
listen to the pronunciation of surveillance
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Polisler Tom'u gözetim altına aldılar. - The police have Tom under surveillance.

Polis Dan üzerinde fiziksel ve elektronik gözetim gerçekleştirdi. - Police conducted physical and electronic surveillance on Dan.

{i} gözetleme

Bu gözetleme kamerası bizim sessiz tanığımızdır. - This surveillance camera is our silent witness.

Tom gözetleme kamerasını fark etmedi. - Tom didn't notice the surveillance camera.

{i} izleme
surveillant nezaretçi
nezaret altında
(Askeri) MURAKABE: Bir program veya faaliyet sahasının bu hususta mevcut bilgiyi arttırmak veya icabında tedbir almak maksadıyla yakından veya dikkatle tetkiki
nöbetçi öğretmen
gözaltında tutma
(Avrupa Birliği) gözetme, nezaret, denetleme, teftiş
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) gözetim [foucault]
{i} (birinin faaliyetlerini) gizlice izleme
göz hapsinde tutan kimse
{i} nezaret

Biz onu nezaret altına aldık. - We had him under surveillance.

Biz seni nezaret altına aldık. - We had you under surveillance.

under surveillance gözaltında
(Askeri) hedef arama
surveillance camera
güvenlik kamerası
surveillance deployment
izleme sistemi
surveillance system
izleme sistemi
surveillance aircraft
(Havacılık) casus uçağı
surveillance and reconnaissance center
(Askeri) keşif ve gözetleme merkezi
surveillance and safety line
(Askeri) gözetleme ve emniyet hattı
surveillance and target acquisition
surveillance approach
(Askeri) RADAR GÖZETLEMESİYLE YAKLAŞMA: Kontrol edenin gözetleme radarı verilerine dayanarak verdiği talimatlara uygun olarak icra edilen cihazlı yaklaşma
surveillance approach
(Askeri) radarlı yaklaşma
surveillance control data link
(Askeri) gözetleme kontrol veri linki
surveillance measures
(Ticaret) gözetim önlemi
surveillance of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞIN GÖZETLENMESİ: Bak. "observation of fire"
surveillance of fire
(Askeri) atışın gözetlenmesi
surveillance radar
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME RADARI: Devamlı olarak hava gözetlemesi yapan ve bütün hava hedeflerini çok uzaktan yakalayarak atış idare radarlarına intikal ettiren ve bu suretle, hava hedeflerinin hava savunma birlikleri tarafından azami mesafeden ateş altına alınmalarını sağlayan, hava savunma radarı. Bu radarın, ateş idare radarına nazaran tarama sahası daha geniş, menzili daha büyük, fakat ölçme sıhhati daha azdır
surveillance service
gözetim hizmeti
surveillance service
denetim hizmeti
surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence (Marine Corps)
(Askeri) gözetleme, keşif ve istihbarat
surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence group (USMC)
(Askeri) gözetleme, keşif ve istihbarat grubu
surface, subsurface search surveillance coordination
(Askeri) satıh, satıhaltı aram gözetleme koordinasyonu
exposure surveillance
(Tıp) maruziyet denetimi
under surveillance
coastal surveillance
kıyı gözetleme
keep s.o. under surveillance
birini sürekli olarak gizlice izlemek
medical surveillance
Tıbbî takip
self surveillance
kendini teftiş etme
Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri İstihbarat Keşif ve Gözetleme Direktörü
Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
(Askeri) Müşterek Gözetleme Hedef Taarruz Radar Sistemi
acoustical surveillance
(Askeri) AKUSTİK İZLEME, GÖZETLEME: Bilgi toplamak amacıyla, ses kayıt, ses alma veya gönderme cihazlarını da içine alan elektronik cihazların kullanılması
aerial surveillance
(Askeri) Hava keşfi
air surveillance
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEMESİ: Gözlem altındaki hava sahasında dost ve düşman uçak ve füzelerinin hareketini teşhis etmek ve belirlemek amacıyla elektronik, optik veya diğer vasıtalar ile hava sahasının sistematik gözetlemesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "satellite and missile surveillance; surveillance"
air surveillance officer
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEME SUBAYI: Tahsis edilmiş bir hava sahası içinde varolan hava durumunu doğru bir şekilde sürdürmek ve koordine etmekten sorumlu olan bir şey
air surveillance plotting board
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEMESİ KIYMETLENDİRME LEVHASI: Özel bir bölgenin küçük ölçekli, gridli bir hava savunma haritası. Hava kontrol merkezinde tutulur. Üzerine radar veya kara gözetleme tesislerinin menzilleri dahilindeki dost ve düşman bütün uçakların o andaki yerleri, miktarları ve irtifaları işaretlenmiştir
airport surveillance radar
(Askeri) HAVAALANI ARAMA/GÖZETLEME RADARI: Terminal bölgesinde bulunan, normal olarak yaklaşma ve uzaklaşma kontrolüne yardım etmek için kullanılan menzil ve yönü gösteren radar
allied ground surveillance
(Askeri) ittifak satıh gözetleme
battlefield surveillance
(Askeri) MUHAREBE MEYDANI GÖZETLEMESİ: Muharebe istihbaratı için zamanında bilgi almak maksadıyla, muharebe sahası üzerinde, devamlı olarak (her türlü hava şartları altında, gece ve gündüz) yapılan sistemli gözetleme
be under surveillance
gözaltında olmak
bilateral surveillance
(Avrupa Birliği) çift taraflı gözetim
border surveillance
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır denetimi
coastal surveillance radar
(Askeri) kıyı gözetleme radarı
combat surveillance
(Askeri) Muharebe gözetlemesi
combat surveillance
(Askeri) MUHAREBE GÖZETLEMESİ: Taktik kara harekatı için zamanında bilgi temini maksadıyla muharebe sahası üzerinde gece ve gündüz devamlı ve her türlü havada sistemli şekilde yapılan gözetleme
combat surveillance
(Askeri) savaş alanı keşfi
combat surveillance radar
(Askeri) MUHAREBE GÖZETLEME RADARI: Normal görevi bir muharebe sahası üzerinde devamlı gözetlemeyi temin olan bir radar
command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and rec
(Askeri) komuta, kontrol, muhabere, bilgisayar, istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif
conformity surveillance
(Ticaret) uygunluk gözetimi
counter surveillance
(Askeri) GÖZETLEMEYE KARŞI KOYMA: Düşman gözetlemesine karşı koymak için alınan aktif ve pasif tüm önlemler. Ayrıca bakınız: "surveillance"
epidemiologic surveillance
(Tıp) epidemiyolojik denetim
fleet area control and surveillance facility
(Askeri) donanma bölge kontrol ve gözetleme tesisi
ground surveillance radar
(Askeri) Kara gözetleme radarı
hazard surveillance
tehlike gözetimi
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
(Askeri) istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif
joint surveillance system
(Askeri) müşterek gözetleme sistemi
joint surveillance, target attack radar system (JSTARS) aircraft
(Askeri) Müşterek Gözetleme ve Hedef Taarruz Radar Sistemi (JSTARS) hava aracı
keep under surveillance
gözaltında tutmak
keep under surveillance
(Askeri) Göz altında tutmak
minimum quality surveillance
(Askeri) (PETROLEUM) ASGARİ NİTELİK DENETLEMESİ (PETROL): Hemen kullanılmaya elverişli durumda bulunmalarını temin maksadıyla, döküm ve ambalajlanmış petrol ürünlerinin niteliklerini tespit ve muhafaza için uygulanacak asgari tedbirler
population surveillance
nüfus etüdleri
quality surveillance
(Askeri) kalite tetkiki
quality surveillance
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalite gözetimi
quality surveillance representative
(Askeri) kalite tetkik temsilcisi
reconnaissance and surveillance
(Askeri) keşif ve gözetleme
reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition
(Askeri) keşif, istihbarat, gözetleme ve hedef tespiti
reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
(Askeri) keşif, gözetleme ve hedef tespiti
satellite and missile surveillance
(Askeri) UYDU VE FÜZE GÖZETLEMESİ: Uçuş halindeki düşman veya dost füzeleri ve uydularla ilgili olayları, gelişmeleri, cisimlerin özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, izlenmesi ve bulunması amacı için yapılan sistematik hava-uzay gözetlemesi
sea surveillance
(Askeri) DENİZ GÖZETLEMESİ: Dünya üzerindeki bütün deniz ve okyanuslar üstünde ve altında seyreden dost ve düşman gemilerinin, denizaltıların ve diğer araçların, esas itibariyle yerlerini, kimliklerini tayin ve hareketlerini tayin ve hareketlerini tespit maksadıyla suüstü ve sualtı deniz sahalarının sistemli şekilde gözetlenmesi. Bak. "surveillance"
sea surveillance system
(Askeri) DENİZ GÖZETLEME SİSTEMİ: Deniz gözetlemesi görevinin yerine getirilmesinin desteklemesi ve bu görev sırasında elde edilen bilgilerin toplanması, rapor halinde bildirilmesi, aralarında ilişki kurulması ve sunulması ile ilgili bir sistem
sentinel surveillance
(Biyoloji) koruyucu izlenmesi
single side band; surveillance support branch
(Askeri) tek taraflı bant; gözetleme destek şubesi
small scale contingency; surveillance support center
(Askeri) küçük ölçekli muhtemel durum; gözetleme destek merkezi
tactical auxiliary general ocean surveillance
(Askeri) taktik yardımcı genel okyanus gözetlemesi
tactical optical surveillance system
(Askeri) taktik optik keşif sistemi
tactical optical surveillance system (TOSS) imagery processing system
(Askeri) taktik optik gözetleme sistemi (TOSS) görüntü işlem sistemi
technical surveillance countermeasures
(Askeri) teknik gzöetleme karşı tedbirleri
wide area surveillance
(Askeri) geniş alan gözetlemesi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Continuous monitoring of disease occurrence for example
Systematic observation of places and people by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means
Close observation of an individual or group, especially one under suspicion
In criminal law, an investigation process by which police gather evidence about crimes, or suspected crime, through continued observation of persons or places
Oversight; watch; inspection; supervision
The ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data (e g , regarding agent/hazard, risk factor, exposure, health event) essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for prevention and control
The systematic investigation or monitoring of the actions or communications of one or more persons May be personal or mass surveillance
The systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data to assist in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health interventions and programs
The systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons, or things, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means (Joint Pub 1-02)
A continued programme of (biological) surveys systematically undertaken to provide a series of observations in time
The continual monitoring of a process; a type of periodic assessment or audit conducted to determine whether a process continues to perform to a predetermined standard
Activity and duty given to the IMF to monitor and evaluate countries' macroeconomic performance and policies IMF member countries are obligated to provide the IMF with the information necessary to carry out its surveillance tasks
The systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data on an ongoing basis, to gain knowledge of the pattern of disease occurrence and potential in a community, in order to control and prevent disease in the community
The continual monitoring and verification of status of an entity and analysis of records to ensure specified requirements are being met Surveillance activities may be delegated to other disinterested parties on behalf of the customer It may be 100% , statistically-based sampling, qualitative sampling or the result of discussion with individuals who have first hand knowledge It also may include the monitoring of contractor supplied metrics, available contractor data, sampling, or surveys
close watch over someone or something
Systematic observation of air, surface or subsurface areas or volumes by visual, electronic, photographic or other means, for intelligence or other purposes
The analysis of health information to look for problems that may be occurring that require targeted prevention, and thus serves as a feedback loop to the provider Surveillance may be based on a single case or sentinel event, but more typically uses screening results from the group of people being evaluated to look for abnormal trends in health status Surveillance can also be conducted on a single person over time Review of group results helps to identify potential problem areas and the effectiveness of existing worksite preventive strategies The fundamental purpose of surveillance is to detect and eliminate the underlying causes (i e , hazards/exposures) of any discovered trends and thus has a prevention focus See http: //www osha-slc gov/SLTC/medicalsurveillance/
close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)
Surveillance is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the police or the army. He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment
On-going observation of the health of individuals or populations
close observation of a person or group
The systematic observation of airspace or surface areas by visual, aural, photographic, or other means Surveillance differs from reconnaissance primarily in duration of the mission
{i} careful observation of a person or group, supervision
the continuing evaluation, analysis and verification of a supplier's records, methods, procedures, products and services, to assure that requirements are met
ongoing systematic collection, collation, and analysis of data and the dissemination of information to those who need to know in order that action may be taken
Close watch Supervision
The discouragement to wrong-doing by the presence of passers-by or the ability of people to see out of windows
collecting disease information
A design concept directed primarily at keeping people and property under observation and to allow users the ability to observe the space around them
The ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of outcome-specific data, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for preventing and controlling disease or injury Surveillance projects that most easily fit into this category are longitudinal data collection systems
Supervision of an oversight body, such as a central bank or a separate surveillance body of the operation of the payments system and the prudential behaviour of financial institutions Such activity also includes ensuring that adequate levels of competition exist in the financial sector
the systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons, or things, by visual, natural, electronic, photographic, or other means
An epidemiological survey or the health monitoring of the affected community
surveillance of disease
the ongoing systematic collection and analysis of data about an infectious disease that can lead to action being taken to control or prevent the disease
surveillance system
a closed-circuit television system used to maintain close observation of a person or group
mass surveillance
The pervasive surveillance of an entire population, or a substantial fraction thereof
A follow-up sub rosa investigation after an unsuccessful or unfruitful covert investigation
To keep someone under surveillance

Alexandre of London v. Indem. Ins. Co., 182 F. Supp. 748, 750 (United States District Court for the District of Columbia) (1960), cited in p. 861.

aerial electronic surveillance
electronic observation from the air
air force intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance
n agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms
be under surveillance
be under observation, be watched, be under scrutiny
close surveillance
strict supervision, close inspection
conducted surveillance
followed and watched, trailed, tracked
electronic surveillance
electronic surveillance
supervision of events and conversations from a distance by means of electronic equipment
electronic surveillance
surveillance by electronic means e
foreign intelligence surveillance act
an act passed by Congress in 1978 to establish procedures for requesting judicial authorization for foreign intelligence surveillance and to create the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; intended to increase United States counterintelligence; separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance
foreign intelligence surveillance court
a secret federal court created in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
placed under surveillance
put in a condition of surveillance, placed under observation (usually because of suspicious or illegal activity)
police surveillance
police observation over a person or activity in an attempt to catch the guilty party in action
strict surveillance
meticulous security, tight supervision
keep under surveillance; "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing
plural of surveillance
under surveillance
is being followed, is under supervision
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

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    indifference, unobservance


    /sərˈvāləns/ /sɜrˈveɪləns/


    () From French surveillance (“a watching over, overseeing, supervision”), from surveiller (“to watch, oversee”), from sur- (“over”) + veiller (“to watch”), from Middle French, from Old French veillier (“to stay awake”), from Latin vigilāre, present active infinitive of vigilō (“I am watchful”). More at vigilant.


    ... misuse, the right of surveillance, and so forth, ...
    ... reform our surveillance programs because the vital work of our intelligence ...