
listen to the pronunciation of swift
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Tekstil) elemge
(Tekstil) kılçık
kılıç kırlangıcı

Hiç bir kılıç kırlangıcı gördünüz mü? - Have you ever seen a swift?


Örümcek hızlı bir saldırı ile cevap verir. - The spider responds with a swift attack.

Tatoeba: Detaylara dikkatin kutsal olduğu yerde ceza hızlıdır. - Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift.

Ebabil, sağangiller (Apodidae) familyasından 16-17 cm boyunda, kentler ve açık alanlarda yaşayan, genellikle kırlangıçla karıştırılan bir kuş türü
{s} tez canlı
whitebellied swift yelyutan
Apus apus
kırlangıca benzer bir kuş
k.dili. kırlangıç
{i} ebabil

Ebabil Apodidae ailesinin küçük bir göçmen kuşudur. - The swift is a small migratory bird of the family Apodidae.

iplik sarma silindiri
{s} eli çabuk
{s} k.dili. akıllı; makul; zeki
çok süratli hareket eden bir çeşit kertenkele
kara sağan
{i} kara sağan (kuş)
{s} çabuk geçen
akkarınlı sağan
Apus melba
i., zool

Dan hızla pitbulu boynundan tuttu ve onu çatıdan attı. - Dan swiftly grabbed the pitbull by the neck and threw it off the roof.

Parmakları klavyenin üzerinde hızla hareket etti. - His fingers ran swiftly over the keys.

swift gun
(Tekstil) kılçık tabancası
swift to take offence
hızlı koşan
swift boat
hızlı tekne
swift code
(Finans) (İSO 9362 veya BıÇ kodu) Uluslararası para transferlerinde ve haberleşmede kullanılan bir kod sistemidir. Kodlar finans kurluşunun ismi, bulunduğu şehire göre verilmesi esasdır. Her finans kuruluşunun merkezlerine ve birimlerin yaptığı işlere göre bir veya daha fazla kodu bulunabilmektedir. Operatörlerin bilgisayar aracılığıyla girdiği kodlar ve mesajlar karşı bankaya özel bir ağ yardımıyla iletilmektedir
swift code
(Ekonomi) İSO 9362 (SWİFT kodu veya BıÇ kodu); uluslararası para transferlerinde ve haberleşmede kullanılan bir kod sistemidir. Kodlar finans kurluşunun ismi, bulunduğu şehire göre verilmesi esasdır. Her finans kuruluşunun merkezlerine ve birimlerin yaptığı işlere göre bir veya daha fazla kodu bulunabilmektedir. Operatörlerin bilgisayar aracılığıyla girdiği kodlar ve mesajlar karşı bankaya özel bir ağ yardımıyla iletilmektedir
swift of foot
ayağı çabuk
swift of foot
(deyim) Ayağına tez
swift payment
swift ödemesi
swift winged
swift kanatlı
swift fox
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kum tilkisi
swift handed
swift handed
eli çabuk
swift message
hızlı mesaj
swift number
swift numarası
swift of foot
çabuk koşar
swift of foot
hızlı koşan
swift recovery
çabuk iyileşme
swift recovery
çabuk toparlanma
swift to anger
çabuk sinirlenen
swift to anger
kızmaya hazır
swift to take offense
aşırı alıngan
swift to take offense
swift wit
ince espri
alpine swift
ak karınlı ebabil
as swift as
kadar hızlı
common swift
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ebabil
little swift
küçük ebabil
swift code
swift kodu
hızlı şekilde
seri bir şekilde
süratli bir şekilde
alpine swift
ak karınlı saksağan kuşu
chimney swift
as swift as
gibi hızlı
as swift as an arrow
ok hızlı olarak
pallid swift
(Kuşbilim) Boz Sagan (Apus pallida)
bank swift number
(Ticaret) banka swift numarası
pallid swift
boz ebabil
(Hukuk) hızlı bir şekilde
(Hukuk) çabuk bir şekilde
{i} çabukluk
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A surname, originally a nickname for a swift or quick person
The ghost moth
A small plain-colored bird (of the family Micropodidæ) that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight. Common European swift: Cypselus, ∨ Micropus, apus. The common American, or chimney, swift: Chætura pelagica. The Australian swift: Chætura caudacuta. The European Alpine swift: Cypselus melba. The common Indian swift: Cypselus affinis
fast; quick; rapid
The current of a stream
Capable of moving at high speeds
A western fence lizard, swift, blue-belly, Sceloporus occidentalis -- (common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks)
{n} a bird, curren
{v} to fasten bars to a capstern
{a} quick, speedy, nimble
(Ekonomi) SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
{i} family name; Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Irish-born English satirist, author of "A Modest Proposal" and "Gulliver's Travels
Johnathan Swift
Gustavus Franklin Swift
A swift is a small bird with long curved wings. Irish-born English writer known for his satirical works, including Gulliver's Travels (1726) and A Modest Proposal (1729). a small brown bird that has pointed wings, flies very fast, and is similar to a swallow. Any of about 75 species (family Apodidae) of birds found almost worldwide. The fastest of small birds, swifts can fly at 70 mph (110 kph). They are 4-9 in. (9-23 cm) long and have long wings, a chunky dark body, a broad head, and a short, wide, slightly curved bill. The tail may be short or long and deeply forked. Swifts capture insects, drink, bathe, and sometimes mate on the wing. The feet, incapable of perching, are used to cling to vertical surfaces. Swifts use their sticky saliva to glue the nest to a cave wall, the inside of a chimney, or a tree hollow
common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks
Moving a great distance in a short time; moving with celerity or velocity; fleet; rapid; quick; speedy; prompt
fast; quick
Of short continuance; passing away quickly
See: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications It is a dedicated computer network that is set up to support fund transfer messages between member banks worldwide
In form and habits the swifts resemble swallows, but they are destitute of complex vocal muscles and are not singing birds, but belong to a widely different group allied to the humming birds
The main card cylinder of a flax-carding machine
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Communication
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication An organization that operates the major interbank electronic communication system for financial messages (payments, letters of credit, securities transactions etc )
moving very fast; "fleet of foot"; "the fleet scurrying of squirrels"; "a swift current"; "swift flight of an arrow"; "a swift runner"
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
Any one of numerous species of small, long-winged, insectivorous birds of the family Micropodidæ
Any one of several species of lizards, as the pine lizard
A swift event or process happens very quickly or without delay. Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision The police were swift to act. = quick + swiftly swift·ly The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries
{i} any of a number of long-winged birds characterized by their swift flight
United States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railroad cars (1839-1903)
See under Ghost
A small plain-colored bird (of the family Micropodidæ) that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight. Common European swift: Cypselus, V Micropus, apus. The common American, or chimney, swift: Chætura pelagica. The Australian swift: Chætura caudacuta. The European Alpine swift: Cypselus melba. The common Indian swift: Cypselus affinis
Society for World-wide Interbank Telecommunications is a Belgian based company that provides the global electronic network for settlement of most foreign exchange transactions
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Domiciled in Brussels, the company operates a computer-guided communications system to rationalize international payment transfers
The communications network connecting most of the world's banks and financial institutions
{s} fast, quick; immediate, hasty; prompt; smart, clever (Informal)
small plain-colored bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight
Society for Worldwide Interbank Telecommunications is Belgian based company that provides the global electronic network for settlement of most foreign exchange transactions
(Society of Worldwide InterBank Financial Telecommunications) A sophisticated non-profit banking cooperative, a communications system owned by a number of major international banks SWIFT enables member banks to give instructions to be made between them, and to send secure messages to each other
Something that is swift moves very quickly. With a swift movement, Matthew Jerrold sat upright. = quick + swiftly swift·ly Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn
an English satirist born in Ireland (1667-1745)
A reel, or turning instrument, for winding yarn, thread, etc
Worldwide electronic communications network and language used primarily by national banks, financial institutions and brokerage firms to send advices of cash and securities movements
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication A cooperative organized under Belgian law providing the following services to participating financial institutions: Letters of credit (opening and transmission) Money transfer Payments Security settlements Other businesses participating in SWIFT are: Security brokers and delaters Clearing and depository institutions Security exchanges Traveler's check issuers See Also: CHIPS, FedWire
An adjustable frame for holding a skein of yarn
used chiefly in the plural
small plain-colored bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight an English satirist born in Ireland (1667-1745) United States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railroad cars (1839-1903)
Communication network providing secure lines of trades and/or cash communication to financial institutions globally Customers include banks, broker-dealers, securities depositories and clearing organizations, investment managers and stock exchanges
Swift Current
a city in Saskatchewan, Canada
swift boat
to put forth sensational negative stories about a political figure as part of a smear campaign against them, especially regarding their military record

Swift-boating's essence is a particular kind of dishonesty, or rather a particular combination of shadowy dishonesties. It usually involves a complex web of facts, many of which may even be true.

swift boat
A small, shallow draft water vessel used by the United States Navy for counterinsurgency (COIN) operations during the Vietnam War; Fast Patrol Craft (PCF)
light on the feet, swift, moving quickly
is active, is constantly doing something, is swift
quickly, speedily; immediately, hastily; expeditiously, promptly
{n} a rope to fasten bars to a capstern or encircle a boat, an outward shroud
{a} quickly, speedily, nimbly
{n} rapidity, quickness, speed, activity
pallid swift
(Kuşbilim) The Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus) is a small bird, superficially similar to a Barn Swallow or House Martin. It is, however, completely unrelated to those passerine species, since the swifts are in the order Apodiformes. The resemblances between the groups are due to convergent evolution reflecting similar life styles
Alpine swift
{i} small bird that breeds in mountains from south Europe to the Himalaya
Gustavus Franklin Swift
born June 24, 1839, West Sandwich, Mass., U.S. died March 29, 1903, Chicago, Ill. U.S. meatpacker. Swift started as a butcher's helper at age 14 and by 1859 was operating his own butcher shop. In 1872 he became the partner of a Boston meat dealer; three years later he transferred their cattle-buying operations to Chicago. Believing profits would increase if fresh meat rather than live cattle were shipped from Chicago, he had a refrigerator car designed and made his first shipment in 1877. With his brother he formed Swift & Co. (1885). During his 18 years as president, its capitalization rose from $300,000 to $25 million. Like his rivals Philip D. Armour and Nelson Morris, Swift was a leader in byproduct utilization, entering related businesses such as soap, glue, fertilizer, and margarine
Jonathan Swift
an Irish writer whose best-known book is Gulliver's Travels but who also wrote many other satirical stories and clever articles, in which he used humour to criticize institutions such as the universities, the legal profession, and the political parties. He was also a priest in the Church of England, and became Dean (=a high-ranking priest) of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Because of this, he is sometimes called "Dean Swift" (1667-1745). born Nov. 30, 1667, Dublin, Ire. died Oct. 19, 1745, Dublin Irish author, the foremost prose satirist in English. He was a student at Dublin's Trinity College during the anti-Catholic Revolution of 1688 in England. Irish Catholic reaction in Dublin led Swift, a Protestant, to seek security in England, where he spent various intervals before 1714. He was ordained an Anglican priest in 1695. His first major work, A Tale of a Tub (1704), comprises three satiric sketches on religion and learning; he also became known for religious and political essays and impish pamphlets written under the name "Isaac Bickerstaff." Reluctantly setting aside his loyalty to the Whigs, in 1710 he became the leading writer for the Tories because of their support for the established church. Journal to Stella (written 1710-13) consists of letters recording his reactions to the changing world. As a reward for writing and editing Tory publications, in 1713 he was awarded the deanery of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. He spent nearly all the rest of his life in Ireland, where he devoted himself to exposing English wrongheadedness and their unfair treatment of the Irish. His ironic tract "A Modest Proposal" (1729) proposes ameliorating Irish poverty by butchering children and selling them as food to wealthy English landlords. His famously brilliant and bitter satire Gulliver's Travels (1726), ostensibly the story of its hero's encounters with various races and societies in remote regions, reflects Swift's vision of humanity's ambiguous position between bestiality and rationality
Jonathan Swift
{i} (1667-1745) Irish-born English author, author of the sociopolitical satire "Gulliver's Travels
chimney swift
American swift that nests in e
chimney swift
American swift that nests in e g unused chimneys
chimney swift
unused chimneys
chimney swift
A small, dark, swallowlike New World bird (Chaetura pelagica) that frequently nests in chimneys
european swift
common European bird with a shrieking call that nests chiefly about eaves of buildings or on cliffs
comparative of swift
The forward shroud of a lower mast
A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it
To tighten, as slack standing rigging, by bringing the opposite shrouds nearer
A rope used to encircle a boat longitudinally, to strengthen and defend her sides
superlative of swift
in a swift manner; "she moved swiftly"
In a swift manner; with quick motion or velocity; fleetly
in a swift manner; "she moved swiftly
a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens; "the project advanced with gratifying speed"
The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness of a stream; swiftness of descent in a falling body; swiftness of thought, etc
the state of being swift
{i} quality of being swift, speed, quickness
plural of swift
tree swift
birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение swift в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

swift kodu
swift code
swift numarası
swift number