
listen to the pronunciation of swept}
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение swept} в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

swept area
(Denizbilim) taranan alan
swept volume
(Otomotiv) süpürme hacmi
swept wing
(Askeri) ok kanat
{f} süpür

Odanın süpürülmesini buyurdu. - She ordered the room to be swept.

Mutfakta zemini süpürdüm. - I swept the floor in the kitchen.

swept area
süpürülmüş alan
swept to
için swept
f., bak. sweep
sweep kıvrıl/ilerle/süpür
swept gain
(Nükleer Bilimler) bkz. Dac
side swept
(Dans) Yana doğru taranan saç modeli
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение swept} в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

swept path
The width of the lane swept by a minesweeper
swept path
The envelope swept out by the sides of the vehicle body, or any other part of the structure of the vehicle. See: Swept Path Analysis http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swept_path_analysis
swept paths
plural form of swept path
(Havacılık) A swept-wing is a wing planform common on high-speed aircraft, with the wing swept back instead of being set at right angles to the fuselage. Forward sweep is also used on some aircraft. They were initially used only on fighter aircraft, but have since become almost universal on jets, including airliners and business jets
past of to sweep
of Sweep
possessing sweep; "the sleek swept wings of the plane"
possessing sweep; "the sleek swept wings of the plane
Swept is the past tense and past participle of sweep. Past tense and past participle of sweep. the past tense and past participle of sweep
swept away by an undertow
carried away by an underwater current
swept the floor
cleaned the floor with the use of soap and water
swept under the carpet
tried to hide, did not apply
get swept off one's feet
(deyim) Fall in love very strongly
get swept off one's feet
(deyim) Ayakları yerden kesilmek, sırılsıklam aşık olmak
be swept away
be swept along, get carried away (physically or emotionally)
being swept
being carried away, drifting, being dragged; being enthusiastic
A rain-swept place is a place where it is raining heavily. He looked up and down the rain-swept street
facing the wind, exposed to the wind


    ...  We're all swept up in the river of time.  Time can speed up and slow down.  Time ...
    ... a bipartisan plan. It was swept aside. I think something this big, this important has to ...