Sözde benim arkadaşım olacak birinin, benim hakkımda böyle şeyler söyleyebileceğine inanamıyorum.
- I can't believe that someone who's supposed to be my friend would say things like that about me.
Tom sözde yatak odasını temizliyor.
- Tom is supposedly cleaning his bedroom.
Bu figürün Marilyn Monroe'yu temsil ettiği varsayılır, ama onun adaletini temsil ettiğini sanmıyorum.
- This figure is supposed to represent Marilyn Monroe, but I don't think it does her justice.
Sekreterim güya araştırma yapmış.
- This is supposedly research which my secretary did.
Varsay ki baban bizi birlikte gördü ne dersin?
- Suppose your father saw us together, what would he say?
Onun geri geldiğini varsay, ona ne söylerdin?
- Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her?
Söylendiğine göre Japonya'da evcil hayvan olarak bir penguen besleyen insanlar var.
- Supposedly there are people in Japan who keep a penguin as a pet.
Söylendiğine göre küçükken ben şeftaliden başka bir şey yememişim.
- When I was little, I supposedly ate nothing but peaches.
Mary sözde iş için Boston'daydı ama Tom onu dün gece New York'ta gördüğünü iddia etti.
- Mary was supposedly on business in Boston, but Tom claimed to have seen her in New York last night.
Sözde bir durgunluk içinde olmamıza rağmen bu Altın Hafta tatilinde rekor sayıda insan yurt dışında seyahat ediyor.
- Even though we're supposedly in a recession, people are traveling abroad in record numbers this Golden Week holiday.
The phone is supposed to help us save time.
The phone is supposed to come with a manual.
The movie is supposed to be good.
Jesus is the supposed son of God.
I am not supposed to smoke there.
I am supposed to report to the police every week.
I suppose we all agree that this is the best solution.
... the game is supposed to be played. ...
... supposed to be in stress response in emergencies. ...