
listen to the pronunciation of surface
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Denizaltı yüzeye doğru ince bir buz tabakasını yarıp geçmek zorunda kaldı. - The submarine had to break through a thin sheet of ice to surface.

Yağmur ormanlarının, dünya yüzeyinin sadece yüzde ikisini kaplamasına rağmen; vahşi bitki, hayvan ve bitki türlerinin yarısından fazlası orada yaşar. - Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.

{f} yüzeye çıkmak (denizaltı)

Bu sorun görünüşte kolay gibi görünüyor ama o gerçekten zor. - This problem seems to be easy on the surface, but it's really difficult.

Dış görünüşte bir sümsük gibi görünüyor. Fakat özünde onu zorlu bir delege yapan sağlam bir iradesi var. - He seems like a softy on the surface, but at the core he's got an iron will that makes him an extremely tough negotiator.

yüz (suya/sıvıya ait)

Dış görünüşte bir sümsük gibi görünüyor. Fakat özünde onu zorlu bir delege yapan sağlam bir iradesi var. - He seems like a softy on the surface, but at the core he's got an iron will that makes him an extremely tough negotiator.

Bu sorun görünüşte kolay gibi görünüyor ama o gerçekten zor. - This problem seems to be easy on the surface, but it's really difficult.

üzerine yüz kaplamak
yüzeyini kaplamak
yüz ey
yüzeye yaklaşmak
kaplamak (yolu bir maddeyle)
{i} dış görünüş

Dış görünüşte bir sümsük gibi görünüyor. Fakat özünde onu zorlu bir delege yapan sağlam bir iradesi var. - He seems like a softy on the surface, but at the core he's got an iron will that makes him an extremely tough negotiator.

yüzey alanı
bir şeyin üst kısmı
(Tıp) surfas
{s} yüzeysel
su yüzüne çıkmak
(posta) adi
(yol/vb.) sert bir maddeyle kaplamak
(the ile) dış görünüş
surface current düz
{f} yüzeye çıkarmak (denizaltı)
su dibinden yüzeye çıkmak
{f} ortaya çıkmak
{i} (suya/sıvıya ait) yüz: on the surface of the water suyun yüzünde
(Tıp) Yüzey, yüz, satıh
{f} meydana çıkmak
{f} yüzeyini kapla
dua yapmak
{i} yüzey,yüzey
{f} cilalamak
{f} düzleştirmek
{f} gün ışığına çıkmak
üstündeki toprağı kaldırıp maden ocağı işletmek

Dört çekerli arabalar kaygan ve ıslak düzeylerde direnebilir. - Cars with AWD stand out on slippery and wet surfaces.

{i} kanat (uçak)
{i} yüzey, satıh
{s} üst
{f} 1. (balık/denizaltı)
yüzeye çıkmak
yüz den
üst yüz
dış yüz
(Havacılık) zemin

Bir kazma sert zemin yüzeyleri parçalamak için kullanılan uzun saplı bir araçtır. - A pick is a long handled tool used for breaking up hard ground surfaces.

yüzeye çıkarmak
surface area
surface burst
(Askeri) satıhta patlama
surface chart
(Bilgisayar) yüzey grafik
surface chart
yüzey grafiği
surface coat
surface drift
(Askeri) yüzey akıntısı
surface flow
yüzeysel akış
surface layer
üst tabaka
surface layer
üst yüzey
surface plate
düz yüzey
surface scan
(Bilgisayar) yüzey taraması
surface water
(Çevre,Teknik) yerüstü suyu
surface analgesia
yüzeysel analjezi
surface anesthesia
yüzeyel anestezi
surface contamination
yüzey kirliliği
surface defect
yüzey kusuru
surface energy
yüzey enerjisi
surface fire
örtü yangını
surface hardening
yüzey sertleştirme
surface hardness
yüzey sertliği
surface insulation
yüzey yalıtımı
surface leakage
yüzey sızıntısı
surface mail
adi posta
surface mining
açık işletme
surface pressure
yüzey basıncı
surface structure
yüzeysel yapı
surface temperature
yüzey sıcaklığı
surface tension
yüzey gerilimi
surface water
yüzey suyu
surface wave
yüzey dalgası
surface wind
yüzey rüzgârı
yüzey etkin
yüzey aktif
surface-active agent
yüzey aktif madde
surface-active agent
yüzeyetkin özdek
surface abrasion
kumaşta abraj oluşumu
surface active substances
Yüzey aktif maddeler
surface activity
yüzey aktivitesi
surface area
yüzey alanı
surface carbon
yüzey karbonu
surface condenser
yüzeyli kondansör
surface conductivity
yüzey iletkenligi
surface contaminant
yüzey kirletici, yüzey bulaskani
surface contamination
yüzey kirliliği, yüzey bulasimi
surface cooling
yüzey soğutma
surface crack
yüzey çatlağı
surface density
yüzey yoğunluğu
surface drain
yüzey dreni
surface drainage
yüzey drenajı
surface dressing
sathı kaplama
surface erosion
yüzey erozyonu
surface finish
yüzey tesviyesi, satıh tesviyesi
surface finish treatment
yüzey bitirme işlemi
surface finishing
(Mühendislik) yüzey perdahlama
surface finishing
yüzey bitirme
surface grinding machine
yüzey taşlama makinesi
surface hardening
(Mühendislik) yüzey sertleştirme, semente etmek
surface installations
yerüstü tesisleri
surface leakage
yüzey sızıntısı/kaçağı
surface load
yüzey yükü
surface loading rate
(Mühendislik) Yüzey yükleme hızı
surface noise
yüzey gürültü
surface noise
yüzey gürültüsü, iğne hışırtısı
surface of the earth
yer yüzeyi
surface oxidation
yüzey oksidasyonu, yüzey yükseltgenmesi
surface potential
yüzey potansiyeli
surface protection
yüzey koruma
surface resistance
yüzey direnci
surface roughening
yüzey pürüzleme
surface runoff
surface slope
su yüzü eğimi
surface soil
yüzey toprağı, örtü toprağı
surface sowing
vejetasyon üzerine ekim
surface sterilization
yüzey sterilizasyonu
surface texture
yüzey dokusu
surface thermostat
yüzey termostatı, yüzey isidenetiri
surface treatment
sathı kaplama
surface treatment
yüzey işlemi
surface waters
yüzey suları
(Askeri) Karadan havaya
surface-to-air missile, or sam
uçaksavar füze veya sam
(Askeri) Karadan karaya
surface-to-underwater missile
(Silahlar) Su üstünden denizaltına fırlatılan füze
surface acoustic wave
(Askeri) yüzey akustik dalga
surface action group
(Askeri) suüstü taarruz grubu
surface activity concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey aktivite konsantrasyonu
surface arcade
(Mimarlık) blind arcade
surface barrier detector
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey engelli algılayıcı,yüzey engelli dedektör
surface blow
yüzey temizleyici
surface burst
(Askeri) SATIHTA PATLAMA: Bak. "nuclear surface burst" ve "air burst"
surface code
(Askeri) yer bezi kodu
surface code
(Askeri) YER BEZİ KODU: Bak. "panel code"
surface contaminated material
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzeyi kirlenmiş/bulaşmış malzeme
surface contaminated object
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzeyi kirlenmiş cisim
surface danger area
(Askeri) TEHLİKELİ SAHA: Füzeler tarafından personel ve malzeme için tehlikeli hale sokulmuş bir saha
surface defect
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey kusurları
surface dose
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzeye giriş dozu
surface dose
yüzey dozu
surface drag
yüzeysel sürtünme kuvveti
surface duct
yuzey olu¤u
surface duct
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) yüzey oluğu
surface eddy
yüzey çevrintisi
surface effect ship (USCG)
(Askeri) satıh etkili gemi
surface faulting
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey faylanması
surface features
coğr. yüzey şekilleri, yer biçimleri
surface film
kaplama tabakası
surface film
kaplama katmanı
surface film
örtü katmanı
surface force
(Gıda) yüzey kuvveti
surface gage
surface gauge
surface icing
yüzey buzlanması
surface integral
yuzey tumlevi
surface line
(Askeri) serme hat
surface line
(Askeri) SERME HAT: Taarruz veya savunmanın ilk safhalarında yere acele ile serilmiş telefon veya telgraf hattı. Hazırlanmış bir bölgede, serme hatları, daha daimi hatlar haline getirilir
surface load
yüzeysel yük
surface mail
kara veya denizden giden posta
surface mail
adi posta [brit.]
surface material
Yüzey Maddesi
surface mine
yüzeyde işletme
surface mine
açık işletme
surface mine countermeasures
(Askeri) satıh mayını karşı tedbirleri
surface mission
(Askeri) SATIH HEDEFLERİ ATIŞ GÖREVİ: Hava savunma topçusunun kara ve deniz hedeflerine karşı atış görevi
surface modes
(Havacılık) yer araçları
surface moraine
yüzey moreni
surface net
(Denizbilim) yüzey ağı
surface noise
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) yüzey gürültüsü
surface noise
(Elektrik, Elektronik) yüzey hışırtısı
surface noise
iğne hışırtısı
surface normal
yuzey dikmesi
surface nose
cızırtı (plak)
surface objective
(Askeri) SU ÜSTÜ HEDEFİ: Su üzerinde bulunan her çeşit hedef
surface of discontinuity
süreksizlik yüzeyi
surface of impact
(Askeri) VURUŞ SATHI: Bir mermi vuruş noktasından yere teğet veya hedef sathı ile aynı olan düzlem
surface of revolution
donel yuzey
surface of rupture
(Askeri) İNFİLAK SATHI: Bir yeraltı imla hakkının infilakı sonucu, toprak sathı üzerinde parçalanmış olan saha
surface of unconformity
uyumsuzluk yüzeyi
surface orientation
yuzey yonelimi
surface picture
(Askeri) suüstü resmi
surface printing
kabartma baskı
surface printing
(Tekstil) rölyef baskı
surface quality
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey kalitesi
surface ratio
yüzey oranı
surface roughness
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey pürüzlülüğü
surface shelter
(Askeri) YERÜSTÜ SIĞINAĞI: Tamamen toprağın üzerinde inşa edilen sığınak. Yerüstü sığınağı üstü örtülü bir çukurdan ibaret gömme sığınaktan (cut and cover shelter) farklıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "shelter"
surface slope
yüzey eğimi
surface slope
yüzey meyili
surface soil
(Çevre,Tarım) yüzey toprağı
surface soil
(Tarım) örtü toprağı
surface soil
yüzeysel zemin
surface striking forces
(Askeri) (NAVAL) SU ÜSTÜ VURUCU KUVVETLERİ: Esasen düşman kuvvetleri ile muharebe etmek veya kıyı bombardımanı yapmak üzere teşkil edilmiş kuvvetler. Bu kuvveti meydana getiren birlikler özel görevlerinin yerine getirilmesini gerektiren bir durum muhtemel bulunduğu veya bu maksatla kullanılmaları arzulandığı taktirde yine su üstü vurucu kuvveti halinde tertiplenmeleri şartıyla genel olarak bir başka kuvvete dahil edilir ve bu kuvvetin bir kısmı olarak harekatta bulunurlar
surface style
(Bilgisayar) yüzey stili
surface target
(Askeri) SATIH HEDEFİ, YER ÜSTÜ HEDEFİ, SU ÜSTÜ HEDEFİ: Yer altında veya su içinde olmayıp dış satıhta bulunan hedef
surface tension
(Tekstil) yüzey gerilimi, arayüzey gerilimi
surface tension
yüzey gerilmesi
surface text
(Dilbilim) yüzey metin
surface tide
(Askeri) yüzeysel gel-git
surface to air installation
(Askeri) SATIHTAN HAVAYA FÜZE TESİSİ: Satıhtan havaya füze sistemi donanımının monte edildiği bir satıhtan havaya füze mahalli
surface to air missile
(Askeri) SATIHTAN HAVAYA FÜZE: Satıh üstündeki belli bir hedefe karşı faaliyet göstermek üzere tasarlanmış satıhtan atılan füze
surface to air missile
uçaksavar füze
surface to air missile envelope
(Askeri) SATIHTAN HAVAYA FÜZE KAPSAMI: Belli bir satıhtan havaya füze sisteminin vuruş imkanı dahilindeki hava çevresi
surface to air missile site
(Askeri) SATIHTAN HAVAYA FÜZE MEVZİİ: Satıhtan havaya füze sisteminde kullanılan donanımı rahatça alacak şekilde hazırlanmış kara bölgesi
surface to surface missile
(Askeri) SATIHTAN SATHA FÜZE: Satıh üzerindeki hedeflere tesir etmek maksadıyla kullanılan füze
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The locus of an equation (especially one with exactly two degrees of freedom) in a more-than-two-dimensional space
The outside hull of a tangible object
To apply a surface to something
For information or facts to become known
To work a mine near the surface
To provide something with a surface
To rise to the surface
To come out of hiding
The up-side of a flat object such as a table
{n} the outside of a thing, shallowness
A small plane or surface, usually capable of adjustment but not of manipulation, for preserving lateral balance in an aëroplane or flying machine
put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"
The reverse and obverse of a coin; can also refer to the fields only
To work over the surface or soil of, as ground, in hunting for gold
A work surface is a flat area, for example the top of a table, desk, or kitchen cupboard, on which you can work. It can simply be left on the work surface
A surface is a place in memory to draw a screen before blitting To avoid tearing finish a surface before you blit it
The material that layers the top of the court Tennis court surfaces are often made of concrete, clay or grass
this is always actually what you see - so it is a mistake, and a lost opportunity, not to make full use of it and the qualities (texturing, toolmarks etc) you can give it as a carver
or area or plane, two dimensions
Refers to the texture, both shine and hardness, of a bowling ball
A 3D geometric construction that can partition space, but cannot enclose a volume
The ability of the CAD software to recognize that a closed geometric shape represents a surface of a part Includes recognition of wireframes
That part of the side which is terminated by the flank prolonged, and the angle of the nearest bastion
When you refer to the surface of a situation, you are talking about what can be seen easily rather than what is hidden or not immediately obvious. Back in Britain, things appear, on the surface, simpler Social unrest, never far below the surface in Brazil, has erupted over the last few days
The surface is an irregularly shaped two-dimensional object on which all the stencils have to be placed
Surface is used to describe the parts of the armed forces which travel by ship or by land rather than underwater or in the air. In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small
the outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water"
The texture, both finish and hardness, of a bowling ball
involving a surface only; "her beauty is only skin-deep"; "superficial bruising"; "a surface wound"
RWX command setting surface lighting properties, with ambient, diffuse and specular components
the entire area of a coin, although often used to indicate the field areas only
{i} exterior or upper boundary of a thing, external part or layer; outward appearance
{s} of or pertaining to a surface, external; superficial
the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
Element of System Having no Independent Existence Outside the System
appear or become visible; make a showing; "She turned up at the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface again"
the upper face; superficies; the outside; as, the surface of the earth; the surface of a diamond; the surface of the body
Syn: Dress, plane In machining, plane one or more sides of a board, plank, timber, or other sawed material
{f} provide with a surface; make smooth or even; appear on the surface, rise up to the surface; appear
A magnitude that has length and breadth without thickness; superficies; as, a plane surface; a spherical surface
A solid and vacuum, solid and air, or solid and liquid interface which is under study Depth of analysis depends on the analytical technique being used: Auger, XPS, ToFSIMS: The analysis depth ranges from 5A to 50A EDAX: The analysis depth varies from 100A to 10,000A (1mm)
The surface of something is the flat top part of it or the outside of it. Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth's surface. tiny little waves on the surface of the water Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet
The outside or exterior boundary of any substance
a sheet of paper has two surfaces Homogenous paper has surfaces which are identical or closely similar, differentiated paper has surfaces which are easily distinguished from each other
If someone or something under water surfaces, they come up to the surface of the water. He surfaced, gasping for air
Hence, outward or external appearance
A 2D region in 3D space (Technically, a surface may reside in any space with two or more dimensions, but in the context of computer graphics, it is almost always three ) In Radiance, surfaces are modeled with cones, spheres, and polygons
on the surface; "surface materials of the moon"
The conceptual object created by the function values of a continuous single-valued function of two variables
A representation of geographic information as a set of continuous data in which the map features are not spatially discrete; that is, there is an infinite set of values between any two locations There are no clear or well-defined breaks between possible values of the geographic feature Surfaces can be represented by models built from regularly or irregularly spaced sample points on the surface See also surface model
A two-dimensional area
come to the surface
When something such as a piece of news, a feeling, or a problem surfaces, it becomes known or becomes obvious. The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar = emerge
When someone surfaces, they appear after not being seen for some time, for example because they have been asleep. What time do you surface?. In geometry, a two-dimensional collection of points (flat surface), a three-dimensional collection of points whose cross section is a curve (curved surface), or the boundary of any three-dimensional solid. In general, a surface is a continuous boundary dividing a three-dimensional space into two regions. For example, the surface of a sphere separates the interior from the exterior; a horizontal plane separates the half-plane above it from the half-plane below. Surfaces are often called by the names of the regions they enclose, but a surface is essentially two-dimensional and has an area, while the region it encloses is three-dimensional and has a volume. The attributes of surfaces, and in particular the idea of curvature, are investigated in differential geometry. Outermost layer of a material or substance. Because the particles (atoms or molecules) on the surface have nearest neighbours beside and below but not above, the physical and chemical properties of a surface differ from those of the bulk material; surface chemistry is thus a branch of physical chemistry. The growth of crystals, the actions of catalysts and detergents, and the phenomena of adsorption, surface tension, and capillarity are aspects of behaviour at surfaces. The appearance of the surface, whether achieved with electroplating, paint, oxidation-reduction, bleaching (see bleach), or another means, is aesthetically important
information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface"
That which has length and breadth only
(n) A finite portion of a plane, or the outer face of an object, bounded by an identifiable perimeter A surface represents the path of a moving straight or curved line, called a generatrix The path that the generatrix travels is the directrix In a 3-D model, the topological equivalent of a surface is a face
the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
person can read words phonetically but has problems with whole word recognition (i e yacht - yatchet)
The exterior part of anything that has length and breadth; one of the limits that bound a solid, esp
To give a surface to; especially, to cause to have a smooth or plain surface; to make smooth or plain
a superficial aspect as opposed to the real nature of something; "it was not what it appeared to be on the surface"
come to the surface on the surface; "surface materials of the moon
The top or bottom side of the platter that is coated with the magnetic material for recording data On some drives one surface may be reserved for positioning information
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight
surface area
The total area on the surface of a three-dimensional figure
surface areas
plural form of surface area
surface boundary layer
The portion of the atmosphere lying next to the surface of the earth and extending up to between 50 and 100 meters
surface car
A streetcar (tram, trolley)
surface cars
plural form of surface car
surface clutter
Unwanted radar or sonar wave reflection arising from the land or sea surface

Unwanted echoes usually occur as distributed clutter, as surface clutter (such as land and sea echoes) or as volume clutter (such as rain, chaff).

surface energy
interfacial energy
surface normal
A unit vector at any given point P of a surface M which is perpendicular to the tangent plane TP(M) of M at P. For a surface with parametrization \vec x(u,v) , it is given by
surface of revolution
A surface formed when a given curve is revolved around a given axis. If the resulting surface is a closed one, it also defines a solid of revolution

A torus is a surface of revolution of a circle around an axis which is outside the circle.

surface plasmon
A quantized electromagnetic wave trapped at a metallic surface through interaction with the free electrons of the metal
surface quality
a numerical description of the flatness or roughness of a surface, especially an optical or machined surface
surface runoff
Overland flow of excess water (with or without accumulated contaminants) that cannot be absorbed by the ground as infiltration

When there is very heavy rainfall on California hillsides over a prolonged period, there is almost always ensuing surface runoff.

surface ship
A military (naval) vessel designed for operation on the marine surface, as distinguished from a submarine or other types of vessels
surface tension
a measure of this effect
surface tension
the effect on the surface of a liquid that makes it behave as a stretched elastic membrane; it is caused by unbalanced intermolecular forces
surface water
Water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, sea or ocean, as opposed to groundwater
capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid
surface-conduction electron-emitter display
a flat panel display technology that uses surface conduction electron emitters to provide electrons for every pixel. The electrons strike coloured phosphors to produce a colour image. In a general sense, an SED consists of a matrix of cathode ray tubes, each tube producing a single pixel
fired from the ground, or from a ship, at an aircraft in flight, or at an incoming missile
surface-to-air missile
A ground-based anti-aircraft missile
surface acting
Hiding one’s inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions in response to display rules
surface loading rate
(Mühendislik) The surface loading rate is a hydraulic loading factor expressed in terms of flow per surface area. This factor is also referred to as the “surface settling rate” or “surface overflow rate.”
surface overflow rate
(Mühendislik) The surface loading rate is a hydraulic loading factor expressed in terms of flow per surface area. This factor is also referred to as the “surface settling rate” or “surface overflow rate.”
surface settling rate
(Mühendislik) The surface loading rate is a hydraulic loading factor expressed in terms of flow per surface area. This factor is also referred to as the “surface settling rate” or “surface overflow rate.”
Surface-to-Surface Missile
SSM, missile that is launched from ground level and is intended to strike a target that is also located on the ground
surface area
the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"
surface area
Measure of the amount of surface presented by a catalyst particle to a reaction system Many catalysts have surface areas in excess of 100 M2/gm
surface area
  Refers to the area of a target closest to the searchcoil where eddy current generation can take place
surface area
The sum of the areas of all the faces or surfaces that enclose a solid (Lesson 9 7)
surface area
Refers to the area of a target closest to the searchcoil where eddy current generation can take place
surface area
The surface of a material available for absorption to take place
surface area
The area of the solid particles in a given quantity of soil or porous medium (i) BET surface area is that area on which gas molecules, such as N2 or O2, can adsorb which normally does not include the planar surface of expanding clays such as smectites (ii) EGME surface area is that area on which ethylene glycol monoethyl ether can adsorb which normally includes the planar surface of expanding clays such as smectites See also specific surface
surface area
The surface area of granular activated carbon is empirically determined by the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller Method (BET Method), which utilizes the adsorption of nitrogen at liquid nitrogen temperature in the calculation Surface area is usually expressed in square meters per gram of carbon
surface area
This column provides information on the lake size of a lake in acres
surface area
A two-dimensional measurement of the size of the surface of an object
surface area
A measure of the number of square units needed to cover the outside of a figure (cfSurface Area and Volume Discussions)
surface area
the amount of two dimensional space on the face of an object
surface area
The effective surface area of a typical wound core available to dissipate heat
surface area
The perimeter of an individual fiber filament or multiple filaments
surface area
the sum of the areas of all the shapes that form an object -- "What is the surface area of a cube with an edge that measures 12 4 mm?" (258)
surface area
(n) the area accupied by an object: ex the amount of carpet to cover a floor would be determined by the surface area of the floor; the sum of the areas of all the surfaces of an object
surface area
The "frontal area" of an electrode doing the primary EDM cutting Also the corresponding area of the workpiece Usually expressed in square inches (in2) in the US
surface area
{i} physical size of a 2-dimensional surface contained within a border, area (e.g.: The room was about 10 square meters in area")
surface area
the area of the outside of an object that can be measured
surface area
The wetted area of the lake, excluding islands, in hectares at the time of the survey as calculated from a bathymetric map Most surveys include wetlands surrounding the lake, but some may not Some surveys may treat two or more small lakes as a single unit and the single surface area represents all the lakes surveyed Surveys are done at different times of the year and over many years A particular surface area measurement may have been taken during the spring runoff after a high snowfall winter or in late summer after several drought years Also, the methods of calculating surface have improved over the years
surface area
the total area in contact between two heterogeneous states of matter that are in contact Surface area increase with the subdivision of particles For example, crushing and grinding a solid will increase its surface area, as will shaking two immiscible liquids The increase of surface area on subdivision is illustrated in the following diagram
surface finish
The relative roughness or smoothness of the surface texture produced be EDMing Usually neasured in microinches  Ra, in the U S
surface finish
A number which designates the smothness of a surface in Ra (roughness average)
surface finish
The texture produced by the last treatment or coating on the surface of an object, especially on the mating surface contacted by the seal
surface finish
Measurement of texture of drum or rotor after cut Expressed in microinches
surface fire
a forest fire that burns only the surface litter and undergrowth
surface gauge
gauge consisting of a scriber mounted on an adjustable stand; used to test the accuracy of plane surfaces
surface integral
In calculus, the integral of a function of several variables calculated over a surface. For functions of a single variable, definite integrals are calculated over intervals on the x-axis and result in areas. For functions of two variables, the simplest double integrals are calculated over rectangular regions and result in volumes. More generally, an integral calculated over a plane or curved surface results in a surface integral representing a volume, though it also has many nongeometric applications
surface lift
A ski lift, such as a T-bar, that conveys skiers up a slope without raising them off the ground
surface lift
a ski tow that pulls skiers up a slope without lifting them off the ground
surface loading
The weight supported per square unit of surface; the quotient obtained by dividing the gross weight, in pounds, of a fully loaded flying machine, by the total area, in square feet, of its supporting surface
surface mail
mail that is sent by land or sea
surface mail
Surface mail is the system of sending letters and parcels by road, rail, or sea, not by air. the system of sending letters or packages by land or sea, rather than by air
surface mount technology
method of assembling printed circuit boards where the components are mounted onto the surface of the board rather than being inserted into holes in the board
surface mount technology
printed circuitry in which surface mounted component leads are soldered to the top level conductors of the PCB
surface mount technology
The technology used when components are mounted to the surface of circuit boards Surface mount technology allows smaller component size, improves signal speed, increases reliability and automation in manufacturing, and requires less handling of parts
surface mount technology
A technique of assembling SMDs or SMCs on the surface of PCBs and PWAs, as opposed to wiring them through holes Surface mount technology offers a number of important advantages, but also some disadvantages, such as difficulty in defluxing under certain types of SMD
surface mount technology
Board assemblies using leaded and leadless electronic components
surface mount technology
A method of assembling hybrid circuits and printed wiring boards where component parts are mounted onto, rather than into, the printed-wiring boards, as in the mounting components on substrates in hybrid technology
surface mount technology
The process of assembling printed circuit boards with components soldered to the surface rather than to plated through-holes
surface mount technology
A method of soldering electrical components directly to a board substrate that uses less space than the pin-through-hole method
surface noise
noise produced by the friction of the stylus of a record player moving over the rotating record
surface of revolution
A surface generated by revolving a plane curve about an axis in its plane
surface rendering
an indirect technique used for visualizing volume primitives by first converting them into an intermediate surface representation (see surface reconstruction) and then using conventional computer graphics techniques to render them [KAU91]
surface search radar
a naval radar to search for surface targets
surface ship
a warship that operates on the surface of the water
surface structure
In generative grammar, the structure that corresponds with the actual form of a sentence
surface structure
analysis of a sentence by its structure without considering previous circumstances
surface tension
Particles lying below this film, being equally acted on from all sides, are in equilibrium as to forces of cohesion, but those in the film are on the whole attracted inward, and tension results
surface tension
the contractile surface force of a liquid by which it tends to assume a spherical form and to present the least possible surface It is expressed in dynes/cm or ergs/cm2
surface tension
a phenomenon at the surface of a liquid caused by intermolecular forces
surface tension
An inward tension acting to make a surface as small as possible It appears when a surface has extra potential energy
surface tension
A property of liquids arising from unbalanced molecular cohesive forces at or near the surface, as a result of which the surface tends to contract and has properties resembling those of a stretched elastic membrane
surface tension
The energy required to expand the surface of liquid by unit area Liquids tend to reduce their surface area due to unequal intermolecular attractive forces in this region A low degree of surface tension is preferred for liquid coatings to maximize adhesion and minimize edge-pull and fish-eye effects
surface tension
Energy per unit area
surface tension
is the force per unit length used to overcome the microscopic forces between molecules at the liquid-air interfaces is the force per unit length used to overcome the microscopic forces between molecules at the liquid-air interfaces
surface tension
The inherent molecular attraction in liquids that causes them to diminish their surface area and thereby exhibit properties resembling those of a stretched elastic membrane
surface tension
The force that controls the shape of a liquid Surface tension results from the force of a cohesion between liquid molecules
surface tension
The thickness of this film, amounting to less than a thousandth of a millimeter, is considered to equal the radius of the sphere of molecular action, that is, the greatest distance at which there is cohesion between two particles
surface tension
The work required to expand the surface of a liquid by unit area
surface tension
the property, due to molecular forces, by which all liquids through contraction of the surface tend to bring the contained volume into a form having the least area If an ink is to be compatible with a substrate, the surface tension of the ink must approximate that of the substrate surface Measured in dynes/cm
surface tension
a property of liquids arising from unbalanced molecular cohesive forces at or near the surface, as a result of which the suftace tends to contract and has properties resembling those of a stretched elastic membrane
surface tension
the tension of the surface film of the liquid, tending to minimize its surface area
surface tension
the property, due to molecular forces in the surface film, that tends to contract the liquid into a form having the least surface/volume ratio
surface tension
The property (measured in dynes per centimeter) by which all liquids through contraction of the surface tend to bring the contained volume into a form having the least area If an ink is to be compatible with a sustrate, the surface tension of the ink must be close to that of the substrate
surface tension
(noun) The contracting force on the skin of a liquid Acts like a rubber balloon on a liquid droplet, for example, and will exert a force to form a three dimensional shape of the smallest surface energy, e g , a sphere
surface tension
the attraction of molecules to each other on a liquid's surface Thus, a barrier is created between the air and the liquid
surface tension
– the ratio of the surface force to the length along which it acts
surface tension
That property, due to molecular forces, which exists in the surface film of all liquids and tends to bring the contained volume into a form having the least superficial area
surface tension
The attraction of a liquid for any material with which it has contact A high surface tension means low attraction and a low surface tension means a high degree of attraction Water has a high surface tension so it beads on wax paper If you add soap to the water it reduces the surface tension and causes the water to penetrate the wax paper
surface tension
The property (measured in dynes per centimeter) by which all liquids, through contraction of their surface, forcing the contained volume into a form having the least possible area In order to be compatible, ink must have a surface tension close to that of the substrate
surface tension
Tension of a liquid's surface Due to the forces of attraction between molecules
surface tension
The contracting force per unit length around the perimeter of a surface is usually referred to as surface tension if the surface separates gas from liquid or solid phases, and interfacial tension if the surface separates two nongaseous phases Surface tension can also be expressed in units of energy per unit surface area For practical purposes surface tension is frequently taken to reflect the change in surface free energy per unit increase in surface area
surface tension
the way the molecules in the surface of a liquid stick together so that the surface is held together. Property of a liquid surface that causes it to act like a stretched elastic membrane (see elasticity). Its strength depends on the forces of attraction among the particles of the liquid itself and with the particles of the gas, solid, or liquid with which it comes in contact. Surface tension allows certain insects to stand on the surface of water and can support a razor blade placed horizontally on the liquid's surface, even though the blade may be denser than the liquid and unable to float. Surface tension results in spherical drops of liquid, as the liquid tends to minimize its surface area
surface tension
the resistance of a liquid to an increase in its surface area
surface tension
Property of liquidus created by molecular forces existing in the surface film It tends to contract the volume into a form with the least surface area Breakdown of surface tension can be accomplished by addition of certain chemical agents, resulting in the liquid flowing out and wetting surrounding material surfaces One of the functions of flux in the soldering process is to breakdown surface tension of solder, thereby causing solder to wet metal surfaces to be jointed Surface tension is higher in nitrogen than in air
surface to air missile
missile launched from the ground and directed to destroy an airborne target, SAM
surface treatment
A general term denoting a treatment involving a modification of the surface
surface treatment
The process of adding functional groups to carbon fibers via electrolytic oxidation is called
surface treatment
Treating the surface of paper or board with size or coating colour
surface treatment
Conditioning the substrate before coating through grit blast, phosphate, etc May include the removal of a coating (See Burn-off)
surface water
Bodies of water that are above ground, such as rivers, lakes, and streams It could also include wetland areas where water may be present intermittently according to the season It can also mean the snow melt or rain which is flowing on the ground surface
surface water
Water that flows in streams, rivers, natural lakes, wetlands, and reservoirs
surface water
Water located above ground in lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, oceans, etc Surface water is open to the atmosphere and subject to run-off
surface water
Water found at the earth's surface, usually in streams or lakes
surface water
Commonly known as water on the surface of the ground usually created by rain or snow, which is of a casual or vagrant character, following no definite course and having no substantial or permanent existence Some insurance policy may include surface water as a covered peril but exclude "flood" when defined as the overflowing of water from its natural boundaries, such as a lake or river
surface water
The water that rests on top of the earth in streams, lakes, rivers, oceans and reservoirs
surface water
Water that flows in streams and rivers and in natural lakes, in wetlands, and in reservoirs constructed by humans
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc ) and all springs, wells, or other collectors directly influenced by surface water
surface water
The water from sources open to the atmosphere, such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc )
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere, including rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs
surface water
Water that flows on the surface of the ground in streams, creeks, or springs
surface water
water source located above the surface of the ground
surface water
All bodies of water on the surface of the earth
surface water
water found on the surface of the ground (rivers, lakes, streams, ponds)
surface water
Water on the earth's surface exposed to the atmosphere, e g , rivers, lakes, streams, oceans, ponds, reservoirs, etc
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere
surface water
The water in lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and oceans
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere, concerning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries and wetlands
surface water
water located above ground (e g , rivers, lakes)
surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc ); also refers to springs, wells, or other collectors which are directly influenced by surface water
surface water
All lakes, bays, rivers, streams, springs, ponds, impounding reservoirs, wetlands, swamps, marshes, water sources, drainage systems, and other surface waters, natural or artificial, public or private, within the state or under its jurisdiction that are not a part of a treatment system allowed by state law, regulation, or permit
surface water
Water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff; generally, lakes, streams, rivers, reservoirs
surface water
All water open to the atmosphere (e g , rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries) and all springs, wells, or other collectors that are directly influenced by surface water
surface water
Water that is found on the land surface in free-flowing rivers and streams or stored in lakes, reservoirs and ponds
surface wind
breeze on the surface, wind on the surface
surface wound
superficial wound, wound which is not severe
capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid; used especially of detergents
operating from or designed to be launched from the ground against an airborne target; "surface-to-air missiles
Surface-to-air missiles are fired from the ground or a boat and aimed at aircraft or at other missiles
surface-to-air missile
a guided missile fired from land or shipboard against an airborne target
surface-to-air missile
a missile that is fired at planes from the land or from a ship
surface-to-air missile system
the shipboard system that fires missiles at aircraft
Surface-to-surface missiles are fired from the ground or a boat and aimed at targets on the ground or at other boats. The surface-to-surface missiles were fired from the west of the capital
surface-to-surface missile
a missile that is fired from land or a ship at another point on land or at another ship
Fermi surface
An abstract boundary, of constant energy, useful for predicting the thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of metals, semimetals, and doped semiconductors
Riemann surface
a one-dimensional complex manifold; a generalization of the complex plane
Seifert surface
An orientable surface whose boundary is a given link
fired from an aircraft at a target on land or water
caustic surface
A surface to which rays reflected or refracted by another surface are tangents

Caustic curves and surfaces are called catacaustic when formed by reflection, and diacaustic when formed by refraction.

control surface
A moveable surface attached to a machine such as an aircraft or submarine that can be used to control the machine's motion in roll, pitch or yaw

Before flight its is vital to ensure all control surfaces are clear of obstruction and can move smoothly and freely.

datum surface
A surface on a workpiece that establishes a datum
developable surface
A surface (in more than two dimensions, a plane is trivially developable) that can be flattened into a plane without distortion
equipotential surface
Any n-dimensional surface (or line) having a constant scalar potential
faying surface
Either of a pair of surfaces that are in contact, or in close proximity, and are to be connected, especially by welding
minimal surface
Any surface that has the least possible surface area of those into which it could transform; typically the shapes of soap bubbles that span wire frames
minimal surface
Any surface of vanishing mean curvature. Includes, but is not restricted to, surfaces of minimal area, as given by some boundary conditions
overspray surface texture
In SPF roofing, a condition of the foam in which the surface shows a linear course textured pattern and/or a pebbled surface. This surface is generally downwind of the sprayed polyurethane path and, if severe, unacceptable for proper coating and protection
scratch the surface
To barely begin; to see or do only a fraction of what is possible

This course only scratches the surface of the subject.

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