposu
tank car
(Askeri) SARNIÇ VAGONU: Sıvı halindeki maddeleri demiryolu vasıtasıyla nakle mahsus vagon TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED, 90 MM GUN: 90 MM. LİK TOPLU, PALETLİ MUHAREBE TANKI: Taarruz muharebesi için seyyar ateş gücü ve mürettebata himaye sağlayan, bir adet 90 mm. lik top, bir adet 50 kalibrelik ve bir adet 7.62 mm. lik makinalı tüfekle teçhiz edilmiş, tamamen zırhlı, tam paletli bir muharebe aracı M48A3 olarak adlandırılır. TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED, 105 MM GUN: 105 MM. LİK TOPLU, TAM PALETLİ MUHAREBE TANKI: Taarruz muharebesi seyyar ateş gücü ve mürettebata himaye sağlayan, bir adet 105 mm. lik top, bir adet 50 kalibrelik ve bir adet 7.62 mm. lik makinalı tüfekle teçhiz edilmiş, ağır, tamamen zırhlı, tam paletli bir muharebe aracı M-60 olarak adlandırılır. TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED 120 MM. GUN: 120 MM. LİK TOP TAM TIRTILLI MUHAREBE TANKI: Bir adet 120 mm. lik top, 50 kalibrelik makinalı tüfek ve bir adet 30 kalibrelik makinalı tüfekle teçhiz edilmiş ağır, tam tırtıllı bir muharebe aracı. M-103 A1 olarak adlandırılır. TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED, 152 MM. GUN: 152 MM. LİK TOPLU, TAM PALETLİ MUHAREBE TANKI: Taarruz muharebesi için seyyar ateş gücü ve mürettebata himaye sağlayan shillelagh füzeleri veya konvansiyonel patlayabilir/yanabilir cephane atmaya muktedir bir adet 152 mm. lik top/lançer, bir adet 50 kalibrelik ve bir adet 7.62 mm. lik makinalı tüfekle teçhiz edilmiş, ağır, zırhlı, tam paletli bir muharebe aracı
tank car
sarnıç vagonu
tank car
tank mine
(Askeri) tanksavar mayını
tank truck
tank wagon
sarnıç vagonu
tank car
sarnıçlı vagon
tank car
tank engine
tank motoru
tank locomotive
tank lokomotifi
tank mine
tank mayını
tank ship
tank suit
tank giyisisi
tank circuit
tank devresi
tank corps
tank kolordu
tank forces
tank kuvvetleri
tank line
tank hattı
tank reactor
kapalı havuz reaktörü
tank rectifier
tank dogrultucusu
tank up
depoyu doldurmak
tank wagon
sarnıç vagon
tank arsenal
(Askeri) tank arsenali
tank arsenal
(Askeri) TANK ARSENALİ: Tankların imaline ve depolanmasına mahsus müessese
tank assault
(Askeri) TANK TAARRUZU: Zırhlı araçlarla yapılan taarruz. Ayrıca bak "charge"
tank barrier
(Askeri) TANK ENGEL: Düşman tanklarını durdurmak maksadıyla yapılan engel
tank boiler
tank kazan
tank boiler
silindirsel kazan
tank buster
tanksavar uçağı
tank buster
tank car
su deposu vagonu
tank car
d.y. sarnıç vagonu
tank crew
(Askeri) TANK MÜRETTEBATI: Bir tek tankı kullanan ve tank içindeki silahlar vasıtasıyla muharebe eden er grubu
tank deck
(Askeri) tank güvertesi
tank defile
(Askeri) tank geçidi
tank defile
(Askeri) TANK GEÇİDİ: Tankların manevra yapamayacakları köprü veya dağ geçidi gibi dar bir yer. Bir tank geçidi, tank engellerinin konacağı en tesirli mıntıkadır
tank destroyer
tank destroyer
tank ditch
(Askeri) Tank hendeği
tank ditch
(Askeri) TANK HENDEĞİ: Bak "antitank ditch"
tank dozer
(Askeri) dozer bıçaklı tank
tank dozer
(Askeri) DOZER BIÇAKLI TANK: Sökülebilir bir buldozer bıçağı ile teçhiz edilmiş standart tank
tank drama
olaylı oyun [amer.]
tank gauge
tank göstergesi
tank gun
(Askeri) TANK TOPU: Tank üzerine monte edilmiş silah
tank half
yarım tank
tank hatch
tank kapağı
tank landing ship
(Askeri) Tank çıkarma gemisi
tank landing ship
(Askeri) TANK ÇIKARTMA GEMİSİ: Bir amfibi saldırıda, amfibi araçlar, tanklar, muharebe araçları ve teçhizatı taşıyan ve karaya çıkartan, deniz kuvvetlerine ait gemi. LST olarak gösterilir
tank mine
(Askeri) TANK MAYINI: Bak "antitank mine"
tank nipple
tank nipeli
tank obstacle
(Askeri) TANK ENGELİ: Bak "antitank obstacle"
tank pipe
(Otomotiv) depo borusu
tank pit
(Askeri) Tank çukuru, tank tuzağı
tank pump
tank pompası
tank pump unit
(Askeri) depo pompa birimi
tank recovery vehicle
(Askeri) TANK KURTARMA ARACI: Arızalı veya terkedilmiş ağır muharebe araçlarını, muharebe meydanından bir toplama noktasına (collectıon point) veya bakım tesisine nakletmek için imal edilmiş, tam tırtıllı, genel olarak zırhlı motorlu araç
tank sensor
tank sensörü
tank storage space
(Askeri) TANK DEPOLAMA SAHASI: Tanklarda, petrol ve türevleri dışındaki ikmal maddelerini koymaya mahsus yer
tank suit
(Askeri) tank giysisi
tank sweep
(Askeri) TANK TARAMA TAARRUZU: Bak "armor Sweep"
tank sweep
(Askeri) tank tarama taarruzu
tank top
kısa ve kolsuz bluz
tank top
tank tavanı
tank trailer
(Askeri) su römorku
tank trailer
(Askeri) SU RÖMORKU: Su taşımaya mahsus römork
tank transporter
(Askeri) TANK TAŞIYICI: Tankları ve diğer ağır araçları şoseler ve arazi üzerinde taşımak üzere imal edilmiş ve çalışmaz haldeki araçları, ek bir yardıma ihtiyaç kalmadan, yükleyip indirecek tertibata sahip, tekerlekli özel maksat aracı veya römorklu cer araçları
tank trap
(Askeri) TANK TUZAĞI: Yollara veya düşman tanklarının muhtemel geçiş istikametleri üzerine konan ve içine düşen tankların tekrar dışarı çıkarılmalarına imkan vermeyecek şekilde yapılan gizli çukur
tank truck
(Askeri) SARNIÇLI KAMYON: Üzerinde benzin veya su tankı gibi, sıvı madde deposu yerleştirilmiş kamyon
tank unit
tank ünitesi
tank up
{f} istimini almak
tank up
{f} benzin almak
tank valve
tank valfi
tank vehicle
(Askeri) SARNIÇLI ARAÇ: Döküm sıvı maddeleri taşımak maksadıyla üzerine karoseri yerine, sarnıç tipi bir kap monte edilmiş, normal olarak tekerlekli, bir araç. Bu araçta; normal olarak, pompalar, hortumlar ve yakıttan suyu ve yabancı maddeleri ayıracak tertibat da bulunabilir
tank vehicle
(Askeri) sarnıçlı araç
tank wagons
sarnıçlı vagon
tank wagons
sarnıçlı vagon donanımı
tank wagons
depolu vagon
tank warning net
(Askeri) TANK HABER VERME VE İKAZ ÇEVRİMİ: Düşman tanklarının yaklaşmasını haber vermekte kullanılan muharebe sistemi
tank, 76 mm. gun
(Askeri) 76 MM. LİK TOP TANKI: Hafif ateşli silahlara ve mermi parçalarına karşı hafif zırh himayesi sağlayan bir zırhlı araç. Bu aracın başlıca vazifesi zırhlı keşiflidir. M-41 olarak adlandırılır
tank, main battle
(Askeri) ANA TAARRUZ TANKI: Taarruzi muharebe için seyyar ateş gücü ve mürettebat koruması temin eden paletli bir araç
water tank truck
Su tankeri
assault tank
(Askeri) hücum tankı
ballast tank
(Denizbilim) safra sarnıcı
ballast tank
(Askeri) balast tankı
buffer tank
tampon tankı
concrete tank
(İnşaat) betonarme tank
concrete tank
beton tank
expansion tank
(İnşaat) genleşme deposu
expansion tank
genleşme tankı
fish tank
(Denizbilim) balık tankı
flush tank
flush tank
flush tank
tuvalete ait rezervuar
fore peak tank
(Askeri) baş pik tankı
gasoline tank
heavy tank
(Askeri) ağır tank
medium tank
(Askeri) orta tank
milk cooling tank
(Gıda) süt soğutma tankı
mount kit fuel tank
montaj kiti yakıt tankı
mount kit tank
montaj kiti tank
petrol tank
yakıt deposu
septic tank
lağım çukuru
septic tank
çürütme çukuru
septic tank
(Çevre) fosoptik
septic tank
septik çukur
settlement tank
çökeltme havuzu
settling tank
çökeltme havuzu
settling tank
(Çevre) durultma tankı
spray tank
(Askeri) gaz püskürtme deposu
spray tank
(Askeri) püskürtme tankı
steel tank
çelik depo
steel tank
çelik tank
store tank
depolama tankı
think tank
(Politika, Siyaset) düşünce havuzu
think tank
(Politika, Siyaset) düşünce kuruluşu
underground tank
vacuum tank
vakum tankı
wet tank
additional fuel tank
ek yakıt deposu
amphibian tank
amfibi tank
auxiliary fuel tank
yedek yakıt deposu
belly tank
havada atılabilir benzin deposu
carbonation tank
karbonatlama kazanı
collecting tank
collecting tank
digestion tank
pişirme kazanı
emergency fuel tank
yedek yakıt deposu
feed tank
besleme deposu
flush tank
yıkama deposu
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakıtlık
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakıt deposu
fuel tank
fuel tank
yakıt deposu
gas tank
benzin deposu

Benzin deposu patlayacak. - The gas tank is going to explode.

gas tank
gaz deposu
gasoline tank
benzin deposu
gasoline tank cap
benzin deposu kapağı
leading edge tank
ön kıyı yakıt tankı
liming tank
kireçleme kazanı
main fuel tank
ana yakıt deposu
measuring tank
ölçü kabı
milk tank
süt tankı
oil tank
yağ deposu
petrol tank
benzin deposu
radiator tank
radyatör deposu
septic tank
çürütme deposu
septic tank
settling tank
çökeltme tankı
storage tank
depolama tankı
storage tank
su deposu
beyin takımı
water tank
su tankı
after tank
tank sonra
condansation tank
Gazı ya da buharı sıvı gaz yada su haline getirmek için kullanılan tank
electrolytic tank
elektrolitik tank
fuel reserve tank
yedek yakitlik, yedek yakıt deposu
holding tank
leading edge tank
on kıyı yakıt tankı
molasses tank
melas deposu
pressure relief tank
basınç tahliye tank
saturation tank
karbonatlama kazanı
scuba tank
scuba tankı
to lay the paper in the water tank
kağıdı tekneye yatırmak
ultrasonic cleaning tank
ultrasonik temizleme tankı
water quenching tank
suda suverme teknesi
landing ship,tank; laser spot tracker; tank landing ship
(Askeri) çıkarma gemisi,tank; lazer nokta tarayıcı; tank çıkarma gemisi
{s} kafayı çekmiş
{s} sarhoş
tank dolusu
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Zırhlı ve silahlı, tekerlekleri paletli, motorlu savaş taşıtı
Metal sarnıç
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To deliberately lose a sports match with the intent of gaining a perceived future competitive advantage
To attract the attacks of an enemy target in cooperative team-based combat, so that one's teammates can defeat the enemy in question more efficiently
a reservoir or dam
a large metal container, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump, in an animal pen or field. By extension a small pond for the same purpose
In online and offline role-playing games, a character designed primarily around damage absorption and holding the attention of the enemy with offensive power as a close secondary consideration
A very muscular and physically imposing person. Somebody who is built like a tank
An armoured fighting vehicle, armed with a gun in a turret, and moving on caterpillar tracks
In USA scuba divers' usage, a compressed air or gas cylinder
To fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stock market); to degenerate or decline rapidly; to plummet
A container for liquids or gases, typically with a volume of several cubic metres
To put fuel into a tank
{n} a reservoir of water, large bason, cistern
A tank is a large container for holding liquid or gas. an empty fuel tank Two water tanks provide a total capacity of 400 litres
A large receptacle constructed in a furnace for melting the batch Tanks replaced pots in larger glass factories in the 19th century
means a container for holding gases, liquids, or solids
The fixture reservoir for flush water On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve and trip lever are installed in the tank A tank lid closes the top tank opening
The fixture reservoir for flush water On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve, and trip lever are installed in the tank A tank lid closes the top tank opening
syn Bath, q v , or any container holding a body of liquid, especially an ultrasonically-activated container or tank
a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids
as much as a tank will hold
1 A container incorporated into the structure of a liquid propellant rocket from which a liquid propellant or propellants are fed into the firing chamber or chambers
{i} large receptacle in which liquids or gases are stored; armored combat vehicle; prison cell (Slang)
square shape usually smooth or with a motif (rose, lily flower, etc )
A small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight; also, a Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls
A combat vehicle armed with machine-guns
Usually when you are struck by a single projectile, esp from a 9mm or 357, and it is just enough force to make you shudder, but not seriously harm you
store in a tank by causing (something) to flow into it
To fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stockmarket); to degenerate or decline rapidly; to plummet
A player or NPC who absorbs the damage a mob inflicts, normally while other players or NPCs provide assistance
treat in a tank; "tank animal refuse"
A large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for liquids
A tank is a large military vehicle that is equipped with weapons and moves along on metal tracks that are fitted over the wheels. see also septic tank, think-tank. Heavily armed and armoured combat vehicle that moves on two continuous metal chains called tracks. It is usually equipped with a cannon mounted in a revolving turret as well as lighter automatic weapons. The British developed tanks during World War I to fill the need for an armoured assault vehicle that could cross the muddy, uneven terrain of the trench battle zone. They first saw combat at the Battle of the Somme (1916). In World War II, Germany's tank force was initially the most effective in Europe because it was organized into fast-moving massed formations with great striking power. After World War II, tanks became larger and more heavily armed. Most modern main battle tanks weigh more than 50 tons yet are capable of road speeds of 30-40 mph (50-70 kph). The standard main armament is a 120-mm gun, which fires armour-piercing projectiles; laser range-finders and infrared imaging devices aid in sighting
A armoured fighting vehicle, armed with a gun and moving on caterpillar tracks
means any stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of used oil which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials, (e g , wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provides structural support
a cell for violent prisoners
To attract the attacks of a monster, so that the other people in the group can defeat the monster in question more efficiently
A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial
a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads as much as a tank will hold treat in a tank; "tank animal refuse"
An Enforcer or other character with good armor and melee expertise Used as humanshield for nano wielders, who are more vulnerable to melee attack Also known as a Meatshield
furnace used to make glass
An artificial reservoir for stock water; local in Southwest
Container for the fuel used by the kart engine The tank is usually located below the steering column, i e between the driver's legs It may be made from metal or plastic A fuel line is connected to the bottom of the tank and leads to the engine See also: sump
(1) (B) (verb) huddle; not act for a long time
A Heavy Weapons expert
an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads
Any melee class, but more specifically, Warriors, Shadow Knights, and Paladins--all heavy AC classes
In USA scuba divers usage, a compressed air or gas cylinder
A vessel of large size to contain liquids
a very muscular and physically intense person
A unit that is designated to take the hits, while other weaker units attack or cast their spells Summoned units are often effective tanks early in the game However, "tank" can also refer to the Steam Tank, a Human siege unit
An artificial pool, pond, reservoir, cistern, or large container for holding and storing water for drinking or irrigation
Vessel inside the dewar which contains liquid nitrogen
In online and offline role-playing games, a character designed primarily around damage absorption with offensive power as a close secondary consideration
A SCUBA breathing gas cylinder
a freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk
tank A 210,000-gallon, collapsible, fabric tank in the IPDS, for storage of petroleum products; there are two tanks per tank-farm assembly, with three tank-farm assemblies per fuel unit and three fuel units per TPT
tank destroyer
An armoured fighting vehicle equipped with an antitank gun or missile launcher
tank destroyers
plural form of tank destroyer
tank engine
a type of steam locomotive train which carries its own fuel and water in the same unit, and so does not pull a tender

The 2-4-2 tank engines of the Great Eastern and the London and North Western were simply adaptations of 2-4-0 main-line engines; the 0-4-4 tank engine owed its parentage to the archaic 0-4-2 mixed traffic.

tank engines
plural form of tank engine
tank park
An area for parking or storage of military tanks

Regimental headquarters and headquarters company are usually at or near the tank park.

tank park
The tank inventory of a country or army

In the carnage of that first summer the Red Army had lost its entire tank park of nearly twenty thousand.

tank park
A storage facility with tanks for petroleum, etc
tank slapper
A phenomenon when the front suspension of a motorcycle fails at high speed. This results in the violent oscillation of the handlebars from left to right and making contact with the gas tank which is situated on the chassis between them
tank top
An item of casual clothing: a top with no sleeves

The service makes available, during limited weekend hours, a handful of the company's items – cargo shorts, tank tops, and the like – to the Hamptons house guest who discovers that he can't make it to Monday without purchasing one of those weird madras patchwork blazers.

tank top
The top of a ship's bilge tank, usually the lowest horizontal surface on board
tank tops
plural form of tank top
tank town
A small, unimportant, place. (From the practice of steam locomotives stopping at small towns to take on water.)

2004: Thomas Penfield. Dig Here!: Lost Mines & Buried Treasure of the Southwest‎. Adventures Unlimited Press, page 143.

tank up
To fill up (a tank in a vehicle with gas, petrol etc.)
tank wagon
A vehicle designed to transport liquids or gases in bulk; a road tanker
tank car
carriage with a large container used for transporting liquids
tank car
a freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk
tank truck
A tank truck or tanker truck or petrol tanker is a motor vehicle designed to carry liquefied loads, dry bulk cargo or gases on roads
tank up
{f} fill the tank of a car with fuel; (Slang) drink a large quantity of alcoholic drink
tank top
A sleeveless, tight-fitting, usually knit shirt with wide shoulder straps and no front opening
tank carrier
large truck that is used to transport tanks
tank circuit
an oscillatory circuit
tank commander
commander of a tank team, commander of an armored vehicle team
tank destroyer
A high-speed armored vehicle equipped with antitank guns
tank destroyer
an armored vehicle equipped with an antitank gun and capable of high speeds
tank engine
a locomotive that carries its own fuel and water; no tender is needed
tank farm
A group of tanks, as for the commercial storage of oil, sited together
tank farm
A number of petroleum tanks that are operated together as a depot in oil storage and distribution activities
tank farm
number of tanks placed together (for the storage of oil, etc.)
tank farm
an area used exclusively for storing petroleum in large tanks
tank farm
A group of storage tanks connected by pipe and manifold
tank furnace
furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
tank iron
plate iron that is thinner than boilerplate but thicker than sheet iron or stovepipe iron
tank shell
a shell fired by the cannon on a tank
tank ship
a cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk
tank ship
A vessel fitted with tanks for the carrying of oil or other liquid in bulk
tank suit
a woman's one-piece bathing suit
tank top
a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and low neck and no front opening; often worn over a shirt or blouse
tank top
A tank top is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and has no sleeves
tank top
sleeveless shirt made from lightweight fabric
tank top
A tank top is a soft cotton shirt with no sleeves, collar, or buttons. A sleeveless, tight-fitting, usually knit shirt with wide shoulder straps and no front opening
tank town
A small town
tank trailer
A truck trailer equipped as a tanker, used to carry liquids such as oil, milk, or chemicals
tank truck
large truck with a container for transporting liquids
tank turret
top part of tank which can rotate
tank vessel
A vessel fitted with tanks for the carrying of oil or other liquid in bulk
Yank tank
A large American car
ballast tank
One of several external or internal tanks fitted in submarines; when filled with seawater they allow the boat to submerge; when emptied using compressed air buoyancy is restored and the vessel rises towards the surface. Auxiliary ballast tanks within the pressure hull allow the submarine to be trimmed
built like a tank
Sturdy; exceptionally well constructed
built like a tank
Broad shouldered and of solid, muscular build

Standing 6'8 and built like a tank, Adam was not a man to be messed with.

dipping tank
A tank where livestock can be immersed in disinfectant chemicals

In the area, there were two small primary schools, a general store, and a dipping tank to rid the cattle of ticks and diseases.

drunk tank
a cell where people who have been arrested for public drunkenness are detained until they are sober

It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank, an old man said to me, won't see another one, and then he sang a song, The Rare Old Mountain Dew, I turned by face away, and dreamed about you.

dunk tank
a large tank of water, over which a dunk seat is suspended, which seat can be made to tip or fall into the tank of water, thus dunking whoever is sitting on the seat. It is used as an attraction mainly used in funfairs
dunk tank
any open-topped tank used for dunking
fish tank
a container, usually made out of glass or acrylic, specifically designed for holding water and marine life
fuel tank
A container of fuel, especially one inside a vehicle
gas tank
A fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles
main battle tank
The primary tank of a country or armed forces
main battle tank
A tank with a good balance of firepower, cross-country mobility, and armoured protection, and therefore capable of carrying out the roles of breakthrough, exploitation and infantry support
oxygen tank
A metal cylinder holding compressed oxygen
septic tank
A small-scale watertight treatment system for domestic sewage in which the flow is slowed to allow sedimentation and sludge digestion by bacteria to take place
septic tank
Australian rhyming slang for yank, American
Simple past tense and past participle of tank
plural form of tank
think tank
A group of people who collectively perform research and develop reports and recommendations on topics relating to strategic planning or public policy, and which is usually funded by corporate, government, or special interests
Alternative spelling of think tank
bulk tank
In dairy farming a bulk milk cooling tank is a large storage tank for cooling and holding milk at a cold temperature until it can be picked up by a milk hauler. The bulk milk cooling tank is an important milk farm equipment. It is usually made of stainless steel and used every day to store the raw milk on the farm in good condition. It must be cleaned after each milk collection. The milk cooling tank can be the property of the farmer or being rented to the farmer by the dairy plant
{s} drunk, under the influence of alcohol (Slang); down, inoperative due to malfunction or breakdown, out of order (Computers)
If someone is tanked, or in British English tanked up, they are drunk. Intoxicated; drunk
The amount that will fill a tank
{i} as much as a tank will hold
tank: as much as a tank will hold
plural of tankful
present participle of tank
Thanks "Tanks for helping me the udder* night with my macaronis" *see: Udder
Cadillac helped build tanks and airplane parts during WW2; tanks were powered by two V8 engines and Hydra-Matic transmission mounted side by side; good photo of tank engine in catalog "From Peace to War" 1943-44] Article by John F Gordon, Cadillac Chief Engineer, in CLCA/92, pp 8-17 Australia also built tanks in WW2 powered by three Cadillac V8s, the Cruiser MK1 "Sentinel" (article in CLC, 1/92, p 11)
Compartments for liquids or gases They may be formed by the ship's structure as double bottom tanks, peak tanks, deep tanks, etc , or may be independent of ship's structure and installed on special supports
plural of tank
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) chamber
collecting tank
tank (large receptacle or compartment used for holding liquids)
tank (an armored military vehicle)
tank car
tank engel
(Askeri) tank barrier
tank engeli
(Askeri) antitank obstacle
tank liçi
(İnşaat) vat leaching
tank taarruzu
(Askeri) tank assault
tank topu
(Askeri) tank cannon
tank topu
(Askeri) tank gun
tank transporter
(Askeri) tank taşiyici
tank tuzağı
(Askeri) tank pit
tank çiftliği
tank farm
tank çukuru
(Askeri) tank pit
tank arsenali
(Askeri) tank arsenal
tank atış alanı
(Askeri) tank artillery range
tank avcılığı
(Askeri) tank destruction
tank avlamak
(Askeri) kill the tank
tank bağlantı tertibatı
tank anchorage
tank bağlantısı
tank connection
tank braketi
tank bracket
tank depolama sahası
(Askeri) tank storage space
tank desteği
tank support
tank doldurma ücreti
tank dolusu
tank doğrultucusu
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) tank rectifier
tank geçidi
(Askeri) tank defile
tank giysisi
(Askeri) tank suit
tank göstergesi
tank gauge
tank göstergesi kiti
tank gauge kit
tank gözcüsü
(Askeri) antitank lookout
tank güvertesi
(Askeri) tank deck
tank hattı
tank line
tank hendeği
(Askeri) tank ditch
tank hız azaltanı
(Askeri) final drive aperture
tank kapasitesi
tank kapağı
tank hatch
tank kazan
tank boiler
tank koruması
tank protection
tank kule çember dişlisi
(Askeri) hull turret aperture
tank kurtarma aracı
(Askeri) tank recovery vehicle
tank kuru depolama sahası
(Askeri) dry tank storage
tank lokomotifi
(Askeri) tank locomotive
tank mayın tarlası
(Askeri) antitank minefield
tank mayın tarlası
(Askeri) tank minefield
tank mayını
tank mine
tank motoru
(Askeri) tank engine
tank nipeli
tank nipple
tank pompası
tank pump
tank sensörü
tank sensor
tank tahrip bölgesi
(Askeri) armour kill zone
tank tahrip edici
(Askeri) tank destroyer
tank tarama taarruzu
(Askeri) tank sweep
tank tavanı
tank top
tank taşıyıcı römork
(Askeri) battle tank transporter
tank tipi platform
(Askeri) sea tank-type platform
tank valfi
tank valve
tank yakıt kapasitesi
bunker capacity
tank yıkama devresi
tank washing line
tank çıkarma aracı
(Askeri) landing craft tank
tank çıkarma gemisi
(Askeri) tank landing craft
tank çıkarma gemisi
(Askeri) landing ship tank
tank çıkarma gemisi
(Askeri) tank landing ship
tank ünitesi
tank unit
tank-savar füzesi
dip tank
(Askeri) deep tank
hafif tank
(Askeri) light tank
septik tank
(Denizbilim) fosseptik
septik tank
(Çevre) septic tank
çıkarma gemisi,tank; lazer nokta tarayıcı; tank çıkarma gemisi
(Askeri) landing ship,tank; laser spot tracker; tank landing ship

    Турецкое произношение



    battle tank, combat tank, armour, tango


    /ˈtaɴɢk/ /ˈtæŋk/


    [ ta[ng]k ] (noun.) 1609. From Portuguese tanque (“tank, liquid container”), originally from Indian vernacular for a large artificial water reservoir, cistern, pool, etc., for example, Gujarati (taku), or Marathi (take). Compare the Arabic verb استنقع (istanqáʕa, “to become stagnant, to stagnate”). In the sense of armoured vehicle, to disguise their nature, prototypes were described as tanks for carrying water (1915).


    tankfuls, tanking, tanked

    Общие Словосочетания

    tank top

