(Askeri) KÜKÜRTLÜ HİDROJEN: Hidrojen ve kükürtün, kimyasal olarak birleşmesinden meydana gelen gaz. Bu gaz, havadan ağırdır ve çürük yumurtayı andıran bir kokusu vardır. Az miktarda olduğu zaman tahriş eder; yoğun olursa zehirlidir. Kimyasal bir madde olarak başlı başına kullanılmamakla beraber, mermilerin patlamasında ve bazı kimyasal muamelelerde teşekkül eder
A sulfide is a cameo visualization of a candidate or party symbol set on an enameled surface Sulfides were in vogue as campaign brooches during the Jackson, Van Buren, and William Henry Harrison contests They were also used as paperweights, perfume bottles, and marbles in later campaigns
or sulphide mineral Any member of a group of compounds of sulfur with one or more metals. The metals that occur most commonly are iron, copper, nickel, lead, cobalt, silver, and zinc. They are the ore minerals of most metals used by industry (e.g., antimony, bismuth, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc). Other industrially important metals such as cadmium and selenium occur in trace amounts in numerous common sulfides and are recovered in refining processes
sul·phide sulphides in AM, use sulfide A sulphide is a compound of sulphur with some other chemical elements. hydrogen sulphide. sulfide a mixture of sulphur with another substance
A yellow to white crystalline compound, ZnS, occurring naturally as sphalerite and wurtzite, and used as a phosphor and as a pigment in the manufacture of paper