take to the streets

listen to the pronunciation of take to the streets
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
1. Bir olay, karşı çıkış, isyan yahut kutlamayı sokaklara taşımak2. Topluca ayaklanmak, isyân çıkarmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To rampage or riot
To gather together in the public streets of a town or city to show communal solidarity in either celebration or opposition
1. (context, of a crowd of people) Gather together in the public streets of a town or city to show communal solidarity in either celebration or opposition.2. Rampage or riot
take to the streets

    Турецкое произношение

    teyk tı dhi strits


    /ˈtāk tə ᴛʜē ˈstrēts/ /ˈteɪk tə ðiː ˈstriːts/


    [ 'tAk ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take.