
listen to the pronunciation of survey
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu araştırma hızlı bir şekilde bitiremeyecek kadar çok uzun. - This survey is too long to finish quickly.

Onlara nüfus artışını araştırmalarını emretti. - He ordered them to survey population growth.

{i} anket

Onların araştırması bir anket yöntemi kullandı. - Their research used a survey method.

Tom anket ekibinin bir parçası. - Tom is part of the survey team.

{i} inceleme
{i} tetkik
{i} gözden geçirme, inceleme
göz gezdirmek
{i} muayene
(bir yapıyı) yoklamak
anket formu
kamuoyu araştırma
dikkatle her şeye göz gezdirmek
(Coğrafya) yer ölçmesi
şöyle bir bakmak
(Ticaret) göz gezdirme
{f} anket yapmak için soru sormak
haritasını çıkarma
durumunu sınamak
haritasını çıkarmak
teftiş etmek
genel görüş/inceleme
harita çizme
dikkatle göz gezdirmek
muayene etmek
yaygın kanı
{i} tarama
(Askeri) MESAHA FENNİ: Arz sathı kısımlarının şekil, genişlik ve mevkilerini, çizgisel ve açısal mesafeler ölçülüp nirengi prensipleri uygulanarak tespit ve tersim usulü. Ayrıca bakınız: "report of survey"
Araştırma, dikkatli tetkik, muayene
{f} incele

Tepenin zirvesinden manzarayı inceledik. - We surveyed the view from the top of the hill.

Genç çift odayı incelediler. - The young couple surveyed the room.

{f} harita çizimi için ölçmek
mesaha etmek
(Tıp) Araştırma, dikkati tetkik, muayene
mülâhaza etmek
{f} araştırmak
gümrük müfettişi
mesaha memuru
{f} (bir yeri) ölçmek, mesaha etmek
{i} etüt
surveyor mesahacı
{i} genel bakış
{f} yoklamak
{i} ölçme
{i} bakma
anket,v.incele: n.tarama
dikkatle göz ge
{f} ölçmek
gözden geçirmek
(Ticaret) denetim
(Kanun,Sigorta,Teknik) ekspertiz
survey aircraft
(Havacılık) arazi ölçü uçağı
survey boat
(Askeri) araştırma botu
survey book
(İnşaat) rölöve defteri
survey book
(İnşaat) arazi defteri
survey complete
(Bilgisayar) araştırma tamamlandı
survey craft
(Askeri) araştırma gemisi
survey design
(Ticaret) anket planı
survey form
(Bilgisayar) anket formu
survey launch
(Askeri) araştırma sandalı
survey list
(İnşaat) keşif listesi
survey meter
(Askeri) radyasyon ölçme aleti
survey method
(Ticaret) anket yöntemi
survey name
(Bilgisayar) anket adı
survey options
(Bilgisayar) anket seçenekleri
survey party
topograf ekibi
survey response
(Bilgisayar) ankete yanıt
survey result
anket sonucu
survey wizard
(Bilgisayar) anket sihirbazı
survey instrument
denetim aygıtı
survey instrument
kontrol aleti
survey report
gözlem raporu
survey abstract
Anket soyut
survey course
Anket ders
survey data
Anket verilerinin
survey engineer
(Mühendislik) Harita mühendisi
survey information
Anket bilgi
survey publication
Anket yayın
survey zone
(Coğrafya) Araştırma alanı, inceleme alanı, haritası çıkarılan alan
survey analysis
(Nükleer Bilimler) çevresel büyük araştırma
survey control
(Askeri) MESAHA ESASLARI, YER ÖLÇME ESASLARI: Başlangıç noktasının itibari mevkiine (itibari yer ölçme esaslarına) veya hakiki mevkiine (hakiki yer ölçme esaslarına), göre bir noktanın veya noktalar serisinin yer ölçmesi vasıtasıyla kestirilmesi
survey control point
(Askeri) NİRENGİ NOKTASI: Yer ölçme esaslarını koordine etmek için faydalanılan bir ölçme noktası
survey curves
(Askeri) hizmette kalma eğrileri
survey curves
(Askeri) HİZMETTE KALMA EĞRİLERİ: Bir maddeden, belirli süreler içinde hizmette kalabilen miktarını gösterir eğriler. Burada apsisler yılları veya diğer uygun zaman ya da hizmet birimlerini; ordinatlar ise, belirli bir hizmet süresinde, hizmette kalanların yüzdesini veya gerçek miktarını gösterir. Ayrıca bakınız: "supply replacement factors and consumption rates"
survey fee
(Ticaret) ekspertiz ücreti
survey information center
(Askeri) YER ÖLÇME HABER MERKEZİ: Yer ölçme esaslarının toplandığı aralarında ilişkinin kurulduğu ve ast birliklere bildirildiği yer
survey instrument
araştırma cihazı
survey instrument
(Çevre) tetkik cihazı
survey instrument azimuth gyroscope lightweight
(Askeri) ufuk açısı jiroskopik hafif araştırma aracı
survey meter
(Askeri) RADYASYON ÖLÇME ALETİ: Nükleer radyasyonu meydana çıkartmak ve doz nispetini ölçmek için kullanılan, Geiger ölçme aleti veya iyonlama hücresi türünden portatif bir alet
survey photography
(Askeri) Bak. "air cartographic photography"
survey pole
(Askeri) uzaklık ölçüm mirası
survey pole
(Askeri) NİŞAN ŞAHISI: Mesahacıların bir noktayı uzakça bir mesafeden gözetlemek için o noktaya diktikleri taksimatlı direk. Buna (range pole) ve (ranging pole) de denir
survey station
(Askeri) ölçme istasyonu
survey station
(Askeri) ÖLÇME İSTASYONU, MESAHA İSTASYONU: Mesaha şebekesi içindeki herhangi bir istasyon. Ayrıca bakınız: "traverse station"
survey taping
(Askeri) ŞERİT METRE İLE MESAFE ÖLÇME: İki nokta arasındaki meyilli mesafenin yatay değerini bulmak için bu mesafenin çelik şerit metre ile ölçülmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "taping"
survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party
(Askeri) araştırma, irtibat ve keşif partisi
sample survey
client survey
(Ticaret) müşteri anketi
conduct a survey
anket yapmak
construction survey
(İnşaat) yapım araştırması
consumer survey
(Ticaret) tüketici anketi
expert survey
(Ticaret) uzman gözlemi
household interview survey
hane halkı anketi
hydrologic survey
hidrolojik inceleme
import survey
(Ticaret) ithalat gözetimi
join a survey
ankete katılmak
preliminary survey
(Ticaret) ön araştırma
public opinion survey
kamuoyu yoklaması
quantity survey
site survey
(Askeri) keşif yapma
site survey
(Askeri) yerinde inceleme
site survey
(Askeri) mevki araştırması
soil survey
(Tarım) toprak etüdü
soil survey
zemin etüdü
soil survey
(Askeri) zemin incelemesi
(Bilgisayar) anketler

Bu anketlere güvenmiyorum. - I don't trust these surveys.

Gazetelere göre, François Bayrou anketlerde tekrar yükseliyor. - According to the papers, François Bayrou is going up again in the surveys.

technical survey
(Askeri) teknik araştırma
this survey
(Bilgisayar) bu anket
vessel survey board
(Askeri) gemi sörvey kurulları
vessel survey board
(Askeri) gemi tetkik kurulları
(Bilgisayar) oylama/anket
field survey
alan araştırması
field survey
arazi çalışması
financial survey
mali analiz
foreign market survey
dış pazar araştırması
housing survey
konut araştırması
land survey
arazi etüdü
make a survey of
market survey
piyasa anketi
{f} gözle
{f} gözlemle
{i} araştırma
mesaha bilimi
topographic survey
topografik araştırma
topographic survey
topografik ölçüm
underground survey
yeraltı ölçümü
according to the survey
araştırmaya göre
baseline survey
temel araştırma
commercenet/neilsen survey
commercenet / Neilsen anketi
cost survey
maliyet tetkiki
draft survey
(Gemicilik) Draft survey, ithalat veya ihracatta, deniz taşıtları ile taşınan özellikle ticari malların yüklenmesinde ve/veya boşaltılmasında, suyun kaldırma kuvveti prensibinden yola çıkılarak, bir takım statik hesaplamalar yardımı ile sözkonusu deniz taşıtının ağırlığını bulmak amacı ile kullanılan, bir çok ülkenin gümrüğü tarafından kabul gören bir tartım methodudur. İşin ehli gözetim şirketlerinin personelleri (surveyor) ve/veya gemi personeli tarafından yapılır
fill survey
anket doldurmak
geodetic survey
Arazi ölçümü
literature survey
literatür taraması
longitudinal survey
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Boylamsal çalışma
on-site survey
Yerinde tetkik/araştırma, ilgili olan yerde yapılan tetkik/araştırma
site survey
(Mühendislik) Keşif, iş yapılmadan öce sahada yapılan keşif
stated preference survey
bahsedilen tercih anketleri
structural survey
yapısal anket

Bu anketleri kim uyduruyor? - Who dreams up these surveys?

Size bir soru sorabilir miyim? Hayır, anketleri yanıtlamıyorum. - Can I ask you a question? No, I don't answer surveys.

take a survey
bir ankete katilin
traverse survey
poligon usulü ölçme
Radiological survey
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyolojik tarama
administrative beach survey
(Askeri) plaj mesahası
aerial survey
hava haritacılığı
aerial survey
havadan gözlem
aerial survey
(Mimarlık) hava fotoğrafıyla yapılan çıkarma
air survey camera
(Askeri) HAVA ARAŞTIRMA FOTOĞRAF MAKİNASI: bkz: "air cartographic camera"
air survey photography
(Askeri) HAVA ARAŞTIRMA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: bkz: "air cartography photography"
air survey/cartographic photography
(Askeri) HAVA ÖLÇME VE KARTOĞRAFİ FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Kara, deniz ve hava haritaları yapmak için hava fotoğrafları çekilmesi ve işlenmesi
annual boiler survey
yıllık kazan araştırması
annual boiler survey
yıllık kazan incelemesi
artillery survey
(Askeri) topçu yer ölçmesi
artillery survey
(Askeri) TOPÇU YER ÖLÇMESİ: Silah ve hedef (yatay ve düşey) nispi mevkilerinin, atış planına işlenmek ve silahlara, doğru adedi bilgiler vermek maksadıyla, yeteri sıhhatte tayini işlemi
artillery survey control point
(Askeri) TOPÇU YER ÖLÇMESİ KONTROL NOKTASI: Koordinat ve irtifalarının bilindiği, ayrıca ilgili hedefe dair yönlerinin/kerterizinin de bilindiği bir nokta
assumed survey control
(Askeri) İTİBARİ/FARZEDİLEN YER ÖLÇME ESASLARI: Bir ölçme işleminin başlangıcında, hakiki esaslar belli olmadan önceki, yükseklik ve istikamete ait, itibari esaslar. Ayrıca bakınız: "control" ve "survey control"
assumed survey control
(Askeri) itibari yer ölçme esasları
beach survey
(Askeri) kıyı araştırması
beach survey
(Askeri) KIYI ARAŞTIRMASI: Bir kıyının fiziki özelliklerini tanımlayan verilerin toplanması; Bu, sınırları bir kıyı hattı, bir sahil hattı ve iki doğal veya ihtiyari tahsis edilmiş yandan oluşan bir bölgedir
beach survey interim report
(Askeri) sahil keşif geçici raporu
board of survey
(Askeri) HASAR VE EKSİKLİK SORUŞTURMA KURULU: Ordu mallarının hasar görmesi, veya tahribi sebeplerini soruşturmak ve, genellikle, kayıp, hasar ve tahrip sorumluluğunu tespit edip kanun ve yönetmeliklerin gerektirdiği şekilde hareket etmek üzere tayin edilmiş subaylar
cadastral survey
kadastro ölçümü
cadastral survey
chemical survey
(Kimya) kimyasal tetkik
chemical survey
(Askeri) kimyasal araştırma
chemical survey
(Askeri) KİMYASAL ARAŞTIRMA: Bir bölgedeki kimya harbi maddeleri zararlarının niteliği ve derecesini belirtmek ve tehlikeli bölgenin çevresini çizmek için yapılan çalışma
coast and geodedic survey map
(Askeri) KIYI HARİTASI: Bir liman veya su bölgesinin kıyı hattını, kanal ve su derinliklerini, işaret, fener ve şamandıralarını gösteren harita. Böyle bir harita ABD Ticaret Bakanlığı Harita Dairesi tarafından hazırlanır
coast and geodetic survey
(Askeri) ABD TİCARET BAKANLIĞI HARİTA DAİRESİ: ABD Ticaret Bakanlığının, harita ve coğrafi bilgiler temin eden bir dairesi. Bu daire; ABD Anayurdu ile ABD dış topraklarının kıyılarını ölçer ve haritalarını yapar; deniz kabarma ve alçalmalarını, akıntıları etüt eder; hava seyrüsefer haritaları meydana getirir ve sefer için gerekli diğer bilgileri temin eder
connection survey
(Askeri) birleştirme yer ölçmesi
connection survey
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRME YER ÖLÇMESİ: Hedef bölgesi yer ölçmesi (target area survey) ile mevzi bölgesi yer ölçmesini (position area survey) birbirine bağlayan yer ölçmesi
contamination survey
(Çevre) kirlenme tespiti incelemesi
counterintelligence survey
(Askeri) KARŞI İSTİHBARAT TEDBİRLERİ İNCELEME HİZMETİ: Tesisleri, muhtemel sabotaj casusluk hareketleri ile yıkıcı hareketlerden korumak ve gizli savunma bilgilerinin yetkisiz olarak açıklanmasını veya ele geçirilmesini önlemek için gerekli güvenlik tedbirlerini tespit eden bir hizmet
counterintelligence technical survey
(Askeri) KARŞI İSTİHBARAT TEKNİK İNCELEME HİZMETİ: Gizli bilgilerin yayımlandığı ve açıklandığı büro, konferans salonu, durum odası ve diğer benzeri yerlerde teknik gözetleme ve dinleme sistemlerinin bulunup, bulunmadığını incelemekle görevli bir hizmet
detailed survey
ayrıntılı etüt
disaster area survey team
afet inceleme ekibi
draft survey
(Askeri) su alma derinliği ölçümü
draft survey
(Askeri) geminin su çekimi ölçümü
draft survey
(Askeri) su alma derinliği tetkiki
draft survey
(Askeri) geminin su çekimi tetkiki
electrical survey
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektriksel araştırma
engineering survey
mühendislik araştırması
evaluation survey
değerlendirme anketi
farm structural survey
(Politika, Siyaset) yapısal çiftlik anketi
field artillery survey
(Askeri) SAHRA TOPÇU YER ÖLÇMESİ, SAHRA TOPÇUSU ÖLÇME HİZMETİ: Gözetlemesiz atışlarda bir atış planı yapmak için gerekli topoğrafya çalışmalarından ibaret yer ölçmesi. Bu ölçmenin esas gayesi, toplarda hedeflerin yatay ve düşey nisbi mevkilerini yeteri sıhhatte tayin ve tespit etmektir. Ayrıca bakınız: "artillery survey" ve "survey"
fill out a survey
bir anketi doldurmak
final survey
son etüt
final survey
kesin ölçüm
fluorescent sand survey
(Askeri) flöresan kum araştırması
fluorescent sand survey
(Askeri) florlu kum araştırması
general survey
(Ticaret) genel araştırma
geochemical soil survey
jeokimyasal toprak ölçümü
geological survey
(Askeri) JEOLOJİK ARAŞTIRMA HİZMETİ: Bu iş ile meşgul olan devlet dairesi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The act of surveying; a general view, as from above

Under his proud survey the city lies. -Sir John Denham.

To inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook; as, to stand on a hill, and survey the surrounding country

Round he surveys and well might, where he stood, So high above. -John Milton.

To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.; to examine and ascertain the state of; as, to survey a building in order to determine its value and exposure to loss by fire
To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurements, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry; as, to survey land or a coast
A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of all the parts or particulars of a thing, with a design to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality; as, a survey of the stores of a ship; a survey of roads and bridges; a survey of buildings
To dispose of after determining that something is no longer useful for its intended purpose (military) "Surveyed Old Rope." -William Bligh
The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of, as any part of the earth's surface, whether land or water; also, a measured plan and description of any portion of country, or of a road or line through it
To view with a scrutinizing eye; to examine

With such altered looks, . . . All pale and speechless, he surveyed me round. -John Dryden.

To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same
{v} to overlook, view, measure
{n} a view, prospect, measure, plan or draft of what is measured, district for collection of the customs
If you survey a number of people, companies, or organizations, you try to find out information about their opinions or behaviour, usually by asking them a series of questions. Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea
and 5
If someone surveys a house, they examine it carefully and report on its structure, usually in order to give advice to a person who is thinking of buying it. the people who surveyed the house for the mortgage
a detailed critical inspection consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurments, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry; as, to survey land or a coast
plot a map of (land) make a survey of; for statistical purposes look over in a comprehensively, inspect; "He surveyed his new classmates
A drawing showing the exact legal boundaries of a property , the location of improvements, encroachments, easements, rights of ways and other physical features
to examine and ascertain the state of; as, to survey a building in order to determine its value and exposure to loss by fire
A survey is a careful examination of the condition and structure of a house, usually carried out in order to give information to a person who wants to buy it. a structural survey undertaken by a qualified surveyor
a measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to known points, its dimensions and the location and dimensions of any improvements
To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurements, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry; as, to survey land or a coast
If someone surveys an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it. Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs
A detailed drawing showing the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way and other physical features
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to known points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any buildings
A physical measurement of property done by a registered professional showing the dimensions and location of any buildings as well as easements, rights of way, roads, etc
A drawing or map showing the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to know points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any buildings
The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of as any part of the earths surface, whether land or water; also, a measured plan and description of any portion of country, or of a road or line through it
A pictorial depiction of land and the improvements on it Shows boundary lines (with measurements and bearings), buildings, sheds, easements, etc
To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc
make a survey of; for statistical purposes
A drawing or map the shows the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features
the act of looking or seeing or observing; "he tried to get a better view of it"; "his survey of the battlefield was limited"
Map made by a licensed surveyor who measures land and charts its boundaries, improvements and relationship to the property surrounding it
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained The process of measuring land to determine its size, location, and physical description An Improvement Survey is the drawing done by a registered land surveyor showing the dimensions of a particular piece or real property which shows the improvements located on the property in relationship to the property itself (See also Improvement Location Certificate)
short descriptive summary (of events)
A drawing or map showing the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and the other physical features
A drawing showing the legal boundaries of the property, it's fixtures, and any easements or encroachments
plot a map of (land)
{i} act of measuring and recording the characteristics of a plot of land; land survey report (often in the form of a map); review, overview; statistical study
An accurate graphic depiction of the boundaries of a property At the least, a survey will show the metes and bounds of all property lines It can also show buildings, other improvements, topographic features, utility lines, etc
A measurement of your land, performed by a registered land surveyor The surveyor will draw up a plat (see Plat), or map, to show your land's location in relation to known points of reference, as well as its dimensions and features The plat will also include the locations and dimensions of any structures on your land
A measurement of your land, performed by a registered land surveyor The surveyor will draw up a plat (see Plat), or map, to show your landâs location in relation to known points of reference, as well as its dimensions and features The plat will also include the locations and dimensions of any structures on your land
If you carry out a survey, you try to find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things, usually by asking people a series of questions. According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened
If someone carries out a survey of an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it. the organizer of the geological survey of India
look over in a comprehensively, inspect; "He surveyed his new classmates"
A drawing showing the legal boundaries of a property
To determine the form, extent, position, etc
A drawing or map showing the precise legal boundaries of a property and the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features
keep under surveillance; "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"
a detailed critical inspection
sur·vey surveys surveying surveyed The noun is pronounced The verb is pronounced and can also be pronounced in meanings
hold a review (of troops)
{f} look over, observe; examine carefully, study; measure and record the characteristics of a plot of land, map
consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
If you survey something, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully. He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room
a property diagram that indicates legal boundaries, easements, encroachments, rights of way, improvement locations, etc
A print showing the measurements of the boundaries of a parcel of land, together with the location of all improvements on the land and sometimes its area and topography
A drawing that shows the legal boundaries of a property
A physical measurement of the property done by registered professional showing the boundaries, dimensions and location of any buildings as well as easements, rights of way, roads, etc
1 A professional examination of a property A survey usually will reveal the size of a property, its boundary distances, ground contours and where improvements or alterations have been made 2 A print showing the measurements of the boundaries of a parcel of land, together with the location of all improvements on the land and sometimes its area and topography
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to the boundaries of land and also the location of any improvements
a detailed critical inspection consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting" plot a map of (land) make a survey of; for statistical purposes look over in a comprehensively, inspect; "He surveyed his new classmates
survey monument
A surveying reference point marked by a permanently fixed marker
survey monuments
plural form of survey monument
survey course
An academic course consisting of an overview of a broad topic or field of knowledge. a university course that gives an introduction to a subject for people who have not studied it before
survey department
government or municipal department that deals with recording sizes of plots of land and structures
survey meter
A portable instrument, such as a Geiger counter or ionization chamber, used to detect nuclear radiation and to measure the dose rate See Monitoring
survey meter
Any portable radiation detection instrument designed to determine the presence of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation fields Survey meters are of two types: Count rate meters that detect only the presence of radioactive material Under certain conditions the survey meter's reading may be used to determine the exposure rate from a source of radioactive material Dose rate meters that are used to evaluate the intensity of radiation fields in units such as rem per hour, millirem per hour or sievert per hour
survey plan
A plan showing a subdivision with all dimensions, covenants, easements, etc More info
survey plan
a plan showing a subdivision with all dimensions, covenants, easements, etc
survey plan
These are plans of boundary definition certified correct by a Licensed Surveyor
Ordnance Survey
Originally the branch of government that produced maps for the military, now a civilian organisation that produces maps worldwide
Ordnance Survey map
any of a large series of high quality, detailed maps of Great Britain produced in a variety of scales originally for military, but now for leisure or business use
US survey acre
Unit of measure for areas, defined as 43,560 square feet . A square mile has 640 acres
US survey acres
plural form of US survey acre
US survey foot
A unit of length equal to 1200/3937 meter, used in some states for measuring land
aerial survey
a method of collecting information by utilizing aerial photography. or from remote sensing technology using other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared, gamma-ray, or ultraviolet
phone survey
An opinion poll or survey conducted through the use of calling people on their telephones to gather information relating to the public
Present participle of survey
baseline survey
A survey to set baseline; a survey designed to establish initial conditions against which the effects of a finished project can be compared
geodetic survey
(Jeoloji) A survey of a large area of land in which corrections are made to account for the curvature of the earth
longitudinal survey
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A longitudinal study is a correlational research study that involves repeated observations of the same items over long periods of time, often many decades. Longitudinal studies are often used in psychology to study developmental trends across the life span. The reason for this is that unlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Longitudinal studies are also used in medicine to uncover predictors of certain diseases
A survey
Ordnance Survey
OS an official organization which makes very detailed and correct maps of Britain and Ireland. The maps are used by people walking in the country, and each map has its own OS number. US Geological Survey
Ordnance Survey map
An Ordnance Survey map is a detailed map produced by the British or Irish government map-making organization. a map which shows all the roads, paths, hills etc of an area in detail (Because the maps were originally made for the department responsible for ordnance: ordnance (14-20 centuries), from ordenance)
US Geological Survey
a US government organization, part of the Department of the Interior, which makes detailed maps of the US and lists of minerals found in the US. In the UK there is a similar organization called the Ordnance Survey
aerial survey
aerial photography
cadastral survey
survey concerning boundaries and subdivision of land
coast and geodetic survey
A bureau of the United States government charged with the topographic and hydrographic survey of the coast and the execution of belts of primary triangulation and lines of precise leveling in the interior
coast and geodetic survey
It now belongs to the Department of Commerce and Labor
field survey
An investigation of a property that takes place on the site rather than through a review of maps, photographs, and other types of information in an office
field survey
Typically relies on questionnaire distributed to a sample of people selected from a larger population (1)
field survey
The process of visiting existing developments as part of the information-gathering process Each project listed in this survey has been visited on-site by an analyst employed by The Danter Company, unless specified otherwise Also the name of the section detailing information gathered during the field trip
land survey
An instrument that specifies precise property boundaries It is useful in determining if boundary violations (encroachments) exist
land survey
A survey of the selected site by a person (Preferably a Professional Surveyor) resulting in a 1: 100 Plan showing the slope of the land by means of Contours; being lines drawn to represent all points of the same level (height) above a Datum Point of 100 00 that is often a mark on a fixed object (eg Concrete kerbing) adjacent to the site If the allotment has not been secured financially, permission should be sought from the Owner or Agent to enter onto the site, for this purpose
occupation survey
survey of activities performed by workers
omnibus survey
collection of works which provides a general overview
ordnance survey
the official UK mapping agency pass - the way across a mountain ridge from one valley to another pillar - a tall, narrow column of rock ridge - the crest where two opposing faces of a mountain meet
ordnance survey
the official cartography agency of the British government
ordnance survey
The national mapping agency of Great Britain Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) and Ordnance Survey of Ireland (OSI) also exist
ordnance survey
official body, established 1791, responsible for the mapping of Britain
quantity survey
A method used by appraisers to estimate how much it would cost to reproduce an improvement
quantity survey
A method of estimating construction cost or reproduction cost; a highly technical process used in arriving at the cost estimate of new construction and sometimes referred to in the building trade as the price take-off method
reconnaissance and survey officer
artillery officer that prepares posts for an artillery unit
seismic survey
- Use of vibrations to locate formations within the Earth likely to contain oil or gas
seismic survey
The science of calculating the thickness of an area
seismic survey
A technique for determining the detailed structure of the rocks underlying a particular area by passing acoustic shock waves into the strata and detecting and measuring the reflected signals
site survey
A comprehensive facility study, typically performed by a radio frequency engineer, employed by a systems integrator The goal of the site survey is to create an accurate wireless system design/layout and budgetary quote
site survey
Before CDA can finalize a ContractAIRâ„¢ proposal, a site survey must be completed A Site Survey Form is used to gather needed information on plant layout, the station site, ect The time required to complete the survey can be greatly reduced if the customer begins to gather the information prior to CDA arriving onsite Click the Information button on the side of this page to request a survey form
site survey
The process of searching for and describing archaeological sites in a given area
site survey
In order to verify that an event site meets the architectural & electrical requirements for a particular set, it may be necessary to inspect that location
site survey
A detailed inventory and evaluation of the characteristics of a location and its occupants that would be important to public safety personnel responding to an emergency, including but not limited to maps, floor plans, diagrams, photographs, personnel lists, student rosters, utility information, and construction information
special survey
research which was specially ordered for a specific reason
structural survey
This is the most expensive and detailed type of survey report carried out by a chartered surveyor If the borrower requests a structural survey the lender will still need to have a mortgage valuation carried out The borrower will then have to cover the costs of both If the property has movement or is of unusual construction a lender may ask for a structural engineer's report Such a survey is undertaken by a chartered building engineer and is a further step on from a structural survey This survey will only be asked for on more rare occasions
structural survey
This is the most wide-ranging check of the outside and inside of a property This is carried out by a professional surveyor, and it should pick up all but the most hidden faults The structural survey is optional and you must pay the bill, but it provides the greatest protection for the potential buyer in terms of the information it provides It also gives you cover against negligence by the surveyor
structural survey
A detailed survey of the structure of a building carried out by a Structural Engineer or Chartered Building Surveyor Surveyors are liable for negligence
structural survey
This is the most wide ranging check of the outside and inside of a property This is carried out by professional surveyor and it should pick up all but the most hidden faults
structural survey
A full inspection of the property by a surveyor on behalf of and paid for by the buyer
structural survey
A full inspection of a property, paid for by the purchaser, and prepared by a surveyor This is very detailed and many banks and building societies will insist on it especially for older homes
structural survey
A report constructed by the surveyor detailing firstly, whether the house is structurally sound and secondly, listing the major/minor defects, (including the necessary work which needs to be done)
structural survey
A report constructed by the surveyor detailing firstly, whether the house is structurally sound and secondly, listing the major/minor defects and including the necessary work that needs to be done
structural survey
The widest form of inspection that can be undertaken by a chartered surveyor In the case of properties with movement, lenders may require a structural engineer's report This is a different type of survey carried out by a chartered building engineer and should not be confused with a structural survey
Simple past and past participle of survey
the practice of measuring angles and distances on the ground so that they can be accurately plotted on a map; "he studied surveying at college
the art and science of accurately determining the position of points and the distances between them
The systematic examination of the ground surface to determine where sites may be found
A way to make measurements of large things, like pieces of land It is used when building roads and buildings, as well as when marking borders between property and countries Someone who does surveying for a living is caller a surveyor
That branch of applied mathematics which teaches the art of determining the area of any portion of the earth's surface, the length and directions of the bounding lines, the contour of the surface, etc
the practice of measuring angles and distances on the ground so that they can be accurately plotted on a map; "he studied surveying at college"
Determination of the shape, contour, position, or dimensions of any part of the earth's surface
The techniques used to make measurements in space to determine the relative positions of map features
with an accurate delineation of the whole on paper; the act or occupation of making surveys
Determination of the form, boundaries, position, extent, etc of (an area of land) by measurements and the use of the principles of geometry and trigonometry (measuring angles and distances)
measurement of dimensions (contour, position, boundaries, area, height etc ) of any part of the earth's surface (land or water) or any cultural feature Depending on the type of survey undertaken and the degree of accuracy required, "surveys" may involve the application of the theory, principles and techniques of geodesy, photogrammetry and cartography
a blend of several disciplines, from mathematician and law scholar, to expert measurer and translator By interpreting the legal description and applying the science of measurement, the surveyor translates a legal description or construction plans into tangible positions on the ground These positions then become the basis for construction or for the establishment of a particular location, possibly to show lines of ownership or to document change over time
Method of making relatively large-scale, accurate measurements of the earth's surfaces. Its principal modern uses are in the fields of transportation, building, land use, and communications. Surveying is divided into the categories of plane surveying (mapping small areas) and geodetic surveying (mapping large areas of the globe). The Romans are said to have used the plane table, which consists of a drawing board mounted on a tripod or other support and a straightedge along which lines are drawn. It was the first device capable of recording or establishing angles. With the publication of logarithmic tables in 1620, portable angle-measuring instruments, called topographic instruments, or theodolites, came into use; they included pivoted arms for sighting and could be used for measuring both horizontal and vertical angles. Two revolutionary 20th-century innovations were photogrammetry (mapping from aerial photographs) and electronic distance measurement, including the use of the laser
Determines the form, extent, position, etc of a situation; usually in connections with gathering of information
Research conducted by an independent firm and used to support arguments before the US Patent and Trademark Office or civil courts when trying to prove various aspects of trademark viability For example, a survey may be useful to prove that a mark has acquired secondary meaning, is not generic, is not functional, is legally strong, or is not likely to confuse consumers with regard to an existing trademark Surveys can also be used to prove plaintiff's lost profits, which is evidence that is notoriously difficult to obtain without a survey According to Phyllis J Welter, an expert on trademark surveys, the discussion of surveys in trademark litigation has grown from roughly 5 6% in the 1950's to over 12% in the 1980's Ms Welter's book, Trademark Surveys, published in 1998 by West Group, is an excellent source of information on how to utilize surveys in trademark litigation
third-person singular of survey
(online) See also Zoomerang and Create survey and Velocity for creating easy online surveys Check demos to compare services and cost, if any Surveys can be used to harvest opinions from the local community Sparklit com has example of free web polls and surveys Hints: Survey tips from Perseus Development Corporation including 7 steps to a successful survey Survey tips from NetReflector com
A useful tool for gathering statistical information Surveys are used to get a general idea of a situation, to generalize about a population or to get a total count of the aspects concerning a group of people The information gathered is limited and easier to analyze and offers little or no explanation about the reasons behind the results Surveys are useful for evaluations that deal with things other than the success of the program (e g , If an evaluation is in part to identify barriers to participating in the program, questions on a survey may ask about access to transportation, childcare, etc ) A census is an example of a survey
An important form of field research Surveys consist of a series of questions that individuals respond to on paper, in person, on the telephone, or on a computer See Finding Sources in the Field / Conducting Surveys in An Introduction to Research Processes
A method of questioning customers, sales personnel or experts regarding their expectations about future purchases p 705
– Studies designed to obtain information from human subjects through written questionnaires, telephone interviews, door-to-door canvassing, or similar procedures
a research technique for needs analysis in which a select group of people is asked to respond to a series of questions, usually ones that can be scored The responses are recorded and analyzed
plural of , survey
Surveys at MIT OFFICE OF THE PROVOST Provost Home Institutional Research Surveys Graduate Recruitment Data Definitions Data Element Definition
are a specifically designed set of questions, depending upon the type of survey being conducted, asked of respondents one-on-one (not in a "focus group") with answers and responses individually noted The results are far more reliable than focus group results due to the many predilections and undue influences imposed on/by focus group participants and those who conduct them
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periyodik survey
(Askeri) periodical survey